EU domestic source talk

Post me your degree in molecular biology and only then I will shut my mouth up lol. And then you posted me an article from University of Cuba? Lol ahahahahah geez man, go back sleep and let's give cancer patient DNP it's cures it!
God, you are fucking annoying. Each and every single one of your posts.
Just take the L already
Loss of what, a loss against a foolish guy who think that DNP next omnicure for all the major illness. I still remain on my ideas that you didn't understand one word of what you have posted expecially taking random studies throught the web and posting them. Cheer and good Sunday, next year we will see DNP in all major cancer treatment because Mr Assboat has posted studies. Ahahah
Loss of what, a loss against a foolish guy who think that DNP next omnicure for all the major illness. I still remain on my ideas that you didn't understand one word of what you have posted expecially taking random studies throught the web and posting them. Cheer and good Sunday, next year we will see DNP in all major cancer treatment because Mr Assboat has posted studies. Ahahah

All that blabbering and still no studies posted that show that DNP is carcinogenic
All that blabbering and still no studies posted that show that DNP is carcinogenic
Brodda it's good take it. It's next level cure, and I will not post any studies regarding DNPas cancer treatment, hyperthermia treatment for cancer beacuse u posted lot of studies to counter my hypothesis. U welcome Mr BioMaster
Brodda it's good take it. It's next level cure, and I will not post any studies regarding DNPas cancer treatment, hyperthermia treatment for cancer beacuse u posted lot of studies to counter my hypothesis. U welcome Mr BioMaster

You got no hypothesis, you're just talking about stories on the Internet with no studies to back it up.

The studies I posted could be 1000 years old and they'd still be better than no studies at all.
Lol they are useless unless you use human peptides analogue. Hard to find and pricey, u need permission and paper statements. It's like the igf diatriba. The only one that works is Recombinant Human IGF-1 which costs lot of money and really hard to get unless as I said you have a laboratory, or you work/study in the bio sector. Gg really are clueless. Get out of here man. I mean you said DNP increases oxidative stress loool
Anyways I dunno why you keep defending a fucking useless compound who has been banned in every known country proposing it as the cure for major illness ahahah you crazy ass bitches lol. I have no more time to waste, wanna take it go for it but don't stay here and tell everyone that is a GOOD compound don't do fucking misinformation.
Anyways I dunno why you keep defending a fucking useless compound who has been banned in every known country proposing it as the cure for major illness ahahah you crazy ass bitches lol. I have no more time to waste, wanna take it go for it but don't stay here and tell everyone that is a GOOD compound don't do fucking misinformation.
You're the one that spreads misinformation by saying that it's carcinogenic.
Any reliable sources for SP/Balkan now that ashop isn’t selling them inside the EU? I’ve been wanting to try the SP Labs Mtren tabs for some time but there’s a lack of mtren products in general it seems.
Anyways I dunno why you keep defending a fucking useless compound who has been banned in every known country proposing it as the cure for major illness ahahah you crazy ass bitches lol. I have no more time to waste, wanna take it go for it but don't stay here and tell everyone that is a GOOD compound don't do fucking misinformation.
Its banned because its very easy to overdose it.
can we just stop the DNP discussion completely here?
I guess we have two camps with different opinions where neither gives in on the others opinion. So its a waste of energy..
Any reliable sources for SP/Balkan now that ashop isn’t selling them inside the EU? I’ve been wanting to try the SP Labs Mtren tabs for some time but there’s a lack of mtren products in general it seems.
Mactropin has mtren. But it's not good compound, really toxic and at the dosage u need to take its anabolic effect are bland