Femara libido death!

In my opinion your high estrogen is what is causing the, (scientific term) "wet noodle syndrome". Everyones different but at 64 many would have a hard time getting it up. ☺ Just keep bringing your estro back to normal levels ie under 40 and im guessing youl be that teenager again. Like everyone said stick with Aromasin or Anastrozole. I personally would use aromasin since it is a Suicide inhibitor and thus limiting the rebound effect.
Estradiol now 23!
Libido back 100%
Aromasin is king!
Glad it worked for you brother. That shits happened to me a couple times and would get all scared that my dick wont work again. It never fails that once I get my estro in check im back to normal. Temp enlarged prostate would also cause erection problems. By the way if your a doc can you write out a prescription for me of Test cyp. lol Just kidding... not really.
too much or too little estrogen kills libido
blood tests are needed
don't drive e too low
Agreed with materon 100%. OP everyones different. 23 is a good number to be at since its within normal range and more importantly you feel great. Like masteron said to low estro can also cause libido problems, so balancing estro is the goal, not eliminating it completly. You might already know this.
I would keep monitoring your estro via bloodwork and taper off the aromasin, or stop it all together. The good thing about aromasin is that it is a suicide inhibitor so intheory you shouldnt worry about a rebound effect. Either way do your bloodwork. Good luck
give me a break are any of you guys buying this guy is really a doctor?
damn I haven't seen many newbies at 20 years old that know less than this guy,
for Christ sake if he was a doctor he would be talking to one of his endocrinologist friends or a urologist that he knows or works with, he wouldn't be here on a steroid board asking for bro science help'.
all I have to say to him is here at meso we will help you as much as we can but DROP the lying shit about being a DR.
Just saw a patient today who contacted me from this forum..
Don't know what the big deal is really about being a doc.. I'm not selling anything...weird how it seems to offend some people... If anything, I've humbled myself in seeking real world help.. And I got it FROM THIS FORUM... My Endo friends don't believe in hormone optimization... Anyhow enough said a about what I do and don't do for a living..
Thanks to all who helped.. You know who you are!
Libido is RAGING!
This experience has caused me to look more closely at Estradiol level at the 4 week post pellet appointments! Where I was ok with leaving patients at upper levels I'm now really going to be more proactive in the questions I ask targeting E2 and its subsequent control!!
End point conclusion for all who may read this in a nonjudgmental way..
Drop Estradiol below 30, use Aromasin if you can get your hands on it, and DON'T GO NEAR FEMARA!
Again to all who helped and pm'd.. A genuine Thank you!
give me a break are any of you guys buying this guy is really a doctor?
damn I haven't seen many newbies at 20 years old that know less than this guy,
for Christ sake if he was a doctor he would be talking to one of his endocrinologist friends or a urologist that he knows or works with, he wouldn't be here on a steroid board asking for bro science help'.
all I have to say to him is here at meso we will help you as much as we can but DROP the lying shit about being a DR.
While I won't even care or speculate if he is a real doctor
I will point out that doctors or even endocrinologists (doctors with a master degree in hormones) don't know anything about how steroids, or pct drugs work for bodybuilding.
If anything they are taught to just look at blood tests and tell you you are ok even if your Testosterone is just over the minimum range and estrogen just below the upper limit.
so got pelleted 4 weeks ago with testosterone pellets (2000mg) and quickly noticed gyno and swelling.. Took 1/2 of a femara 3weeks ago and it was INSTANT libido kill within 24 hrs... Now going on 4 weeks of the femara fiasco and still NO LIBIDO!!!! No interest in sex AT ALL! No help with cialis or viagra either... No desire to penetrate a vagina!!!! What the fuck is going on and WHEN do I get my libido back?
ANYONE PLEASE HELP! Anything I can do??

I drew labs a couple of days ago.. Will post them as soon as I have them..


Those are questions you should be asking YOUR DOC! Now wait your are a physician and need advice from those on an AAS forum.

Thats like an adult asking a 6 yo how to ride a bike, hello!

