Favorite dog breeds?

Country Club Hero

10+ Year Member
I just rescued an in tact male Rottweiler that is 4 years old to replace losing my best friend, Bear. Bear was a half Rottweiler half hound. Anyways, in the past I always had Boxers or Dobermans. This is my first Rottweiler and he is so sweet. He is one of the blockhead Rottweilers and we have bonded quickly.

He is the boss now. Well, more like head of security for my rural property. He protects me and his two rescue sisters. I got a female kitten for rodent management and a female shepherd mix that was dumped out by my property. Anyways, I know Rottweilers are the type of breed that has raving, loyal fans. I can totally see why. Like big, sweet, gear heads just looking to be loved on. He was living in a tough situation and didn’t get much human love in his previous home situation. Now he has hundreds of acres to go wild on. No fences, leashes or anything restricting. Living his best life now in the doggy heaven I’ve created out in the countryside.

I also have other farm critters including sheep. He is calm but assertive around them. He’s the perfect dog and breed to have out at my little mini-farm. Not at all aggressive towards anything out here but scary as hell to anyone that happens to pull down my gravel driveway.

Any other Rottweiler lovers here?
Yessir. I had a Rottie in the 90's ("Dorian") that was a wonderful dog. He was alpha male from his litter and was a little less play and a little more work than other dogs I've had but I didnt mind at all. We were in this amusing tug-o-war of "who's boss" until he came of age. Man that dog loved to work though. Smart, too. When he was just 5 or 6 months old I remember hauling logs up to the house from a distant woodpile and after watching me once, he just instictively started grabbing one end of a log from the pile and pulling it along side me as I careied my logs up to the house. He insisted so every trip I had to start giving him smaller sticks that he could carry in his mouth for fear that he would lose some teeth trying to drag the larger logs. Anyway, great dog. Thanks for stirring up the memory and enjoy that Rottie!
Yessir. I had a Rottie in the 90's ("Dorian") that was a wonderful dog. He was alpha male from his litter and was a little less play and a little more work than other dogs I've had but I didnt mind at all. We were in this amusing tug-o-war of "who's boss" until he came of age. Man that dog loved to work though. Smart, too. When he was just 5 or 6 months old I remember hauling logs up to the house from a distant woodpile and after watching me once, he just instictively started grabbing one end of a log from the pile and pulling it along side me as I careied my logs up to the house. He insisted so every trip I had to start giving him smaller sticks that he could carry in his mouth for fear that he would lose some teeth trying to drag the larger logs. Anyway, great dog. Thanks for stirring up the memory and enjoy that Rottie!
Good memories of a great dog warm the heart. I fuckin love dogs. All of them. But when you get a special one it’s a special bond and unique feeling. Yessir, they are definitely working dogs. Definitely need social interaction too. They just want to be part of the pack and let to do their jobs.
I really like big breeds, rough house playing,

Before my family got onto big breeds , we always had boxers, think we had 3. The last one was my bud, mudge, he got cancer and had to go.. but he was old. I miss him. He was a really good dog. I hate myself because a couple years before he went, we were playing in the back yard and he hurt his knee or hip I cant remember but it was directly my fault and he had to live through pain the last of his life. IMG_0278.webp

After him, I was suppose to get an Akita, but between me trying to find a breeder… im still not happy about this but Im happy of the outcome, my mom just randomly went out and got our russian immigrant, a central asian shepherd, Yrsa… she has become my queen. She became my dog, when she wasn’t the dog I wanted, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
When she was younger, she used to run at you jump and football slam you with her chest, if that tells you how we play. Thankfully, with her being 140 pounds she stopped doing that now lol she looks small in the pics but dont be deceived im 6ft and I could ride her like a little pony IMG_9798.webpIMG_3171.webp
I really like big breeds, rough house playing,

Before my family got onto big breeds , we always had boxers, think we had 3. The last one was my bud, mudge, he got cancer and had to go.. but he was old. I miss him. He was a really good dog. I hate myself because a couple years before he went, we were playing in the back yard and he hurt his knee or hip I cant remember but it was directly my fault and he had to live through pain the last of his life. View attachment 308829

After him, I was suppose to get an Akita, but between me trying to find a breeder… im still not happy about this but Im happy of the outcome, my mom just randomly went out and got our russian immigrant, a central asian shepherd, Yrsa… she has become my queen. She became my dog, when she wasn’t the dog I wanted, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
When she was younger, she used to run at you jump and football slam you with her chest, if that tells you how we play. Thankfully, with her being 140 pounds she stopped doing that now lol she looks small in the pics but dont be deceived im 6ft and I could ride her like a little pony View attachment 308830View attachment 308831
You sound a lot like me. And sorry about Mudge. He sounds special. I love those clown faces that boxers have. I miss mine too. I’ve had two white ones. One was a super special saint. Miss him and all of them dearly, still.
I really like big breeds, rough house playing,

Before my family got onto big breeds , we always had boxers, think we had 3. The last one was my bud, mudge, he got cancer and had to go.. but he was old. I miss him. He was a really good dog. I hate myself because a couple years before he went, we were playing in the back yard and he hurt his knee or hip I cant remember but it was directly my fault and he had to live through pain the last of his life. View attachment 308829

After him, I was suppose to get an Akita, but between me trying to find a breeder… im still not happy about this but Im happy of the outcome, my mom just randomly went out and got our russian immigrant, a central asian shepherd, Yrsa… she has become my queen. She became my dog, when she wasn’t the dog I wanted, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
When she was younger, she used to run at you jump and football slam you with her chest, if that tells you how we play. Thankfully, with her being 140 pounds she stopped doing that now lol she looks small in the pics but dont be deceived im 6ft and I could ride her like a little pony View attachment 308830View attachment 308831
Also I almost got a Kangal for farm protection but decided on a Rottweiler. You ever been around a Kangal?
Dogs are the epitome of unconditional love. I currently have an amstaf and a mut half pitbull half something I rescued from a lowlife that beat the hell out of him, until I returned the favor. Had presa canarios before them, sweetest giants I ever known. I love dogs. All of them.

