Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...


New Member
Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opiod. In my city, (I'm not going to say it, it's in the U.S.). Me and my wife went to get some goods (gear) for me and some molly for her, I always Test mdma and other stuff before we take anything. So....we tested her molly, with the marquis kit... It wasn't positive. It wasn't lucy, horse, china white, neither glass, neither any of those. So we were so concerned by this...We wasted money. But it's more important to test your products before even taking it. WORD IS: Fentanyl is everywhere. Who knows what the hell what we got?! I'm taking huge, huge precautions over this. Hopefully, they'll come up with some test kit for fentanyl soon...because I highly suspect that our molly is Fentanyl.

Becareful out there guys
Fentanyl is mistaken for H or horse or heroin, it is 30x more potent than H, it takes soooo little to overdose over this.

Who knows? There's a lot of dealers out there that are very dishonest and they just want to cause chaos/kill somebody with their dishonesty practices!
Fentanyl is becoming the scourge of drug users as it's now being used as a cutting agent for heroin and cocaine. As the cutting agent is not dosed right, it can result in deadly OD's. My state alone had 1,000 OD deaths in one year and that's alarming.

People need to be smart about drug use (especially street drugs like molly or E) as it's like Russian Roulette out there.

Hopefully the US government will be working harder to intercept fentanyl (and it's really big brother carfentanil) as well as cocaine/heroin so more deaths can be prevented.
Fentanyl is becoming the scourge of drug users as it's now being used as a cutting agent for heroin and cocaine. As the cutting agent is not dosed right, it can result in deadly OD's. My state alone had 1,000 OD deaths in one year and that's alarming.

People need to be smart about drug use (especially street drugs like molly or E) as it's like Russian Roulette out there.

Hopefully the US government will be working harder to intercept fentanyl (and it's really big brother carfentanil) as well as cocaine/heroin so more deaths can be prevented.

Yep, we sure need big brother to protect us all from ourselves.

Fact of life, shit happens. If some stupid junkie wants to take another hit knowing full well that it could be his last, let him do it. It's his choice to play with his life.
Yep, we sure need big brother to protect us all from ourselves.

Fact of life, shit happens. If some stupid junkie wants to take another hit knowing full well that it could be his last, let him do it. It's his choice to play with his life.
Yes, but fent now changes the game for the worse and definitely drugs are bad but adding even more dangerous additives no bueno.
Yep, we sure need big brother to protect us all from ourselves.

Fact of life, shit happens. If some stupid junkie wants to take another hit knowing full well that it could be his last, let him do it. It's his choice to play with his life.

Obviously you’ve never been addicted to anything and I hope it stays that way. But it shows. You don’t understand what it’s like they call it a “disease” for a reason people die trying to quit the hard drugs fuck people even kill them selfs because it’s easier.
Obviously you’ve never been addicted to anything and I hope it stays that way. But it shows. You don’t understand what it’s like they call it a “disease” for a reason people die trying to quit the hard drugs fuck people even kill them selfs because it’s easier.

Incorrect. i was addicted to pain killers for 10 years. Cost me nearly everything i had. But unlike those that can't find it within themselves to get clean, i did.
Incorrect. i was addicted to pain killers for 10 years. Cost me nearly everything i had. But unlike those that can't find it within themselves to get clean, i did.
That’s good I was hooked on blow and crack for a few years shit was rough but I snapped out of it but I also lost a lot of friends to meth and heroine that shit is something else glad I never liked opioids.
That’s good I was hooked on blow and crack for a few years shit was rough but I snapped out of it but I also lost a lot of friends to meth and heroine that shit is something else glad I never liked opioids.

You and i both saw the errors of our ways and fixed them.
i believe anyone is capable of getting clean, but the want to be clean has to be stronger than the want to get high.

My main gripe is government involvement. It makes me angry that some fat, bloated asshole that's never used a drug in his life is going to create a law and tell me what i can and can't do with my money and my body.

Maybe if this bitch government were to take steps at fixing the problem, it wouldn't bother me so much. But this repeated failure of creating laws and locking up dealers and users hasn't changed a damn thing.

The flow of drugs will never stop. There will always be dealers and they will always have customers, regardless of how much time and money they waste hunting them down and locking them up.

Phew. Felt good to rant. Everyone have a good night.
Fentanyl is becoming the scourge of drug users as it's now being used as a cutting agent for heroin and cocaine. As the cutting agent is not dosed right, it can result in deadly OD's. My state alone had 1,000 OD deaths in one year and that's alarming.

People need to be smart about drug use (especially street drugs like molly or E) as it's like Russian Roulette out there.

Hopefully the US government will be working harder to intercept fentanyl (and it's really big brother carfentanil) as well as cocaine/heroin so more deaths can be prevented.
oh shit, there is another type of fentanyl? carfentanyl?!
Obviously you’ve never been addicted to anything and I hope it stays that way. But it shows. You don’t understand what it’s like they call it a “disease” for a reason people die trying to quit the hard drugs fuck people even kill them selfs because it’s easier.
You and i both saw the errors of our ways and fixed them.
i believe anyone is capable of getting clean, but the want to be clean has to be stronger than the want to get high.

My main gripe is government involvement. It makes me angry that some fat, bloated asshole that's never used a drug in his life is going to create a law and tell me what i can and can't do with my money and my body.

