EU domestic source talk

Man is your ear still hurting for the fuck that I did deliver last time?

If you both think I didn't read that study and didn't know that of course that was an extreme example but still a clear one that dnp neurophaty is not an alien story like the little fuck tard kept saying and that dnp has no fucking use for anyone that doesn't earn money from his physique and even there makes little sense you are clearly more stupid then I thought.

Go ask ppl like Millard or wildcat or any other serious big guy here with great physique and low bf how many times or if they ever used DNP!

You know who use DNP? Fucking lazy ppl with no fucking willpower.

I'm all for using peds but there is definitely a limit that should be respected, ingesting poison to lose fat when you can have similar effect in a more healthy way just with more time and hardwork... Makes no fucking sense for the average joe. So keep using dnp, I beg you please to use it as much as you can, is always good to know that sooner or later you are gonna decrease the world population ;)

Thing is that little shit like you bring a bad name to this world, ppl that instead of trying to use Peds in the most healthy and conscious way they just take anything they can to not put the hard work.

Go ask OGH if he ever used DNP. Go look the 50+ ppl how they cycle and what they learned from their past experience, I mean why am I fucking losing time arguing with these idiots

I'm not so different from you I guess, I'm an idiot myself
Read my post again @Sampei you moronic piece of shit. I'm against DNP use. God you can't even comprehend a post let alone a research paper you dumb fuck.
Anyways DNP is a dangerous compound, it tend also to bioaccumulate in the brain and not much study about it since it's banned in every know country due to its high toxicity. I dunno if in bodybuilding is useful since it inibit muscle growth (no ATP, no growth). There are safer compound which one can count on...
Another unsubstantiated claim.
Even if is inhibit growth you will take for max 2 weeks to get the results and then is done
people new to DNP don't get this. I agree if you choose to take DNP, only go with 14 days max. Even 10 days is good enough for results.
The problem not tied to any research is what the end user actually gets. Is it dosed correctly? Major issues can arise with abuse and with improper dosing.
Pair this with newbs thinking they should up the dose because they don't feel anything yet and they can end up in a world of hurt.
people new to DNP don't get this. I agree if you choose to take DNP, only go with 14 days max. Even 10 days is good enough for results.
The problem not tied to any research is what the end user actually gets. Is it dosed correctly? Major issues can arise with abuse and with improper dosing.
Pair this with newbs thinking they should up the dose because they don't feel anything yet and they can end up in a world of hurt.
plus idiots thinking it is a good idea to do cardio in the heat or overtrain while taking it.
i am still the opinion.. take it for 2 weeks, 250mg first week, 500mg second week, eat PSMF and only do 2 short intense sessions a week. Dont unnecessarily stress your body while on with stupid amount of cardio which leads to hyperthermia and deyhdration. Let DNP and diet do the work
Here is a review of all potential side effect on every human part ranging from respiratory to neurological. I will stop posting since all have broscience in the blood here I am tired of replying expecially to @BK2THEFUTURE since talking shit about DNP is like fucking his ass (should hurt so bad mam). Now don't tag me or quote me again.
Here is a review of all potential side effect on every human part ranging from respiratory to neurological. I will stop posting since all have broscience in the blood here I am tired of replying expecially to @BK2THEFUTURE since talking shit about DNP is like fucking his ass (should hurt so bad mam). Now don't tag me or quote me again.
Good add but I don't think a dumb fuck like @Sampei will be able to comprehend past the intro page.
Many of the studies seen in here are very old but there are some past 2000s. Table 2.1 is a nice quick look into effects.
Doses are all over the place amongst studies as are time on DNP. The later references are confined to case studies which often show abuse. Hard to correlate to what would be considered in our community non-abusive use but enough to point out the dangers of DNP especially to people who know absolutely nothing about it.
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Here is a review of all potential side effect on every human part ranging from respiratory to neurological. I will stop posting since all have broscience in the blood here I am tired of replying expecially to @BK2THEFUTURE since talking shit about DNP is like fucking his ass (should hurt so bad mam). Now don't tag me or quote me again.
You didn't even read your own link did you
You didn't even read your own link did you
Yes I have read, and the thing that bounced me at first sight is that your ass burns sooo much I think that's why u like DNP easy anal penetration. Once people used Popper now they will start using DNP. Now shut your fucking mouth and don't tag me again. You taking the question on a personal level now. I told you show me your biochemistry degree then I will shut my fucking mouth dumbass.
Good add but I don't think a dumb fuck like @Sampei will be able to comprehend past the intro page.
Many of the studies seen in here are very old but there are some past 2000s. Table 2.1 is a nice quick look into effects.
Yes like the ones that the other guy posted some page ago. Those I posted summarize really well.
Yes I have read, and the thing that bounced me at first sight is that your ass burns sooo much I think that's why u like DNP easy anal penetration. Once people used Popper now they will start using DNP. Now shut your fucking mouth and don't tag me again. You taking the question on a personal level now. I told you show me your biochemistry degree then I will shut my fucking mouth dumbass.
man posting links disproving his own comments. Clearly says no carcinogenic affects found and nowhere does it state anything close to it bioaccumilating in the brain.

