Experienced gh users question.

Do you think GH without AAS is worth it? Like for lean bulking? and what would be disadvantages of 8IUs? cant a BP med be taken?
I think it would help you grow leaner but I definitely feel like 8iu would be way overkill with no steroids. 4iu would be helpful to keep the fat gain lower, you’ll really want to manage insulin sensitivity though as anabolics help partition nutrients raise insulin sensitivity so now with no anabolics and just gh, you may run into issues. You’ll want to make sure you stay pretty lean, on top of your cardio, and probably take some berberine. A bp med could be taken but while on a cruise/health phase or just trying to limit anabolics, its my thought that you should ideally be in a very healthy bp range and shouldn’t require much or any blood pressure medication. Cruises is where I can take away most of my health ancillaries and still get even healthier
I think it would help you grow leaner but I definitely feel like 8iu would be way overkill with no steroids. 4iu would be helpful to keep the fat gain lower, you’ll really want to manage insulin sensitivity though as anabolics help partition nutrients raise insulin sensitivity so now with no anabolics and just gh, you may run into issues. You’ll want to make sure you stay pretty lean, on top of your cardio, and probably take some berberine. A bp med could be taken but while on a cruise/health phase or just trying to limit anabolics, its my thought that you should ideally be in a very healthy bp range and shouldn’t require much or any blood pressure medication. Cruises is where I can take away most of my health ancillaries and still get even healthier
My goal with this GH cycle is to increase IGF-1 (although i have low E2, so i dont how im gonna solve that) and stay as lean as i am while adding muscle. I think the ancilliaries i should have to cycle with 6-8IUS should be for BP, maybe Heart, Blood Sugar, what about Berberine for it? Also does the face get puffy with GH? I'd like to avoid it.
a lot of people swear by berberine, seems to work well for a lot of people. I'll probably give it a try in the near future, I just don't have any experience with it. I'm sure others can chime in on this

My HbA1c level before start gear was 5,6 with relatively clean diet (1 off meal per week and enough cereal periworkout) and after 3 months on 200 test per week and 500mg berberine per day my HbA1c came out 5,0 with no change in diet at all. Implementing test possibly helped with insulin sensitivity but berberine must have played a role too.

Justin harris said 1000mg of metformin is equivalent of 1500mg of berberine (max suggested daily dose).

Currently i'm not taking at all since i'm in a deficit but in the upcoming bulk i'll definitely add it again and regulate dose depending on where HbA1c sits.
Gh can downregulate t4 production (lower t4)

a lot of people swear by berberine, seems to work well for a lot of people. I'll probably give it a try in the near future, I just don't have any experience with it. I'm sure others can chime in on this
I never used metformin and just strictly use Berbine (glucovantage) along with other GDA type supplements NaRala, etc. That being said my glucose reader gives me low readings just slightly above where I am normally at. highest ive seen was 93 and I am currently at 3iu. Most of the time it sits mid 80's
My HbA1c level before start gear was 5,6 with relatively clean diet (1 off meal per week and enough cereal periworkout) and after 3 months on 200 test per week and 500mg berberine per day my HbA1c came out 5,0 with no change in diet at all. Implementing test possibly helped with insulin sensitivity but berberine must have played a role too.

Justin harris said 1000mg of metformin is equivalent of 1500mg of berberine (max suggested daily dose).

Currently i'm not taking at all since i'm in a deficit but in the upcoming bulk i'll definitely add it again and regulate dose depending on where HbA1c sits.
You ought to test HbA1c after being in a calorie deficit for 3 months. I bet it drops like a rock.
Do you think GH without AAS is worth it? Like for lean bulking? and what would be disadvantages of 8IUs? cant a BP med be taken?
I am trying to gauge that right now. I went up to 6iu on 500mg test cycle which ended in january. However I plan not to cycle AAS again. Right now I am just on 3iu and I started in May.
Been working since may on cut. Calorie deficit. Zone 2 Liss 30min 3 times a week, Weight training P/P/L 3 times a week, 1hour BJJ and 1 hour Muay Thai 2 times a week. I was at 255 begining of may, I am down to 243. Was hoping to be leaner in midsection by now, but much leaner in arms legs shoulder chest.
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That's diet.