Maybe if this bitch government were to take steps at fixing the problem, it wouldn't bother me so much. But this repeated failure of creating laws and locking up dealers and users hasn't changed a damn thing.

The flow of drugs will never stop. There will always be dealers and they will always have customers, regardless of how much time and money they waste hunting them down and locking them up.

Phew. Felt good to rant. Everyone have a good night.
I'm surprised that birth control and testorone is legal. (where I'm from I can get it over the counter, Philippines).
That’s good I was hooked on blow and crack for a few years shit was rough but I snapped out of it but I also lost a lot of friends to meth and heroine that shit is something else glad I never liked opioids.
I'll never ever ever touch that stuff. Coming from your example, sounds lyk a really bad trip! Bet you had a difficult life when you were addicted.
Yep, we sure need big brother to protect us all from ourselves.

Fact of life, shit happens. If some stupid junkie wants to take another hit knowing full well that it could be his last, let him do it. It's his choice to play with his life.

Well actually it much more complicated than that mate bc there’s a considerable
difference bt recreational drug use and
the use of a drug to support an addiction.

And while there’s A LOT of grey bt recreational use an addiction death is not an anticipated outcome for either.

For example I recently saw two cases (a husband and wife Body Building tandem) that took Hydrocodone in THERAPEUTIC dosages who would be dead had they not collapsed in a Public gym

After a prompt response to Narcan each admitted to taking TWO tabs of 10/325 HC ..... yea right I know better, bc a single 2/2 IM/IV mg dose of Narcan should have resulted in complete recovery and not require repetitive dosing. (Fact is existing evidence has shown few if any HODs require more than a single dose 2/2 SubQ/IM or IV
of Narcan)

Well at least that’s what they thought they took bc in spite of the expected response to Narcan both required a Narcan drip and admission to the ICU.

So what ?

Serum studies revealed not only HYDROCODONE but enough FENTANYL to kill FOUR to FIVE adults.

Apparently Fentanyl is so cheap it’s being used as an adulterant, of sorts, or perhaps manufactures are on a quest for return customers.

Understand the tandem was anything but addicts, but rather two BB, albeit amateurs in their mid 40s who were looking for a little something to diminish their joint arthralgias/pain.

They were also IMO two responsible adult PED users who ventured off the farm and purchased a SCHEDULE II drug
“from a less than savory character”, their words exactly!

I used to use fentanyl, it’s actually 50x more potent than heroin and 100x more potent than morphine. I used to extract fentanyl from the patches and smoke it. Obviously this was after years and a massive tolerance built because the it’s not a first choice, might be potent but the high is no where near that of morphine, more like benzos.

I extracted so much once that my mom found me nearly dead with blue ass lips, plus I’d always pop a handful of benzos which only made it more dangerous. Haven’t touched it 3-4 yrs except for a surgery, but I didn’t seek out more on my own. I was knowingly using fentanyl, can’t imagine how much more dangerous it is when people don’t know wtf they’re using.
Well actually it much more complicated than that mate bc there’s a considerable
difference bt recreational drug use and
the use of a drug to support an addiction.

And while there’s A LOT of grey bt recreational use an addiction death is not an anticipated outcome for either.

For example I recently saw two cases (a husband and wife Body Building tandem) that took Hydrocodone in THERAPEUTIC dosages who would be dead had they not collapsed in a Public gym

After a prompt response to Narcan each admitted to taking TWO tabs of 10/325 HC ..... yea right I know better, bc a single 2/2 IM/IV mg dose of Narcan should have resulted in complete recovery and not require repetitive dosing. (Fact is existing evidence has shown few if any HODs require more than a single dose 2/2 SubQ/IM or IV
of Narcan)

Well at least that’s what they thought they took bc in spite of the expected response to Narcan both required a Narcan drip and admission to the ICU.

So what ?

Serum studies revealed not only HYDROCODONE but enough FENTANYL to kill FOUR to FIVE adults.

Apparently Fentanyl is so cheap it’s being used as an adulterant, of sorts, or perhaps manufactures are on a quest for return customers.

Understand the tandem was anything but addicts, but rather two BB, albeit amateurs in their mid 40s who were looking for a little something to diminish their joint arthralgias/pain.

They were also IMO two responsible adult PED users who ventured off the farm and purchased a SCHEDULE II drug
“from a less than savory character”, their words exactly!


Yea right 2 large adults od’d off of 20mg of hydrocodone lol
Yep, we sure need big brother to protect us all from ourselves.

Fact of life, shit happens. If some stupid junkie wants to take another hit knowing full well that it could be his last, let him do it. It's his choice to play with his life.

You know I think most here agree with your premise of self determination
BUT, isn’t that the risk of ANY UGL product, you just don’t know what you’re getting on either a qualitative or quantative basis.

And make no mistake about it, some UGLs (better termed bathtub brewers) just don’t give a shit and propagate the same self determination rationale for any and all unexpected PED complications, it’s YOUR RISK DUDES.

WTF bc these are the type of labs that give all UGLs a horrific name. Ive seen several on Meso over the years and all seem to follow the course of here today gone tomorrow.

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Incorrect. i was addicted to pain killers for 10 years. Cost me nearly everything i had. But unlike those that can't find it within themselves to get clean, i did.

Congrats on getting clean. What if somewhere in those 10 years you took something improperly cut with Fentanyl and died and never got the chance to get yourself clean?