Femara libido death!

Have you checked the Element zero-g control. How about the main thrusters and propellant tanks.
Im thinking you might need to change your suspension cables and make sure the crew module is pressurised at 255 lb/ft2. Oh and transfer the RCS torques to your zero-g docking port to maintain a stabilized environment. lol. But seriously I know why your giving OP shit.

I become very concerned whenever anyone misrepresents their professional qualifications
on ANY drug related forum bc the consequences for those who chose to listen to such advice CAN be quite serious.

That's not to suggest "Jay" has offered advice per say BUT that tends to come in due course once more credibility is established, and the latter doesn't require much on an AAS forum IME.

Don't get me wrong I love to have more Docs on Meso primarily bc of their bias towards evidence based research.

If Jay is a physician he should at least complete that part of the Meso professional profile for others to use as a reference and should be willing to answer questions that Dr Scally and myself may pose as a means of validating his assertion "I'm a Doc".

I will point out that doctors or even endocrinologists (doctors with a master degree in hormones)

A "master['s] degree in hormones"?

What do you call someone with a PhD in hormones, Master.Bates? I can't wait to see what you pull out of your blown out ass this time. Lmfao
No desire to penetrate a vagina!!!!

Son, that's called being gay where I come from. Just sayin'.

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hello let me introduce myself my name is ironwill and I am a rocket scientist. I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what the atmosphere is ?
I sent my rocket up and it wouldn't leave the atmosphere I am confused so I came here for help. I am also a DR.
Escape velocity - Wikipedia

I'd say there's an escape-ED level
a testosterone level below which most people will never feel good
700 or at very least 600 ng/dL

A "master['s] degree in hormones"?

What do you call someone with a PhD in hormones, Master.Bates? I can't wait to see what you pull out of your blown out ass this time. Lmfao
You again?
If I'm not mistaken
You're the one who's bitter after I called you a (low wage) shill
Am I right?

P.S. they can be either a master's degree or PhD in endocrinology
Masters vs PhD | PhD or Masters| Which One is Right For You?
Masters Degrees in Medicine (Clinical Endocrinology)
What's the problem? They only use the term PhD in Kiev or Moldova capital city whatever its name is, or wherever your source is located?
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I become very concerned whenever anyone misrepresents their professional qualifications
on ANY drug related forum bc the consequences for those who chose to listen to such advice CAN be quite serious.

That's not to suggest "Jay" has offered advice per say BUT that tends to come in due course once more credibility is established, and the latter doesn't require much on an AAS forum IME.

Don't get me wrong I love to have more Docs on Meso primarily bc of their bias towards evidence based research.

If Jay is a physician he should at least complete that part of the Meso professional profile for others to use as a reference and should be willing to answer questions that Dr Scally and myself may pose as a means of validating his assertion "I'm a Doc".

I understand and respect the fact that we have people like you keeping people accountable.

I also agree wether meso members are doctors or not, that they should focus on "evidence based reasearch". This is why I personally would like to see more educated prespective on all the topics this forum offers. Unfortunatly sometimes on online forums, you have to navigate through a sea of bullshit, specifically anecdotal evidence and parroting dumbass people. This forum seems to have a good member base with great info. Anecdotal evidence is deff of some relevance mainly from certain members who speak from experience and verifiable data. This is why I encourage more Doctors, and smart motherfuckers alike to ping info off of each other so we can have more insightful information, while still allowing the new guys to ask retarted questions. If anything its entertaining to fuck with these guys.

Lastly your thought about having you and Dr Scally question doctors seems like a great Idea.
Actually I thing Dr Scally is retired from the more controversial aspects of Meso. :)
Jim as it stands I don't have much to offer and yet plenty of information to gain (after sifting through the typical wise crack bs.. truly this forum reminds me of getting hazed as an intern..)
The experience I have is practical and with hormone pellets only... A modality that gets most patients in the 900-1500 range without much of a picket fence pattern peak/trough over the span of about 4 -5 months... Something I personally see as an advantage to IM shots(daily, weekly,etc). My plan is to program/combine pellets with the longer acting (t Cyp/enanth) to prolong the effect of the steady hormone level!
My intention on myself was genuine until I ran into the consequence of the increased dosing.. And then the effect of the "fix" ...(CensoredBoardsSuck... I can send you the rest of my Femara )
Like I said.. Lesson learned and then some! Thanks to the few that took me seriously here that I'm back to my normal horney self! The experience here has also given me new insight as to what to look out for more carefully in the people I pellet (1/2 of which are women.. ) so I really appreciate the help!
So for now Jim I accept my noobe status and will lurk and learn.. I'll chime off every now and then if I think I have something to contribute....
I'll look for that prof profile and fill it out but for now..
I'm fam med/sports med.. I do a lot of PRP (knees and shoulders, mostly)
Hormone optimization (getting guys in the low to mid1000's / women in the low 100s and keeping them there) has taken root in my practice as a natural progression and a vision of where I want it to go