favorite gh?

which one did you notice holds less water for those who tried both optis or TP?

I’ll know soon. I’ve got one last opti gray top, then I’m gonna switch to kits4less, then TP. Plan is to stay at 3-4iu daily with all of them (that’s where I’ve been at with the opti’s for a while.

I also ordered one kit of some cheap stuff with high dimer just to see how I physically react.

It’s so strange how we can all have such adverse reactions to different labs gh. I’m a big proponent of “we’re all different and all react different”, but it’s never ceases to amaze me one guy will post he had the worst experience with one brand and someone will follow it up with those are their favorite.
lol at the people saying 99% of pharma gh is fake, stop this nonsense, it's only people using ugl gh that are making these useless claims. Never have i heard one complaint from someone on pharma gh, they are all happy with their shit and most say it's worth the money they are spending on it, cus the results speak for themselves

not saying ugl is bad, it's gotten very good now, but nothing beats pharma
well it is heavily faked...not 99% no.. very good fakes, that test well. so how do u know you don't get fakes? even sellers are fooled, its not like bootleg DVDs...
Anke biotech / supertropin

It's where TP got his original greys before the falling out and his transition to another source way back.

Does anyone notice whether or not the liquid pharmacy hgh loses potency during storage and shipping ?
i would not order liquid hgh is you are not 100% sure how it was stored and if it isnt shipped with cool packs.
Liquid hgh will definitely degrade if environmental conditions are not on par
I get all my GH from now on from TP, I will honestly probably never get it from anywhere else. I went from Omnitripe to Genotropin to TP and I will never go back.

Edit: Lol I just realized this was my first post on here but you can find me being more active on PM. Long time lurker first time poster here I guess.
Does anyone get pip from gh at all? Subq gives me really bad welts and intramuscular is much better but still sore next day. I use the same bac water with other peptides and get no pain or soreness
Me too. Can’t figure out why. My guess would be purity being that it is derived from E-coli bacteria
I used Goodlyfe and I was very satisfied with the product. Lots of testing and I believe blind tests as well..
I also used some $50 kits from a alibaba/China source don't remember the company. There was no 3rd party testing .. sure it seemed fine but I have no clue what it was.
I'm will use goodlyfe again because the testing and quality passes for me and the ordering/shipping was great as well.
Pretty sure in the opti thread some of us were getting a little redness and slight pip from the black tops.
I did, didn’t with the grays. Some suggested changing BAC water brands could help. Mine was minor and if I remember correctly, not every time and not a big deal.
Me too. Can’t figure out why. My guess would be purity being that it is derived from E-coli bacteria
I think I wasn’t injecting into subq properly and possibly injection into fat. I started doing subq a few inches lower in my groin area where there is no fat and same gh with same bac water I get no redness or welt now. Make sure to pinch skin and keep needle just under the skin and not too deep
which one did you notice holds less water for those who tried both optis or TP?
I’ll know soon. I’ve got one last opti gray top, then I’m gonna switch to kits4less, then TP. Plan is to stay at 3-4iu daily with all of them (that’s where I’ve been at with the opti’s for a while.

I also ordered one kit of some cheap stuff with high dimer just to see how I physically react.

It’s so strange how we can all have such adverse reactions to different labs gh. I’m a big proponent of “we’re all different and all react different”, but it’s never ceases to amaze me one guy will post he had the worst experience with one brand and someone will follow it up with those are their favorite.

I've said it here before but maybe I'm an outlier. Never noticed a big difference in CTS/edema between pharma and UGL GH. Sides come down to the dose (for me).
I've said it here before but maybe I'm an outlier. Never noticed a big difference in CTS/edema between pharma and UGL GH. Sides come down to the dose (for me).

I’ve tried a few months worth of a few different ones with varying purity and dimmer and that’s where I’m at so far. Of course my personal observations are all of ugl stuff. I doubt I’d ever shell out the money for pharma.
I’ve tried a few months worth of a few different ones with varying purity and dimmer and that’s where I’m at so far. Of course my personal observations are all of ugl stuff. I doubt I’d ever shell out the money for pharma.

Sometimes there are discounts on pharma. When that coincided with a time when I had a few extra bucks lying around, I tried pharma (Geno, sero, gray area cinna, etc).

Noticed no big diff so I'm mostly UGL for GH now. From a few different vendors (probably the same source or 2).
Been debating picking up some from K4L and running 5-6iu a day. Price is hard to beat, especially if every batch is being tested