EU domestic source talk

Oh yeah, link some studies that say it cures cancer lol. U don't know how to consult or extrapolate any good info. If you don't know how to put study in a contest they are useless.
well, there ARE papers that show it kills cancer cells.
what you talk about carcinogenic etc is nothing but mainstream talk coming from people that have no clue.
long term side-effects are not known right now because they have not been studied. It could be carcinogenic long-term, but there is no proof for that.
It has also a host of favorable feats like restoring insulin sensitivity like nothing else etc.
but of course it isnt the most pleasent thing to run and they are dangers. Enough care and preparation should be enough to avoid those mostly though.
well, there ARE papers that show it kills cancer cells.
what you talk about carcinogenic etc is nothing but mainstream talk coming from people that have no clue.
long term side-effects are not known right now because they have not been studied. It could be carcinogenic long-term, but there is no proof for that.
It has also a host of favorable feats like restoring insulin sensitivity like nothing else etc.
but of course it isnt the most pleasent thing to run and they are dangers. Enough care and preparation should be enough to avoid those mostly though.
Lol in vitro literally anything kills cancer cells. I told you, take the study and extrapolate in a determined contest. Dnp has a big potential to cause cancer due to oxydative stress that put on your body. But yes let's ingest an explosive/herbicide cuz it's soooo gooddd
Lol in vitro literally anything kills cancer cells. I told you, take the study and extrapolate in a determined contest. Dnp has a big potential to cause cancer due to oxydative stress that put on your body. But yes let's ingest an explosive/herbicide cuz it's soooo gooddd
you are twisting words, something one shouldnt do when discussing scientific topics. Nowhere did i say that its "soooo good". But what you state as facts is not proven and there are papers that even suggest the opposite - but as i said, definite proofs are still not there.
read this paper for example
you are twisting words, something one shouldnt do when discussing scientific topics. Nowhere did i say that its "soooo good". But what you state as facts is not proven and there are papers that even suggest the opposite - but as i said, definite proofs are still not there.
read this paper for example
I think you don't understand half of what Is written in the paper without offence. You can't post me the first study you find and furthemost done by University of Cuba lol. Guys if you don't know how to extrapolate data from a study don't rush to post it. And second the study has been done in VITRO not in VIVO which is a totally different think. Third in the remote possibilty that can "cure" cancer ( big word here) it's only in patience who are affected first, in healthly human it's a different story and has all the papers on the table to be a carcinogenic compound especially on chronic use. Also one guy was arrested for fraud for using this compound as anticancer, u can check online.
I think you don't understand half of what Is written in the paper without offence. You can't post me the first study you find and furthemost done by University of Cuba lol. Guys if you don't know how to extrapolate data from a study don't rush to post it. And second the study has been done in VITRO not in VIVO which is a totally different think. Third in the remote possibilty that can "cure" cancer ( big word here) it's only in patience who are affected first, in healthly human it's a different story and has all the papers on the table to be a carcinogenic compound especially on chronic use. Also one guy was arrested for fraud for using this compound as anticancer, u can check online.
i understand pretty well what is written there.
you are talking in absolutes, me isnt.. this is the big difference between us both. I can post whatever SUGGESTS that DNP MIGHT be a cure to cancer.
You are posting nothing scientific at all stating what you have told, which is that it is a carcinogenic.
but i am out here regarding this topic . Discussing with you is leading to nowhere since you are absolutely convinced by what youve heard and you do not even try it seems..
i understand pretty well what is written there.
you are talking in absolutes, me isnt.. this is the big difference between us both. I can post whatever SUGGESTS that DNP MIGHT be a cure to cancer.
You are posting nothing scientific at all stating what you have told, which is that it is a carcinogenic.
but i am out here regarding this topic . Discussing with you is leading to nowhere since you are absolutely convinced by what youve heard and you do not even try it seems..
Post me your degree in molecular biology and only then I will shut my mouth up lol. And then you posted me an article from University of Cuba? Lol ahahahahah geez man, go back sleep and let's give cancer patient DNP it's cures it!
Post me your degree in molecular biology and only then I will shut my mouth up lol. And then you posted me an article from University of Cuba? Lol ahahahahah geez man, go back sleep and let's give cancer patient DNP it's cures it!
i only have a degree in electronical engineering, so i pass here..
you are pretty dense. I am telling you for the 15th time that i have NEVER stated anywhere that its a fact that it cures cancer. I merely posted that there are papers that SUGGEST it MIGHT be worth exploring in more depth.
NOW Mr. molecular biology, can you please post your studies (i even take a paper from a uni in cuba) that states as a fact that it is carcinogenic?
i understand pretty well what is written there.
you are talking in absolutes, me isnt.. this is the big difference between us both. I can post whatever SUGGESTS that DNP MIGHT be a cure to cancer.
You are posting nothing scientific at all stating what you have told, which is that it is a carcinogenic.
but i am out here regarding this topic . Discussing with you is leading to nowhere since you are absolutely convinced by what youve heard and you do not even try it seems..
Broddy, i am not assuming that dnp is indeed carcinogenic but the effects it has on animal and human body, more precisely his cytotoxic effect that cause cancer.
Guys the thing is... Any person with a functional brain would understand that the possible side effect of DNP are not worth the benefit. I mean neuropathy hello??? Have you seen the stories of ppl having needles pain all over their feets or legs for MONTHS! for what? Melting fat? Don't be a lazy fuck and eat less and burn more calories as everyone does.

