favorite gh?

Started K4L's kits (supreme kit) today.
Starting at 4iu/day, split am and PM.

Will update with "feels" reports as needed, IGF test in 6 weeks or so.

I'm hoping I get some of that ultra deep REM sleep I've seen others talk about. Also hoping the water retention and sides don't slam too hard starting at 4iu, we'll see soon enough. Should be a fun ride
Take Ltheanine before bed, you will get deeper rem sleep too.
Did my 2nd shot of 2iu at 8PM. TV was off by 8:45PM. Some of the best sleep of my life. Had what felt like very deep REM sleep, vivid dreams, slept through the night with minimal waking up, etc. Woke up at 4am and I feel like a million bucks (rested, feel recovered, overall just feel great). Usually when I wake up at 4am I still feel depleted on sleep, so this is different. I'll continue to use GH indefinitely if the sleep/recovery remains this good.

Dude i'm jealous now haha! I just started gear and i don't want to hop on GH too soon, plus i better save some money for when that time comes but i'm seeing a lot of people writing about better sleep and recovery and that's one thing i need to improve.

Currently i'm not working much (not a good thing overall) and that means i have plenty of time to sleep, even in mornings i have the ability to sleep as much as i want most days of the week and i fakking can't. I was like this before starting gear, serum cortisol is slightly over the range.. I'm taking 10mg melatonin, 750mg GABA, ashwaganda, 60mg zinc glycinate, 600mg magnesium biscglycinate and tried different various shit from herb roots, 5-htp etc. I sleep quite ok and when i hit a 5 hour mark i wake up and for the next 3 hours that i'm in bed i keep waking up every 15 minutes. Sucks. One reason i'm hyped to start GH is better sleep and recovery aside of all the other benefits.
FWIW, I've played with every dosing protocol under the sun and the bolus prebed just seems to do the most for me. I don't see any fat loss benefit splitting the dose up but this is just what I've seen from my body. I'm sure everyone has different reactions.
I feel the same, 4iu max before bed. Can't bother with different protocol.

As I'm gonna do this for a very long time I prefer the easiest way and the one I can stick for longer time without being bother of delaying breakfast or any other thing
Take Ltheanine before bed, you will get deeper rem sleep too.
That's actually a great idea. I completely forgot about that supplement. Used to take l theanine + caffeine (when I used to take stimulants) to reduce the jitters. Never thought about adding it before bed. Going to order some now
Dude i'm jealous now haha! I just started gear and i don't want to hop on GH too soon, plus i better save some money for when that time comes but i'm seeing a lot of people writing about better sleep and recovery and that's one thing i need to improve.

Currently i'm not working much (not a good thing overall) and that means i have plenty of time to sleep, even in mornings i have the ability to sleep as much as i want most days of the week and i fakking can't. I was like this before starting gear, serum cortisol is slightly over the range.. I'm taking 10mg melatonin, 750mg GABA, ashwaganda, 60mg zinc glycinate, 600mg magnesium biscglycinate and tried different various shit from herb roots, 5-htp etc. I sleep quite ok and when i hit a 5 hour mark i wake up and for the next 3 hours that i'm in bed i keep waking up every 15 minutes. Sucks. One reason i'm hyped to start GH is better sleep and recovery aside of all the other benefits.
I can totally relate to this. For the most part I was sleeping great before the tren. Since introducing the tren, the sleep has been rather shit, to the point I'm taking 100mg melatonin (you're probably thinking 100mg melatonin? Surely that's a typo) nope. Probably adding l theanine too now. Gh has given me some normalcy to my sleep so far. I mean I still wake up at 4am, but atleast I feel refreshed and recovered when I do now. Wouldn't say it fully counters the trensomnia or I wouldn't be taking 100mg melatonin, but it's definitely helping

I do think you'll get more bang for your buck with aas though, but gh is pretty synergistic with AAS should you decide to add it at some point.
I can totally relate to this. For the most part I was sleeping great before the tren. Since introducing the tren, the sleep has been rather shit, to the point I'm taking 100mg melatonin (you're probably thinking 100mg melatonin? Surely that's a typo) nope. Probably adding l theanine too now. Gh has given me some normalcy to my sleep so far. I mean I still wake up at 4am, but atleast I feel refreshed and recovered when I do now. Wouldn't say it fully counters the trensomnia or I wouldn't be taking 100mg melatonin, but it's definitely helping

I do think you'll get more bang for your buck with aas though, but gh is pretty synergistic with AAS should you decide to add it at some point.

