Fat to Fit Using AAS

Based on some reading into people using steroid without exercising, steroid seem like they would add more muscle in response to the mechanical stresses of an ordinary life.

I would agree with this actually - I should have qualified my earlier statement. It would be more accurate to say that without an additional stress source or training stimulus these adaptations to daily stresses would be so negligible it might not even be noticed depending on how overweight a person is, and in the context of untrained people I would suspect a lot of these aspects of AAS would probably be more noticeable in a leaner person (for example: glycogen supercompensation would probably be more apparent if someone is lean than overweight).

I have no problems with someone cycling at high bf%, hell I wouldn't even have a problem with an overweight person using steroids if he is training and dieting and has prior experience in all these areas or has a trainer / nutritionist / coach etc and is being monitored for lft's, bp, lipids, etc by a medical doctor.

But there are a lot of concerns like you said in over-weight persons. Lipids and BP, and medicating just to handle the steroids isn't ideal when at that point even just running or riding a bike and making changes to dietary habits would facilitate more dramatic changes to their appearance.

I'm just posting here to add some value to a troll thread, we're turning it into something worthwhile atleast lol.
I would agree with this actually - I should have qualified my earlier statement. It would be more accurate to say that without an additional stress source or training stimulus these adaptations to daily stresses would be so negligible it might not even be noticed depending on how overweight a person is, and in the context of untrained people I would suspect a lot of these aspects of AAS would probably be more noticeable in a leaner person (for example: glycogen supercompensation would probably be more apparent if someone is lean than overweight).

I have no problems with someone cycling at high bf%, hell I wouldn't even have a problem with an overweight person using steroids if he is training and dieting and has prior experience in all these areas or has a trainer / nutritionist / coach etc and is being monitored for lft's, bp, lipids, etc by a medical doctor.

But there are a lot of concerns like you said in over-weight persons. Lipids and BP, and medicating just to handle the steroids isn't ideal when at that point even just running or riding a bike and making changes to dietary habits would facilitate more dramatic changes to their appearance.

I'm just posting here to add some value to a troll thread, we're turning it into something worthwhile atleast lol.

Now this thread has some meat to it! I believe alot of people see the use of aas as solely for bodybuilding, which has validity to the claim but not always the case, especially in regards to high bf%. Most of us here are considered overweight if we went by bmi. However, being obese with no prior training is a different case altogether and you brought up some very good points in regards to overall health.

Good job turning a shit thread into something worthwhile. It's always cool reading your responses as they have weight behind them. Sorry for the lame pun lol.
I've done cycles with both low and high bf and I had the same sides but you look much better when you are already cut 8-14% rather than 20%+

But it all depends on your goal because steroids isnt just for bodybuilding/fitness it can be used for just about anything.
I'm a new member here just trying to help out anyone in the community if I could but it seems like @Rock119 just enjoys arguing with everyone. Rock, just give out your bf% and training history if you really want to hear valuable advice from these good dudes
Dec 2013....6' 280+ one month into working out again.


April 2015....215 started my first cycle in over 10+ yrs about a month later.


March 2016....225 or so a few cycles later.


So yeah it can be done, but imo its better to lose the weight first.
Dec 2013....6' 280+ one month into working out again.


April 2015....215 started my first cycle in over 10+ yrs about a month later.


March 2016....225 or so a few cycles later.


So yeah it can be done, but imo its better to lose the weight first.
Did you do your cycle at 280+ in 2013 or was it in 2015 that u started
Did you do your cycle at 280+ in 2013 or was it in 2015 that u started

Sorry my wording in the post was a little confusing.

No I got down to 215, then I did my first cycle in over 10yrs in 2015. Test and mast, then tren the last 10 weeks or so.
How about taking aas and using a higher dose of anti estr to combat the aromatizing effect of juicing at a high BF %

I don't see why the would NOT make sense my Meso friends
How about taking aas and using a higher dose of anti estr to combat the aromatizing effect of juicing at a high BF %

I don't see why the would NOT make sense my Meso friends
You need bloodwork to even begin to figure out this potential mess.
Or why not just stop being a lazy fuck and diet down?
If you don't have the discipline to cut the fat your fucked from the onset.

Dude, everyone is saying you're not healthy to run a cycle, you weigh like 400 pounds bro. 280 is going to take you forever to achieve, plus if girlfriends make you gain weight youre going to be an emotional mess on the gear. Bro when a girl breaks up with me, I end up lifting more and at worst smoking cigs, never would i gain weight and eat my way out of it. Youre going to end up going on the juice, eating a shit load of pizza and shit and end up 400 pounds again.