Femara libido death!

Jay doc

New Member
so got pelleted 4 weeks ago with testosterone pellets (2000mg) and quickly noticed gyno and swelling.. Took 1/2 of a femara 3weeks ago and it was INSTANT libido kill within 24 hrs... Now going on 4 weeks of the femara fiasco and still NO LIBIDO!!!! No interest in sex AT ALL! No help with cialis or viagra either... No desire to penetrate a vagina!!!! What the fuck is going on and WHEN do I get my libido back?
ANYONE PLEASE HELP! Anything I can do??

I drew labs a couple of days ago.. Will post them as soon as I have them..

Ha! True! My bad! And I'm a doctor... I should know better.. Will try and change it!
First hint of libido last night... Answer might be 4weeks!
Ok, you are a doctor, and I am a gynecologist only for female celebrities. A doctor would not come on a steroid forum to ask this sort of pharmaceutical question. Well, maybe a really shitty one. We have two in house docs here that answer questions, they don't ask them. You would have a plethora of resources at your fingertips if you were..... Let's be honest..
Family doctor, southern cal, 15 years.. Pm me..
I'm a beginner at hormone replacement and RESPECT this forum as a weightlifter and a jiujitsu practioner... I did a bonehead move in taking the Femara (should have just let the estro work itself out) and HOPED someone in this awesome community could lend a hand as to how long I was fucked with a crappy libido.. But thankfully at week 4 it's beginning to wake up!
Dr M
You take too much test no wonder gyno goes full force .cut test and ad anastrozole or exemestane

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You're probably right! Since I was in command of my dosing I wanted to go high octane... Again rookie move on my part!!! Should have went with computer generated dose of 1600 mg...
Quest still hasn't posted my T or free T levels yet...Estradiol was at 64....
I'm interested what T is going to be... I should have it in next 24 hours!

Thanks for your input Roidfreak..
I did
T was 285
Free T was 38
Estradiol 16
Pellet program called for 1600 mg, I said eff it lets go big and upped myself to 2000mg....
My initial panic to the swelling and (mild) gyno was to Rx my office manager femara and take a 1/2 tab... And that's when things went DOWNhill...
Feeling alittle better at week 4 but not the raging libido I had hoped forth at I see in patients I pellet... And all I could think was why did I take that eff'ing femara! I now see Aromasin would have been the better choice!
I'll put up the T labs as soon as quest puts them up!
Thanks for the inquiry man! I really appreciate it!
You did right Femara is designed for high doses of test and you use it well but it has side effects like everithing preety much .Over 1 gram of test is overkill and only top pro bb fully benefit from this .I did experiment with 1 gram but I did other mistake I took anastrozole in low doses and it flared my tits too[emoji38]

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Etharris, from Femara??? That doesn't seem possible... Mine has slowly come back... But still not too good over all...
Btw for those who followed this thread.. These were the lab totals:
Estradiol: 64
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS: 3,117
Free Testosterone: 1,117.3
Totally out of control...
What I had failed to mention was that with the panic from the failed libido from the Femara fiasco I began IM T Cyp at 200mg/week... Hoping I would get SOMETHING... Yet now I'm probably going to get a Barry bonds head!
Stopping all IM and hoping to burn through the pellets quickly (gym/mma) and retest in a month or so... Once libido is squared away, I'll check level and then will probably do T prop to maintain said level!
Hopefully starting Aromasin tomorrow if pharmacy gets it in...
Etharris, from Femara??? That doesn't seem possible... Mine has slowly come back... But still not too good over all...
No....mine was from doing a 3 yr cycle of test and tren and never coming off...then stopped cold turkey and a divorce and loss of job...if that wasn't bad enough...my endocrine system crashed...my hormones are screwed...I can't get anything right now. It has pretty much ended my life.
As a "Doctor," I'm sure you've heard of Google Scholar and a search bar? Sorry, having a real hard time with you being a creditable Doc asking these questions. I hope Like hell you research your practice clients problems more than your own. SMFH.
Damn Letro !! See .... :( .
Goodluck Jay , stay on the testosterone , it will work itself out .
Use low dose Arimidex next time for estridiol control. ;) ~Ogh
Geterdun.. Unfortunately as a doctor I took advantage at to what was at my disposal and took the path of "more must be better"... Lesson learned!
For my patients, I appreciate the concern, I keep it by the book, and most do really well with their T pellets...
Really well in fact..

Oregongearhead... Thanks for the confirmatory nod! That's my plan exactly! Waiting on my office manager for the pharmacy to fill her Aromasin..
They're taking "a couple of days".. I may grab for arimidex if it takes any longer...
Thanks again Ogh! We as physicians tell people all day long "it's going to be ok"...it was good to hear it reciprocated (damn estro turning me into a sensitive chick!!!)
Ok Aromasin 12.5mg on board!
Libido is still somewhat shitty... Not sure from letrol 4 weeks ago OR from test being so damn high...OR the 64 Estradiol.. In any case shooting for an estro level of 20-30... hope Aromasin gets me there... For those genuinely interested, I will keep you posted.. I'll draw labs again soon! Others can and should learn from my overzealous mistake!
As a "Doctor," I'm sure you've heard of Google Scholar and a search bar? Sorry, having a real hard time with you being a creditable Doc asking these questions. I hope Like hell you research your practice clients problems more than your own. SMFH.
unconvinced. don't matter anyway....but thought maybe he'd collaborate with Jim privately. Whatevs.
No....mine was from doing a 3 yr cycle of test and tren and never coming off...then stopped cold turkey and a divorce and loss of job...if that wasn't bad enough...my endocrine system crashed...my hormones are screwed...I can't get anything right now. It has pretty much ended my life.
look here...maybe u need more dopamine or to drink half a bottle of whiskey..u ever see a butchy 5'3" lesbian with no make up and a crewcut? she's chubby as fuck and she'll take a hot chick off a dudes hand and work that pussy. she don't even have a dick. Watch Rock star and work that pussy....make it bout her not you...that'll give ya a shot of confidence and self worth. next go shooting at a range. yell at the TV during football games...watch mma....read the Bible n go to church perhaps.... try Celexa...shoot basketball with a 12 yo with no father. say Yarrrr like a pirate for no reason...tell everyone you wanna kick Degans ass from walking dead. I COMMAND YOU TO LIVE...punctuation is optional. @legendary , @Throwback, @BIG Paul, @Savagesteve how do we motivate this guy? this been going on for what Mr. Harris? two months? RISE UP N BE HEALED BRO....