Experienced gh users question.


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AnabolicLab.com Supporter
My question is that is there a huge noticeable difference between running 4 iu and iu a day? Also if there isn’t much of benefit from the amount what would you recommend for fat loss and muscle growth. 8iu a day? Yes I’ve ran gh multiple times for long periods just never taken more than 4-5 iu a day for 8-12 months. Mostly just used four at the time bc it was easier to dose my vials and cost effective.
My question is that is there a huge noticeable difference between running 4 iu and iu a day? Also if there isn’t much of benefit from the amount what would you recommend for fat loss and muscle growth. 8iu a day? Yes I’ve ran gh multiple times for long periods just never taken more than 4-5 iu a day for 8-12 months. Mostly just used four at the time bc it was easier to dose my vials and cost effective.

It's gonna differ for everyone but I've been doing a vial a day and like it.

4 IU to 8 IU is a pretty big difference, I think you'd notice a difference.
8ius will create substantially more progress than 4iu, at literally double the dose.

I've noticed greater fat loss benefits going from 6iu to 8iu so I can only imagine 4iu to 8iu would be quite a large difference
8ius will create substantially more progress than 4iu, at literally double the dose.

I've noticed greater fat loss benefits going from 6iu to 8iu so I can only imagine 4iu to 8iu would be quite a large difference
That’s what I figured. But is there a substantial difference in the 4-6 iu or would it be better to just jump to 8.
My question is that is there a huge noticeable difference between running 4 iu and iu a day? Also if there isn’t much of benefit from the amount what would you recommend for fat loss and muscle growth. 8iu a day? Yes I’ve ran gh multiple times for long periods just never taken more than 4-5 iu a day for 8-12 months. Mostly just used four at the time bc it was easier to dose my vials and cost effective.
I notice a big difference going from 4 to 8 in terms of water retention, pumps (from water retention), and blood pressure (rising). I may stay a little leaner but it’s not by a massive amount. It’ll take a little time because you’ll need to grow those new cells but yes running 8iu for short blasts then taking the time to develop those cells will be beneficial. It just worried about fat gain, 4-6iu is more than enough
Are you eating in a deficit or surplus? You’ll definitely notice a bigger boost in fat loss if you’re in a deficit. If you’re in a surplus you’ll just need to bump the calories up if you’re on higher gh as it’ll allow you to grow leaner. I wouldn’t say I notice a difference in “fat loss” when bulking on 8iu but i do grow a little leaner than when I was taking 4iu.
That’s what I figured. But is there a substantial difference in the 4-6 iu or would it be better to just jump to 8.
Titrating up to 6iu would probably be better, to gauge the sides. Down the road you could always go to 8 if needed but if you jump straight from 4 to 8 you might get some sides
Are you eating in a deficit or surplus? You’ll definitely notice a bigger boost in fat loss if you’re in a deficit. If you’re in a surplus you’ll just need to bump the calories up if you’re on higher gh as it’ll allow you to grow leaner. I wouldn’t say I notice a difference in “fat loss” when bulking on 8iu but i do grow a little leaner than when I was taking 4iu.
As for now I’m at maintenance just debating on bulking for the rest of the year honestly and thought using eight for 6 months would be a big boost.
Titrating up to 6iu would probably be better, to gauge the sides. Down the road you could always go to 8 if needed but if you jump straight from 4 to 8 you might get some sides
Yes definitely thought about this. I was guessing bump to 6 for a month to see what sides come about and if it’s nothing I can’t handle do 7 then 8. I’m just wandering which iu would be the most beneficial in both fat loss/ muscle growth without concern for systemic growth and other issues per se which users with high doses sometimes get. So if I want to run for say 6-8 months high dose good cycle AAS which iu would be the best in everyone’s experience for people who has done it.
Yes definitely thought about this. I was guessing bump to 6 for a month to see what sides come about and if it’s nothing I can’t handle do 7 then 8. I’m just wandering which iu would be the most beneficial in both fat loss/ muscle growth without concern for systemic growth and other issues per se which users with high doses sometimes get. So if I want to run for say 6-8 months high dose good cycle AAS which iu would be the best in everyone’s experience for people who has done it.
The general concensus seems to be the higher the better for both fat loss, muscle building and recovery purposes

Just watch the blood pressure, blood sugar, and potentially t4 thyroid levels when going higher.

I'd get some metformin to help control blood glucose and to increase insulin sensitivity.
The general concensus seems to be the higher the better for both fat loss, muscle building and recovery purposes

Just watch the blood pressure, blood sugar, and potentially t4 thyroid levels when going higher.