We don't deserve them.
Dogs are the epitome of unconditional love. I currently have an amstaf and a mut half pitbull half something I rescued from a lowlife that beat the hell out of him, until I returned the favor. Had presa canarios before them, sweetest giants I ever known. I love dogs. All of them.

We don't deserve them.
Man, I’ve always wanted to see a Presa up close. Definitely not a common dog in my area.

And I condone the beating of anyone that messes with kids or animals. Women too.

Totally agree we don’t deserve them. They are beautiful creatures and my favorite species on planet earth.
I really like big breeds, rough house playing,

Before my family got onto big breeds , we always had boxers, think we had 3. The last one was my bud, mudge, he got cancer and had to go.. but he was old. I miss him. He was a really good dog. I hate myself because a couple years before he went, we were playing in the back yard and he hurt his knee or hip I cant remember but it was directly my fault and he had to live through pain the last of his life. View attachment 308829

After him, I was suppose to get an Akita, but between me trying to find a breeder… im still not happy about this but Im happy of the outcome, my mom just randomly went out and got our russian immigrant, a central asian shepherd, Yrsa… she has become my queen. She became my dog, when she wasn’t the dog I wanted, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
When she was younger, she used to run at you jump and football slam you with her chest, if that tells you how we play. Thankfully, with her being 140 pounds she stopped doing that now lol she looks small in the pics but dont be deceived im 6ft and I could ride her like a little pony View attachment 308830View attachment 308831

Where does the name come from?
I thought i saw it spelt with I (and I also know that I have miss-spelt it once or twice thanks to a word I had in autocorrect.. sorry).
So now I know it is officially with Y.

I currently have an amstaf and a mut half pitbull half

Had presa canarios before

We don’t deserve them.

Which one is Choco?
The first one?

The other breed I have never heard, I have to Google, would like to see.

But they are very lucky to have found you.
Where does the name come from?
I thought i saw it spelt with I (and I also know that I have miss-spelt it once or twice thanks to a word I had in autocorrect.. sorry).
So now I know it is officially with Y.
Ask me in a different place and I will tell you where her name comes from, its nothing and absolutely dumb but ya.

Her government name is Yrsa, as thats how my mom spelled “isha” when I came up with it but I call her isha. Its quite funny, because the two are pronounced differently so half the family calls her isha and the other half yrsa, shes prolly going her whole life wondering what her actual name is lol
I ment presa is like a Cain corso right?
A friend of mine has one, he said it costs more to feed than his kids.

I usto always have Pitt bulls or an American bulldog, once I lost my last one I just started getting cats, not wanting a monster around my kids anymore , Even though they do protect, never wanted to take the risk.

I’m a cat daddy now.
I ment presa is like a Cain corso right?
A friend of mine has one, he said it costs more to feed than his kids.

I usto always have Pitt bulls or an American bulldog, once I lost my last one I just started getting cats, not wanting a monster around my kids anymore , Even though they do protect, never wanted to take the risk.

I’m a cat daddy now.
I like a good old American bulldog. I’m not really a fan of Pitt bulls but it’s more so because they are so common and everyone has them. Not the breed’s fault.

I always had a vision for this current rural property that I bought 7 years ago. Basically just envisioning where everything is going. Like the orchard, bee box location, crop rows, where the new cabin is being built, etc… And in my vision I always saw myself with a large Doberman and Rottweiler. Black and tan on both. Both males and large in size. But I always pictured those two dogs just laying on my porch together scanning the horizon for movement lol. It’s like very similar looking dogs in body and shape n size but totally different skulls and jaws.

Just a couple of brothers from other mothers. Wrestling each other, chasing small game critters and barking at the dump trucks that pass by several times a day. Anyways, like I can see a clear picture of all that in my mind. I’m working my way there slowly but surely and I am expecting some serious progress on the homestead in the next year. The new cabin being built is going to be a major step towards finishing the layout of the property.
I ment presa is like a Cain corso right?
A friend of mine has one, he said it costs more to feed than his kids.

I usto always have Pitt bulls or an American bulldog, once I lost my last one I just started getting cats, not wanting a monster around my kids anymore , Even though they do protect, never wanted to take the risk.

I’m a cat daddy now.
It's just my opinion, but you are missing out not having dogs and a toddler together. My dogs are so gentle with my kid and he will have some sweet memories when he grows up. They need supervision of course but so do cats. Cats are strictly predatory carnivores, let that sink in.
Lol I believe that. Isn’t that the breed that South American drug lords have to run security on their properties?
Affirmative. Or doggo argentinos.
But I always pictured those two dogs just laying on my porch together scanning the horizon for movement lol. It’s like very similar looking dogs in body and shape n size but totally different skulls and jaws.
See above. D. Argentinos are the best choice for that scenario. Rotties are heard dogs by design, boxers are personal security, argentinos are big game hunters and they thrive on a place you describe.

Presas need special treatment and the appropriate temperament or many things can go wrong.