favorite gh?

Started K4L's kits (supreme kit) today.
Starting at 4iu/day, split am and PM.

Will update with "feels" reports as needed, IGF test in 6 weeks or so.

I'm hoping I get some of that ultra deep REM sleep I've seen others talk about. Also hoping the water retention and sides don't slam too hard starting at 4iu, we'll see soon enough. Should be a fun ride
Stop promoting bs, QSC is one of the worst hgh out there, i run them for 1 year straight, worst side effect, worst Igf-1 level compared to other hgh.

But the price is good, there is some people here rely only on price, so have fun with the best QSC hgh.
What sides did you experience ? in comparison to other brand ?. I bought 6 kits....Thinking of selling those
let us know. its tempting because the price but idk how good it can be for that cheap. some guys swear by that lab but i believe you get what you pay for so id rather pay more for a better quality product. opti is really cheap too so makes me wonder. idk, im going to be buying a lot so i dont want to make the wrong choice. anyone like qtropin?
I tried QSC hgh for 2 month. Give me the best sleep ever and fulfill appearance at my muscles and of course I could eat a horse without getting the extra fat. I was running very low dose , 1ui per day, until I started with stomach issue (not sure if is hg fault), but injecting make the symptoms worst. So stopped until I can find out what is going on.
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What sides did you experience ? in comparison to other brand ?. I bought 6 kits....Thinking of selling those
I tried QSC hgh for 2 month. Give me the best sleep ever and fulfill appearance at my muscles and of course I could eat a horse without getting the extra fat. I was running very low dose , 1ui per day, until I started with stomach issue (not sure if is hg fault), but injecting make the symptoms worst. So stopped until I can find out what is going on.

Fwiw I like QSC GH. Have run Opti, Genotropin, Stan's, and a few others. Currently on Cinnatropin. QSC does just as well as the others for me.

~10 IU/d split evenly morning and evening
Quick update on the feels report.

Started the GH yesterday. Did my first shot of 2iu at 2pm, didn't really notice much after that

Did my 2nd shot of 2iu at 8PM. TV was off by 8:45PM. Some of the best sleep of my life. Had what felt like very deep REM sleep, vivid dreams, slept through the night with minimal waking up, etc. Woke up at 4am and I feel like a million bucks (rested, feel recovered, overall just feel great). Usually when I wake up at 4am I still feel depleted on sleep, so this is different. I'll continue to use GH indefinitely if the sleep/recovery remains this good.

Too early to comment on fat loss, this is more of a feels report.

Going to experiment with 2iu GH about 2 hours before my fasted workout today to see how things go. Hopefully there's no lethargy
Quick update on the feels report.

Started the GH yesterday. Did my first shot of 2iu at 2pm, didn't really notice much after that

Did my 2nd shot of 2iu at 8PM. TV was off by 8:45PM. Some of the best sleep of my life. Had what felt like very deep REM sleep, vivid dreams, slept through the night with minimal waking up, etc. Woke up at 4am and I feel like a million bucks (rested, feel recovered, overall just feel great). Usually when I wake up at 4am I still feel depleted on sleep, so this is different. I'll continue to use GH indefinitely if the sleep/recovery remains this good.

Too early to comment on fat loss, this is more of a feels report.

