EU domestic source talk

Whats a good starter dosage for a nandrolone newbie (125 kilo) ?Will 300 mg of npp be sufficient enought or should i start at 600 mg deca?Dont wanna pin more than 2-3 x a week.
Haha let's get back to topic...
I'm getting an allergic reaction from the test e from my last supplier. He is using MCT oil, any decent supplier with different kind of carrier oil?
Look around the forum, there are some sources with GSO and some other oils.
Whats a good starter dosage for a nandrolone newbie (125 kilo) ?Will 300 mg of npp be sufficient enought or should i start at 600 mg deca?Dont wanna pin more than 2-3 x a week.
With NPP you'll have to pin every day.
Personally i saw results at 500mg+
As far as i know, how much you weight , doesn't matter.
I got a letter from Dutch postal service that my package was seized. It was a year supply of telmisartan and metformin shipped from Asia.

First time I got a package seized. Is it safe to order from an EU vendor now? Should I try private courier or would regular mail still be fine?

Not sure if I'm on some kind of list now :confused:
I got a letter from Dutch postal service that my package was seized. It was a year supply of telmisartan and metformin shipped from Asia.

First time I got a package seized. Is it safe to order from an EU vendor now? Should I try private courier or would regular mail still be fine?

Not sure if I'm on some kind of list now :confused:
Stick with eu sources.... should be no problem
I got a letter from Dutch postal service that my package was seized. It was a year supply of telmisartan and metformin shipped from Asia.

First time I got a package seized. Is it safe to order from an EU vendor now? Should I try private courier or would regular mail still be fine?

Not sure if I'm on some kind of list now :confused:
Not sure how it is in Netherlands exactly but I've had a couple packages from India seized over the years and no issues from anything in the EU.

I really doubt they have the capacity to be monitoring every small seizure, especially not of controlled substances.
I got a letter from Dutch postal service that my package was seized. It was a year supply of telmisartan and metformin shipped from Asia.

First time I got a package seized. Is it safe to order from an EU vendor now? Should I try private courier or would regular mail still be fine?

Not sure if I'm on some kind of list now :confused:
I would order to different address and another name! Just for the peace of mind you know…
Now I only need to find some naltrexone in the EU and I am good to go.

Anybody carries it by any chance- ofc EU domestic?

The one vendor who did no longer carry it anymore.
Hi guys. Where are you getting vials and other ancillaries for brewing in EU? I've only seen some UK based store but with his news politics I was wondering if there's some outside there.
Has anyone ever used Keifei products? They are supposedly a big name in EU, especially in Greece, even though they don't have an online shop and they are pretty non existent on the internet.

Would be glad if anyone who used their products could chime in.