MESO-Rx Sponsor EuPharmaqo - EU DOMESTIC

Then I'll just give the authorities an important tip that they should take a closer look at the owner of this site. You can do that anonymously.
That is of being a soar loser, no one forced any of you to give money up front and to trust a d..g dealer on empty promises, man up and take responsability of your actions
Other scammers probably have already taken note of this and they most likely are planning on doing something similar as i type this, simply offer gear at a very low price saying they will ship it later at some point and a bunch of you will fall for it.
Any how there is still chance i guess, not everything is lost, good luck and let this be a lesson for choosing sources in the future.
I have ordered too still waiting for it…
If anyone still needs to hear it despite the last 15 pages full of warnings and red flags:


despite all the warnings, if you really want to order, wait at least for touch downs and tracking IDs (doubt it will ever happen though)
Is it possible to place orders and not pay immediately. Would be a shame if loads of people ordered stuff then didn't go through with process
Is it possible to place orders and not pay immediately. Would be a shame if loads of people ordered stuff then didn't go through with process
I would not even bother thinking about placing an order until people have been refunded, reported touch downs + tracking IDs and so on
I would not even bother thinking about placing an order until people have been refunded, reported touch downs + tracking IDs and so on

And then be in line for the next time this situation happens? Why would anyone risk that?