Nobody: How much melatonin you take?
Sector: Yes

Nailed it, i don't know what kind of sleep i would do with that much but i'm guessing next morning i'd wake like a zombie haha
What would be the difference between sub and intramuscular apart of the half-life?
Some people simply report liking the way it feels better. It also raises you serum level higher I believe, but it peaks and valleys way faster than subq which is why I’m hoping it’ll help with the sleep issues

I like GH IM better than subq but I like the convenience of pens more.
Currently on penning it (with a few other peptides).
Have you done gh before? No, right? You’re starting at way too high a dose if you jumped right to 4iu day 1 of using gh. Stick with 2iu for a few weeks and go up .5iu every 2 weeks monitoring for sides. I’d imagine you gonna get some wicked sides if you stay at this dose without titrating up. I started at 1.5iu and moved up .2 every week till I got to 5.
Meh, it’s not benzos lol. Most young and lean men can easily go straight into 4iu with no real issues imo. I’m 40 something and I can.

Worst case scenario is if my diet isn’t clean then I will hold some extra water until my system adjusts.

I mean, is it probably best to start at 2iu and titrate up? Yeah probably. But it ain’t a big deal for most lean n healthy males to go straight into 4iu. 10iu would be another story. 10iu to start would make me the Bloat Lord for a few weeks. And all that extra fluid would put some extra load on the heart and kidneys.
Meh, it’s not benzos lol. Most young and lean men can easily go straight into 4iu with no real issues imo. I’m 40 something and I can.

Worst case scenario is if my diet isn’t clean then I will hold some extra water until my system adjusts.

I mean, is it probably best to start at 2iu and titrate up? Yeah probably. But it ain’t a big deal for most lean n healthy males to go straight into 4iu. 10iu would be another story. 10iu to start would make me the Bloat Lord for a few weeks. And all that extra fluid would put some extra load on the heart and kidneys.
Agreed. I think splitting the dose am and PM also helps negate some of the sides. If I instantly started at 4iu and did it all at once, than perhaps there would be sides, but splitting it could make the potential sides less likely. Just a theory
I was reading that GH has an elimination life of 2-3 days, so around day 3 is when it seems that you'll have built up the most amount in your system

The sleep seems to be getting better and better. I didn't even wake up at 4am, which is a nice change. I did notice some mild discomfort in my right ankle last night and it looked a little watery, but it has subsided and is completely gone this morning.

In terms of other sides, I did notice my RHR was elevated a bit yesterday, especially after a meal. It wasnt bad, but i also didn't particularly enjoy the feeling. Will have to keep a closer eye on this

I'm sure I'm also retaining water to some extent, but it's honestly hard for me to see/notice it in a calorie deficit. Waking up looking leaner everyday, the scale continues to drop, so yeah the water weight is probably there, but the dieting seems to override the water retention. I'm also keeping carbs low so this probably is a big factor in limiting water retention
FWIW, I've played with every dosing protocol under the sun and the bolus prebed just seems to do the most for me. I don't see any fat loss benefit splitting the dose up but this is just what I've seen from my body. I'm sure everyone has different reactions.
So EOD / 5on2off model´s & waking,pre,post,prebed? 3iu one shot up to 12iu in one? :D
Actual take a whole vial in morning, usually i do prebed but my bloodsugar raised to high.
So much rumors about HGH.. just take as much u can until u get sides, as long as u can afford.
But is a single shot with 10-12iu really a waste, cuz the liver cant process it all into IGF-1? Some say max 3iu and take a 6h break, some big guys sayn max 6iu in one shot best morning/postwo/prebed.
I was reading that GH has an elimination life of 2-3 days, so around day 3 is when it seems that you'll have built up the most amount in your system

The sleep seems to be getting better and better. I didn't even wake up at 4am, which is a nice change. I did notice some mild discomfort in my right ankle last night and it looked a little watery, but it has subsided and is completely gone this morning.

In terms of other sides, I did notice my RHR was elevated a bit yesterday, especially after a meal. It wasnt bad, but i also didn't particularly enjoy the feeling. Will have to keep a closer eye on this

I'm sure I'm also retaining water to some extent, but it's honestly hard for me to see/notice it in a calorie deficit. Waking up looking leaner everyday, the scale continues to drop, so yeah the water weight is probably there, but the dieting seems to override the water retention. I'm also keeping carbs low so this probably is a big factor in limiting water retention
Bro sincerely, you are placebo dreaming 90% of your stuff

I have used GH for many years, I have under my belt quite a lot of experience with it and always had tested GH that I even retested myself and no you don't get all this things as soon as you start doing it.