It sounds like I am being sarcastic, but I'm not. I do not know how else to say but just to plainly say it.
Agreed.. waist size has dropped. Was a tight 38 now down to 36 with space. I have much respect for guys dialed in because it is tough and my diet is solid, just not tweaked as that is beyond my understanding. Either way its going good, I was just hope it would be going better.
Whats your opinion on the role of e2 serum levels and IGF-1 conversion?
Beware there are some pharma junkies who will say sides are not a good indicator of GH quality; that pharma produces better results with fewer sides.

I've switched back and forth many times and never really noticed a difference but the best explanation I've heard is some batches of UGL are overdosed, so people are using more than they thought.

Side effects = dose related; not necessarily pharma vs UGL.
(still too bro-sciencey on dimer)
Do you base the quality of any other medications you take on the severity of side effects you get from them? Why is GH different? I used to get bloated as hell on 4iu of generics. I take 6-8 iu of Serostim and get none of that. With your logic that would mean the generic is better, which is false.
You ought to test HbA1c after being in a calorie deficit for 3 months. I bet it drops like a rock.

Oh yeah, definitely. I'm planning for bloods end of this week or mid next week tops. I'm finishing my cut after 18 weeks on deficit, i want to see where it sits (even without berberine now). Although, it drops like a rock if you abstain from carbs and i didn't. Lowest i've been is around 180-190 carbs..i just kept my fats very low and protein moderate. We will see, i'll be happy if it's less than 4,8. I'll post in my cycle log
I used to get bloated as hell on 4iu of generics. I take 6-8 iu of Serostim and get none of that. With your logic that would mean the generic is better, which is false.

People describe moderate [if any] differences between pharma and UGL.

You're describing a huge difference (bloated as hell vs. none of that), and at double the dose of pharma.

Something seems off.
I don’t believe you’re full of it, but I do think a lot of you old heads that have big biases against generic gh are reliving experiences with the crap/underdosed/fake gh of the past and many of you seem to have not tried the newer generations of generic gh that really are on point. I’ve also jumped between pharma and generic without any massive difference between the two. I get virtually no sides on the multiple generics I’ve tried up to 8iu, same as no real sides on the pharma I’ve tried.

Can I ask how long it’s been since you’ve tried a generic?
I've been using Serostim ONLY since 2005. I chased Seros from CT. New an attorney from here in Palm Springs, CA. that was indicted by the Feds in a Serostim buy back scheme. He used $$ from his Clients Funds Acct to buy kits from HIV patients.

A Dr from this area was also indicted. The Dr would steer patients that he wrote scripts for to the Attorney. The attorney had a woman with past experience selling wholesale pharmaceuticals. She forged documents to show provenance. She made the kits look like they came from the EMD Serono warehouse and not from the HIV patient on State Welfare Insurance(Medi-Cal). He sold the kits to Wellness Clinics around the Country.

The attorney was the leader of the Conspiracy. Served 4 years in Fed Prison and had restitution to payback in the neighborhood of $5 million.

I've never used any other pharm grade or generic.
I've been using Serostim ONLY since 2005. I chased Seros from CT. New an attorney from here in Palm Springs, CA. that was indicted by the Feds in a Serostim buy back scheme. He used $$ from his Clients Funds Acct to buy kits from HIV patients.

A Dr from this area was also indicted. The Dr would steer patients that he wrote scripts for to the Attorney. The attorney had a woman with past experience selling wholesale pharmaceuticals. She forged documents to show provenance. She made the kits look like they came from the EMD Serono warehouse and not from the HIV patient on State Welfare Insurance(Medi-Cal). He sold the kits to Wellness Clinics around the Country.

The attorney was the leader of the Conspiracy. Served 4 years in Fed Prison and had restitution to payback in the neighborhood of $5 million.

I've never used any other pharm grade or generic.
But are sero really that good compared to price of generics that test as well as they do? Also have you seen a sero tested with results I can see? Just wandering bc awhile back I almost started to try them from a source where I know they’re legit but never pulled the trigger bc the price. Also how many iu day are talking on stims


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