We are talking about DNP not Mercury
I am baffled how people think DNP is safe to use.... You obviously didn't watch videos of people like Skip Hill who nearly died on DNP (Lowest dose too) or bodybuilders like Guy Cisternino who ended up at the hospital from a reaction to it.

Keep playing with fire and believe what you want. Any drug that has a limit based on you tolerate it and is near the max effective dose and knowing if you cross it you are in big trouble, is a BIG NO for me.
Is not safe neither healthy is very effective for his use in bodybuilding. Can be use in a safety way by someone with experience in the field not by a guy who step in a gym and don't respect the power of the drugs.
That been said use it carefully and knowing what you are doing is a safety approach to this drug.
If you don't want don't take it as is not a must by any means
I am baffled how people think DNP is safe to use.... You obviously didn't watch videos of people like Skip Hill who nearly died on DNP (Lowest dose too) or bodybuilders like Guy Cisternino who ended up at the hospital from a reaction to it.

Keep playing with fire and believe what you want. Any drug that has a limit based on you tolerate it and is near the max effective dose and knowing if you cross it you are in big trouble, is a BIG NO for me.
You don't just 'cross' the maximum dose.

Peanuts are deadly in minutes to some people.
man posting links disproving his own comments. Clearly says no carcinogenic affects found and nowhere does it state anything close to it bioaccumilating in the brain.

We are talking about DNP not Mercury

man posting links disproving his own comments. Clearly says no carcinogenic affects found and nowhere does it state anything close to it bioaccumilating in the brain.

We are talking about DNP not Mercury
Check some study says it's carcinogenic some not. And also there is a focus on its methabite which one is a possible carcinogenic. Anyways it's up on what you belive. If you think it's safe use it with all his consequences
You are fucking stupid I guess. Steroids let you go past your genetic limit as a natural athlete. DNP doesn't fucking give you anything that can't be achieved with WILL AND HARDWORK.

This is some grade A bullshit.

Yes, AAS lets you go past your genetic limit, but almost no one waits to hit their natural limit to start using AAS, so your principle about DNP works for most steroid users too.

Why put Chinese chemicals in your body when you can achieve something with WiLl aNd HarD wOrk?

It's the same thing for AAS and DNP, people want the best results as soon as possible.

Why workout as a natty for 5 years when you can achieve the same results with steroids in a very shorter amount of time?

Why cut for a month or two when you can be done with it in two weeks?
This is some grade A bullshit.

Yes, AAS lets you go past your genetic limit, but almost no one waits to hit their natural limit to start using AAS, so your principle about DNP works for most steroid users too.

Why put Chinese chemicals in your body when you can achieve something with WiLl aNd HarD wOrk?

It's the same thing for AAS and DNP, people want the best results as soon as possible.

Why workout as a natty for 5 years when you can achieve the same results with steroids in a very shorter amount of time?

Why cut for a month or two when you can be done with it in two weeks?
You are talking about a hypocritical dipshit in @Sampei who bitches about the willpower of others and then states that regardless of what he does, he can't lift heavy in the morning, so he only works out later in the day.
@Sampei is a weak minded dumb motherfucker who just spouts shit out of his mouth. Maybe every one in 10 posts he says something accurate or useful.