I mean come on... DNP really? If it wasn't for the side effect I would understand... But the pros cons ratio is fucked up!

So who give a fuck if it's carcinogenic or anti tumoral... It doesn't matter!
Guys the thing is... Any person with a functional brain would understand that the possible side effect of DNP are not worth the benefit. I mean neuropathy hello??? Have you seen the stories of ppl having needles pain all over their feets or legs for MONTHS! for what? Melting fat? Don't be a lazy fuck and eat less and burn more calories as everyone does.

I mean come on... DNP really? If it wasn't for the side effect I would understand... But the pros cons ratio is fucked up!

So who give a fuck if it's carcinogenic or anti tumoral... It doesn't matter!
Yes that's fine and that's the reason why only few study are available and the one that are available are IN VITRO, totally different stories
Guys the thing is... Any person with a functional brain would understand that the possible side effect of DNP are not worth the benefit. I mean neuropathy hello??? Have you seen the stories of ppl having needles pain all over their feets or legs for MONTHS! for what? Melting fat? Don't be a lazy fuck and eat less and burn more calories as everyone does.

I mean come on... DNP really? If it wasn't for the side effect I would understand... But the pros cons ratio is fucked up!

So who give a fuck if it's carcinogenic or anti tumoral... It doesn't matter!
Never heard one story about that. Only thing that I know can cause is some eye issues (cataracts) but from oxidation not from taking the actual substance
As far as I recall DNP can reduce the cancer cells due to stopping feeding them with glucose.
But that discussion has no point as is not the reason why anyone take DNP
As far as I recall DNP can reduce the cancer cells due to stopping feeding them with glucose.
But that discussion has no point as is not the reason why anyone take DNP
Yes, and this could be true if YOU have already cancer. But if you don't have and you are healthy guess what can do. As you said it's the oxydation that has dnp that is the problem anyways it's a no go substance expecially if you use others PED. Health is only one, but in the end your life your choice
Never heard one story about that. Only thing that I know can cause is some eye issues (cataracts) but from oxidation not from taking the actual substance
Never heard one story? Lol the fucking web is full of it. Go have a look at it. Google is your friend. Reddit as an extensive dnp section
I will gladly leave the rest to @M. Tugboat and @M@NU because I feel you are in good hands with them but in regards to "lol, Cuba" - here is what the pro-communist, left-wing propaganda outlet "Times" has to say:
You can't post me the first study you find and furthemost done by University of Cuba lol.

TIME Magazine said:
But how did Cuba ... become a world leader in sought-after medical expertise?

Why does Cuba have such good healthcare?

Cuba’s medical export business has its roots in ... Universal healthcare and free education were fundamental to Castro’s project. “They were the two big investments of the revolution,” says Mark Keller, a Cuba expert at the Economist Intelligence Unit. “So Cuba has a really well-educated population and a surfeit of doctors.” Life expectancy on the island is higher than in the U.S. and Cubans have almost more than three times as many doctors per capita.
Instead of taking DNP, why dont you just get your ass on a fucking treadmill?

just seems like a massive cop out when a bit of hard work does the job just fine...
Instead of taking DNP, why dont you just get your ass on a fucking treadmill?
just seems like a massive cop out when a bit of hard work does the job just fine...
Leaving aside, that the same could be said for probably more than half of the steroid users, this isn't the point of the discussion at all.