GH it's not a magic pill and it takes MONTHS before you start seeing shit and it's so subtle that unless you are taking 10+ IU a day with slin you don't have daily changes, not even one week from the other. Half the ppl saying stuff like you is on a good deal of steroids or it's just dreaming shit up.

Don't take this as an insult but it makes me laugh a bit reading this kind of post and I believe it's misleading for ppl starting HGH and not getting the same effect (of course they don't, because it doesn't work like that)

I just read you are doing tren and trying to talk about all these changes you getting from HGH, bro srsly you gotta get a grip, it's ridiculous to a point it's like we are in fantasy world
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So EOD / 5on2off model´s & waking,pre,post,prebed? 3iu one shot up to 12iu in one? :D
Actual take a whole vial in morning, usually i do prebed but my bloodsugar raised to high.
So much rumors about HGH.. just take as much u can until u get sides, as long as u can afford.
But is a single shot with 10-12iu really a waste, cuz the liver cant process it all into IGF-1? Some say max 3iu and take a 6h break, some big guys sayn max 6iu in one shot best morning/postwo/prebed.
Unless you wanna compete I find it crazy to take more then 4IU, the side and possible Ill effect on your body, starting from BG etc.
Are not worth the money and the risk. But hey I'm against orals as well unless you compete, so probably different way of approaching all of this. If you wanna do it for 30+ years I would start thinking of the side effect of a lot of things and if it's worth it for the long run. Longevity should be the primary goal of amateur enhancing their body
Bro sincerely, you are placebo dreaming 90% of your stuff

I have used GH for many years, I have under my belt quite a lot of experience with it and always had tested GH that I even retested myself and no you don't get all this things as soon as you start doing it.

GH it's not a magic pill and it takes MONTHS before you start seeing shit and it's so subtle that unless you are taking 10+ IU a day with slin you don't have daily changes, not even one week from the other. Half the ppl saying stuff like you is on a good deal of steroids or it's just dreaming shit up.

Don't take this as an insult but it makes me laugh a bit reading this kind of post and I believe it's misleading for ppl starting HGH and not getting the same effect (of course they don't, because it doesn't work like that)

I just read you are doing tren and trying to talk about all these changes you getting from HGH, bro srsly you gotta get a grip, it's ridiculous to a point it's like we are in fantasy world
I never attributed it to hgh. Yes I'm on tren, I'm hard dieting with low carbs, high cardio, and high volume training, so yes I am seeing daily changes in the mirror (mostly from tren) Not once did i say or imply that it was strictly due to the GH. I know GH takes 6 weeks to saturate IGF1 levels in the system. The only thing I have attributed to the GH is better sleep. I am in fact sleeping a lot better since starting GH. Call it placebo or not, idc. I'll happily placebo myself into better sleep If that's your point.

The point of my posts was to give the "feels" experiences within the initial few days of starting it, since some people said starting at 4iu was too high and that I was going to get horrible sides, and the sides usually appear within a matter of a few days, not a few months if you start the dose too high. The whole point was to create an anecdotal experience timeline

I think you're taking things way out of context to fit you're narrative
. idc If you're some self proclaimed GH expert and don't believe me, at which point stop reading the thread and go spend your time elsewhere with someone that actually cares
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I never attributed it to hgh. Yes I'm on tren, I'm hard dieting with low carbs, high cardio, and high volume training, so yes I am seeing daily changes in the mirror (mostly from tren) Not once did i say or imply that it was strictly due to the GH. I know GH takes 6 weeks to saturate IGF1 levels in the system. The only thing I have attributed to the GH is better sleep. I am in fact sleeping a lot better since starting GH. Call it placebo or not, idc. I'll happily placebo myself into better sleep If that's your point.

The point of my posts was to give the "feels" experiences within the initial few days of starting it, since some people said starting at 4iu was too high and that I was going to get horrible sides, and the sides usually appear within a matter of a few days, not a few months if you start the dose too high. The whole point was to create an anecdotal experience timeliness.