Your posts are riddled w errors typical of Meso Noobs, but a physician hardly!
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Which is why I shouldn't have treated myself!
Meso noob I am...
I just hope other noobs will learn from my personal experience
It was a horrible 5 weeks with no sex drive!
Will be contacting pellet company (BioTe) and suggesting they change their "fix" for aromtization (given at 2 day course) from Femara to Aromasin!
Thanks again.
Its true. Theres Bodybuilders who know more about "hormone optimising" for the sake of anoboilism and maintaining male function than 80 percent of doctors out there imo. For the most part, we have the same access to the same medical journals that they write textbooks from, only we focus on very specific topics ie muscle building, fat loss, performance, healthy overall body functions. There is few exeptions. Dr Scally, Dr Jim being the exeptions. Many of these doctors are saturated with a multitude of info that doesnt directly influence bodybuilding. So to me is no surprise that Jay is asking these questions. With that being said im not excusing his ignorance and would suggest he hit the books harder, but Im glad hes on this forum learning so that he he help his patients (assuming he is a doctor), and not give them bullshit information like a great portion of his colleagues. At least he is trying to learn. Ive seen countless forum threads where people say their doctor told them some bullshit advice. Ive heard of doctors saying testosterone in the 200s and estro in the 80s was perfectly normal, meanwhile his patient is basically a female. I would hope more of these doctors in training would come on this forum and learn, or share their expertise. Once again though Op I hope you keep reading from this forum, medical journals and your textbooks and you can help your clients, that is, if you really are a doctor. best of luck
Thanks again Rook!
I will stay on this forum for the real world breadth of knowledge it's provided me (from guys like you) as I transition a good part of my time and practice to hormone replacement/optimization!
If you're ever in SoCal pm me for a visit TO MY MEDICAL OFFICE. Shoot the shit, grab a beer!
I'm done with this thread!
Thanks again all who helped!
Thanks again Rook!
I will stay on this forum for the real world breadth of knowledge it's provided me (from guys like you) as I transition a good part of my time and practice to hormone replacement/optimization!
If you're ever in SoCal pm me for a visit TO MY MEDICAL OFFICE. Shoot the shit, grab a beer!
I'm done with this thread!
Thanks again all who helped!
Thanks will do. Im in Nor Cal bay, will be moving out to So Cal within the next year. Gotta love those sexy ass So Cal women .
One last thing...
Dr Jim
Actually me asking the questions I do is not so much like an adult asking a 6 yo how to build a bike, but more like an intern asking and learning from the EXPERIENCED nurse on the Medicine Floor or ICU, and getting a practical answer, than asking the dickhead Senior Resident or even worse my attending and completely get shit on!
Have a nice day all!
Enjoy the weekend!
hello let me introduce myself my name is ironwill and I am a rocket scientist. I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what the atmosphere is ?
I sent my rocket up and it wouldn't leave the atmosphere I am confused so I came here for help. I am also a DR.
I'm married to one of them!
I'm a lucky guy!
Seriously hit me up
Everytime im in Socal I walk around with my fucken jaw droped. Up in the bay the girls look like shit, and half of them have a dick. Im just up here for financial reasons, but im trying to leave as soon as possible.

Ill hit you up. Youl get a random pm from me when I get to LA in 4-6 months give or take.
hello let me introduce myself my name is ironwill and I am a rocket scientist. I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what the atmosphere is ?
I sent my rocket up and it wouldn't leave the atmosphere I am confused so I came here for help. I am also a DR.
Have you checked the Element zero-g control. How about the main thrusters and propellant tanks.
Im thinking you might need to change your suspension cables and make sure the crew module is pressurised at 255 lb/ft2. Oh and transfer the RCS torques to your zero-g docking port to maintain a stabilized environment. lol. But seriously I know why your giving OP shit.
hello let me introduce myself my name is ironwill and I am a rocket scientist. I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what the atmosphere is ?
I sent my rocket up and it wouldn't leave the atmosphere I am confused so I came here for help. I am also a DR.

Well said, lol!