I'd get some metformin to help control blood glucose and to increase insulin sensitivity.
I was thinking of running small doses tirzepatide throughout to help with blood glucose. Pretty sure it will work well for that?
I was thinking of running small doses tirzepatide throughout to help with blood glucose. Pretty sure it will work well for that?
Yes it will. I do the same with GLP1s

But I also take metformin with the glps Does the trick for me so that I don't need insulin to get blood glucose under control

Although I have had the itch to add some low dose slin on the bulk, and dropping the glp-1 and metformin
Yes it will. I do the same with GLP1s

But I also take metformin with the glps Does the trick for me so that I don't need insulin to get blood glucose under control

Although I have had the itch to add some low dose slin on the bulk, and dropping the glp-1 and metformin
So u still need the metformin with the glp1? I thought it would do the trick by itself. And slin ummm that’s a slippery slope lol that I don’t know if I’m ready to go down. I know it works like crazy but something that has to be done very correctly. Maybe one day when my balls get bigger( never mind not on hcg at moment so they’re raisins)
So u still need the metformin with the glp1? I thought it would do the trick by itself. And slin ummm that’s a slippery slope lol that I don’t know if I’m ready to go down. I know it works like crazy but something that has to be done very correctly. Maybe one day when my balls get bigger( never mind not on hcg at moment so they’re raisins)
Slin isn't needed unless your blood glucose is still out of control after going the glp-1, metformin, increased cardio, lower sugar/carb route. Obviously if you're bulking and taking in a lot of carbs your blood glucose will probably be higher and you might need to deploy additional methods of controlling it. On a cut you can easily just adjust your carbs to fix it

I've been stacking them because I've been high dosing the rest of my k4l gh after the recent disappointing serum tests so it's needed for me with the dosages I'm using

Hard to say if you'll need both at 6iu or 8iu. Depends on your diet/cardio, and current blood glucose numbers and numbers after increasing the dose. Fasting blood glucose will determine if you need to take additional steps.

Start with the glp1 and 6iu, see how that works for you, if it's not enough, add metformin
I've been stacking them because I've been high dosing the rest of my k4l gh after the recent disappointing serum tests so it's needed for me with the dosages I'm using

If you're taking more to account for the lower potency, you're still getting the same amount of GH as before. Right?

So why the need to stack blood glucose control agents now if you didn't need to before, if you experiencing the same GH exposure?
If you're taking more to account for the lower potency, you're still getting the same amount of GH as before. Right?

So why the need to stack blood glucose control agents now if you didn't need to before, if you experiencing the same GH exposure?
I mean I was already taking both glp and metformin, but now that I'm supposedly taking more gh, I've been using more metformin.

I have no idea how many ius I'm taking currently after the crappy serum tests. I have the supremes so I'm doing 1/3 the vial which should be 10iu, but soon I'm going up to 1/2 the vial which should be 15iu, but I doubt that's how much actual iu I'm taking. It's probably much less than that.

Originally was doing 6iu/day, but after the recent tests I bumped it to 10. If nothing, then I'll do 15. Once I run out I'm switching to TP 1/2 vial of the mavues (so it'll be 6iu) a day.

That will give me a good comparison to go off. If 6iu of TP is hitting me harder than 10-15iu of k4l, then I'll know with certainty that something was off with the k4l supremes if I'm running a fractional dose of tps with better results and more sides
If 6iu of TP is hitting me harder than 10-15iu of k4l, then I'll know with certainty that something was off with the k4l supremes if I'm running a fractional dose of tps with better results and more sides

Beware there are some pharma junkies who will say sides are not a good indicator of GH quality; that pharma produces better results with fewer sides.

I've switched back and forth many times and never really noticed a difference but the best explanation I've heard is some batches of UGL are overdosed, so people are using more than they thought.

Side effects = dose related; not necessarily pharma vs UGL.
(still too bro-sciencey on dimer)
My question is that is there a huge noticeable difference between running 4 iu and iu a day? Also if there isn’t much of benefit from the amount what would you recommend for fat loss and muscle growth. 8iu a day? Yes I’ve ran gh multiple times for long periods just never taken more than 4-5 iu a day for 8-12 months. Mostly just used four at the time bc it was easier to dose my vials and cost effective.
Depends on GH response. You’d be pretty fucking surprised how many people get no increase to IGF-I at 10 IU daily.
Depends on GH response. You’d be pretty fucking surprised how many people get no increase to IGF-I at 10 IU daily.

10 IU could theoretically produce up to 1000 IGF-1 but you rarely see that. Too many things interfere with GH-IGF1 conversion.

IGF-1 response is not a good indicator of GH quality.
Beware there are some pharma junkies who will say sides are not a good indicator of GH quality; that pharma produces better results with fewer sides.

Side effects = dose related; not necessarily pharma vs UGL.
(still too bro-sciencey on dimer)
There have been several instances over the last however long its been since you've started posting frequently here and at ugbb, that I'm convinced you just enjoy stirring the pot or that your goal is to confuse as many noobs as you can.

Every couple of weeks you'll post the stuff that has me jumping in here tonight. You believe the negative sides guys experience when running generic gh are good indicators that you've got a quality product?

I know you're gas lighting and trolling when you post about the brainwashed "pharma junkies" who also believe that USA Pharma Grade GH produces better results with fewer neg sides.

If you were trying to be reasonable its more than clear that guys with real experience running usa pharm ghrade gh who post about experiencing little to no neg sides have a history in the Commujnity as being reasonable. They are also respected for the most part.

Do you believe I'm full of it? I know you've read my posts about the things I've posted here tonight and in the past. You given me thumbs up.

Are you just trying to irritate guys when you post that you've given pharm grade and generic gh a fair shake and you've concluded that there's no difference? I know its not true. Are you ever going to find another subject to focus on? This shit is getting old.