I think you're taking things way out of context to fit you're narrative idc If you're some self proclaimed GH expert and don't believe me, at which point stop reading the thread and go spend your time elsewhere
I'm no way a GH expert, I said I have done many GH cycles of legit GH that's it.

You don't get sides in few days if you start to high, see you don't know shit and keep talking, that's just a fact right there. Sides will come in few weeks a month mostly if you started too high and that's subjective as well so it depends but if they do arrive oh boy you gonna have fun with your crippled hands and waking up with numb arms not able to even hold your dick to take a piss but maybe you will not get that far. As there is not a one size fit all.

What ppl that have a brain suggest is: because you don't know how you will react with a dosage of 4iu starting from 0 and because many ppl do get crippling sides starting to high instead of finding out the hard way it's good to start low at 1.5IU and increase of 0.5 every week or two as a GH cycles is ran for a long time it doesn't really make much of a difference results wise but can save you few painful weeks.

This is how smart ppl approach using enhancing drugs and that's how we try to teach to others, to prevent sides and maximize gains without hurting ourselves.

I don't get much side from tren for example, I can run easily 600mg a week and be fine (I don't do that stupid shit anymore but well I did in the past) do I go around suggesting ppl to try tren that high from the start? No of course, because what works for me doesn't work for everyone! So I don't write shit like: second week of 600mg of tren, I'm a peach and all is well, fuck the retards saying start slow and see how you feel with tren, I feel great. That would be retarde, because a fucking guy could believe it's normal to blast 600mg of tren as Sampei Is feeling great and then he get fucked.

So fuck your feelings and your bullshit, if you wanna spew some shit run a log in the appropriate section, don't come here with your flawed narrative misleading ppl.

You are a clown, so it's our job to at least call you out on your bullshit so that other ppl don't do the same mistakes.
I'm no way a GH expert, I said I have done many GH cycles of legit GH that's it.

You don't get sides in few days if you start to high, see you don't know shit and keep talking, that's just a fact right there. Sides will come in few weeks a month mostly if you started too high and that's subjective as well so it depends but if they do arrive oh boy you gonna have fun with your crippled hands and waking up with numb arms not able to even hold your dick to take a piss but maybe you will not get that far. As there is not a one size fit all.

What ppl that have a brain suggest is: because you don't know how you will react with a dosage of 4iu starting from 0 and because many ppl do get crippling sides starting to high instead of finding out the hard way it's good to start low at 1.5IU and increase of 0.5 every week or two as a GH cycles is ran for a long time it doesn't really make much of a difference results wise but can save you few painful weeks.

This is how smart ppl approach using enhancing drugs and that's how we try to teach to others, to prevent sides and maximize gains without hurting ourselves.

I don't get much side from tren for example, I can run easily 600mg a week and be fine (I don't do that stupid shit anymore but well I did in the past) do I go around suggesting ppl to try tren that high from the start? No of course, because what works for me doesn't work for everyone! So I don't write shit like: second week of 600mg of tren, I'm a peach and all is well, fuck the retards saying start slow and see how you feel with tren, I feel great. That would be retarde, because a fucking guy could believe it's normal to blast 600mg of tren as Sampei Is feeling great and then he get fucked.

So fuck your feelings and your bullshit, if you wanna spew some shit run a log in the appropriate section, don't come here with your flawed narrative misleading ppl.

You are a clown, so it's our job to at least call you out on your bullshit so that other ppl don't do the same mistakes.
I mean you come into a thread and make incorrect assumptions without any context, and then only bother to get the context you should have had, after you've already stated your opinion. Talk about a misinformed opinion..

I didn't just randomly pick a dose and start on that dose, i consulted with people and coaches much more knowledgeable and experienced than you before ever starting the protocol i'm on, and the protocol is working out just fine (yet you think 4iu is going to give me crippled hands to the point I'm barely going to be able to take a piss). You sir are the clown

I'm not here for your validation, nor do I care about your opinion. I think that bothers you, which explains why you're ultra salty right now. If it didn't bother you, you would just f*ck off and go somewhere else with your 1.5iu reccomendations
Take Ltheanine before bed, you will get deeper rem sleep too.
That's actually a great idea. I completely forgot about that supplement. Used to take l theanine + caffeine (when I used to take stimulants) to reduce the jitters. Never thought about adding it before bed. Going to order some now

Kinda off-topic but because I had to do a claims review on theanine for work, 200 mg actually has decent claims from human studies.

It hasn't been tested long-term so unsure if/when it craps out like most sleep drugs.