Going to experiment with 2iu GH about 2 hours before my fasted workout today to see how things go. Hopefully there's no lethargy
Have you done gh before? No, right? You’re starting at way too high a dose if you jumped right to 4iu day 1 of using gh. Stick with 2iu for a few weeks and go up .5iu every 2 weeks monitoring for sides. I’d imagine you gonna get some wicked sides if you stay at this dose without titrating up. I started at 1.5iu and moved up .2 every week till I got to 5.
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Have you done gh before? No, right? You’re starting at way too high a dose if you jumped right to 4iu day 1 of using gh. Stick with 2iu for a few weeks and go up .5iu every 2 weeks monitoring for sides. I’d imagine you gonna get some wicked sides if you stay at this dose without titrating up. I started at 1.5iu and moved up .2 every week till I got to 5.
Used it once before, but it was a rather short duration. I'll keep this in mind though if I start getting sides--ill back the dose down
Have you done gh before? No, right? You’re starting at way too high a dose if you jumped right to 4iu day 1 of using gh. Stick with 2iu for a few weeks and go up .5iu every 2 weeks monitoring for sides. I’d imagine you gonna get some wicked sides if you stay at this dose without titrating up. I started at 1.5iu and moved up .2 every week till I got to 5.
i think it may be different for each person. i started in December at 4iu a day for a while then 5 then jumped to 8, 10, just finishing a kit of opti greys a vial a day i think thats 12. i have slight cts but my hands hurt sometimes before gh. sleep is better sometimes. but for the most part i do not experience horrible side effects, at all like some people complain about. the brands ive tried was starting out blue tops axle, then grey top opti then qsc10iu. i have quite a few kits of qsc and a few opti greys. i will be switching back and forth. last igf1 i took was not great on qsc however i had been in a drastic caloric deficit for about 3.5 months. very drastic. changing things up a bit with a new coach so hopefully that gh response will get better. its had me thinking one of my qsc orders may be degraded so i am using from a different order until i decide if it is worth it to send in some vials from that certain order for testing. i wish testing wasnt so dang expensive.
Feels report part 2: fasted cardio/workout

Took 2ius this morning at 7:30am, in the gym by 8:50am

By 9:30 I was feeling slightly lethargic, potentially placebo since I knew the hgh would kick in within 2-3 hours

By 10:30, the lethargy was definitely there (different then the tiredness I experience from high volume workouts). This definitely wasn't placebo

Good training session though. Still too early to tell the effects that the fasted training and GH have together. I think I'm going to do my AM shot closer to my workout (right before I leave the house) to get rid of the GH induced lethargy towards the end of my workout. I think doing it this way, taking the GH right before will give me time to get home and get my post workout meal in as well, right when the GH is peaking

Going to be doing a lot of testing with GH and fasted training over the next month, and will share the experiences.

No sides with the GH so far, other than some slight tingling/numbness in the hands that instantly disappeared when I started moving them. I think splitting the doses is going to be important for reducing potential sides (rather than just taking a larger dose before bed). I also like the idea of keeping the blood levels stable, to maximize the the GH lipolysis.

Sticking with 2iu pre workout, 2 iu before bed for now. If the sides don't get worse than in a few weeks I'll probably change it to 2iu pre workout, 2iu post workout, 2 iu pre bed, and that'll be the max dosage I do
FWIW, I've played with every dosing protocol under the sun and the bolus prebed just seems to do the most for me. I don't see any fat loss benefit splitting the dose up but this is just what I've seen from my body. I'm sure everyone has different reactions.
FWIW, I've played with every dosing protocol under the sun and the bolus prebed just seems to do the most for me. I don't see any fat loss benefit splitting the dose up but this is just what I've seen from my body. I'm sure everyone has different reactions.

There was a time when I was hoping to get the sleep benefits Sector recently reported for GH. For me, the timing or dose never had an effect on sleep.

I'm sure everyone has different reactions.

For me, the timing or dose never had an effect on sleep.
I’m so jealous of this. I have to time my shit careful or it wrecks my sleep. When I start back up in a little less then a month I’m going to switch it up from subq to im to see if that helps me sleep better cause it kicks and is out of your system faster. I seen a lot of guys report im reduced sides for them or just plain feels better too so it seems worth a shot.
What would be the difference between sub and intramuscular apart of the half-life?
Some people simply report liking the way it feels better. It also raises you serum level higher I believe, but it peaks and valleys way faster than subq which is why I’m hoping it’ll help with the sleep issues
Im using QSC 4ui/d.

As most of you mentioned. I hit my REM phase much faster and when I wake up I feel completely rested. It just feels different.
I had Endogenic in it for a long time. Made in Switzerland. It felt the best for six, I had very soft skin after just 2-4 iu. after that I used liberty labs and QSC. Strangely, I had trouble with QSC. I gave it to someone else who had no problems. endogenic is really 10/10