Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...

Is it a really a disease or is the groundwork there, a predisposition of sorts, for people like myself that have an obsessive nature to my thinking, poor impulse control and a penchant for compulsive behavior?

Sex addicts, gamblers and those addicted to nicotine aren't classified (to my knowledge) as having a disease, but shouldn't they be? From what i've read, that classification seems exclusive to drugs, despite nicotine being a drug and all.

i'm just thinking out loud here, so don't take it as me challenging your doctor or what you were taught, please.
It is all the same imo. Addiction is addiction. Alcoholic, junkie, gambler, whatever- and classifying it or what it's called is pretty inconsequential. Disease, lack of self control- it boils down to some can take it or leave it (whatever it is) and some will burn the whole world down over it. There is a difference between the brains of people who just put it down and the people who have a worse time of it- who never put it down. What you want to name that difference or quantify it as is a big whatever.
You couldn’t hold a candle to me you pussy. Know why ? Cause your weak minded, untrained and a general coward.
Lol. I bet you are one of those proud of your high school football day, joined the military because you were too fucking stupid to get a job that paid well, found a wife who likes to be beaten, got it all figured out guys.

Its *you're you illiterate fuck. You embarrass anyone who walks into a gym and has to be associated with small minded dipshits like you.
Lol. I bet you are one of those proud of your high school football day, joined the military because you were too fucking stupid to get a job that paid well, found a wife who likes to be beaten, got it all figured out guys.

Its *you're you illiterate fuck. You embarrass anyone who walks into a gym and has to be associated with small minded dipshits like you.
Never change pavement ape.
Is it a really a disease or is the groundwork there, a predisposition of sorts, for people like myself that have an obsessive nature to my thinking, poor impulse control and a penchant for compulsive behavior?

Sex addicts, gamblers and those addicted to nicotine aren't classified (to my knowledge) as having a disease, but shouldn't they be? From what i've read, that classification seems exclusive to drugs, despite nicotine being a drug and all.

i'm just thinking out loud here, so don't take it as me challenging your doctor or what you were taught, please.
All good I don't take offence everyone has a different opinion in the end. And whatever works for one person getting and staying clean is all that matters.
All good I don't take offence everyone has different opinion in the end. And whatever works for one person getting and staying clean is all that matters.

For sure. The goal is the same, regardless of what we want to call it or label it. Virtual high five for all of you that have slayed your demons. We're all stronger than we give ourselves credit for sometimes.
I think you are discounting a very large part of the drug introduction scenes take place in a doctors office. Years ago oxycontin was professed to be non addictive... and here we are now
I'm not unaware of this, and it's a damn shame that things like this are allowed to happen. While I realize that a generation of people were misinformed, fucked over and are now paying for it, we now know what the end result is most likely to be and we still chose to start using narcotics. It makes it harder to sympathize when you know the user knew what they were getting into, but at the same time it's impossible not to care because I'm not immune. My family buried two younger men last year alone because of this issue.

behind some bodies are people who started taking meds for legitimate reasons and it lit that bonfire in their brain some of us have
this is something that I don't have regarding opiates or alcohol so I can't fully understand the pull those addictions have. I spent 6 weeks on heavy pharmaceuticals after my leg issue and I walked away without any major problems. It kills me to know other can't simply walk away. My family is littered with addiction and I'm absolutely an outlier, for whatever reason?

I am hard lined on my opinions and feelings and while that may never change, I do support whatever changes are needed to curb the problem. What those changes are, I dont know man. I'm listening though.
Trying to converse with libertarians is a complete waste of time... the anti government rhetoric that harkens back when the government was still influenced by the crown is almost cute if it wasn't so ignorant. We have two choices- government control or the control of private corporations operated by profits and driven by the financial interests of shareholders and a board... look at healthcare and the pharmacological industry alone- what a phenomenal job the private sector has done controlling costs and premiums.

yeah! how dare a company make a profit. shame on them.

talk about being arrogant. you have no clue why pharmaceuticals cost so much. do you even have any idea what their profit margin‘s are or how much it cost to bring a drug to market due to all the rules and regulations from the federal government? There is no competition in the pharmaceutical industry due to the governments rules regulations etc.

The health insurance industry is another one of those that is heavily regulated which is bringing price up.

hate to break it to you but we don’t have free market capitalism in the United States. and if we did everything would be so much cheaper in this country would be much wealthier. unfortunately government feels the need they have to stick their noses in every single aspect of our daily lives. I’m sure you have no problem with that because I know you like to be told what to do and how to live just like other libtards.
yeah! how dare a company make a profit. shame on them.

talk about being arrogant. you have no clue why pharmaceuticals cost so much. do you even have any idea what their profit margin‘s are or how much it cost to bring a drug to market due to all the rules and regulations from the federal government? There is no competition in the pharmaceutical industry due to the governments rules regulations etc.

The health insurance industry is another one of those that is heavily regulated which is bringing price up.

hate to break it to you but we don’t have free market capitalism in the United States. and if we did everything would be so much cheaper in this country would be much wealthier. unfortunately government feels the need they have to stick their noses in every single aspect of our daily lives. I’m sure you have no problem with that because I know you like to be told what to do and how to live just like other libtards.
He who smelt it dealt it... no clue how much it costs? God- your copy and paste points are just so algorithm driven. I wonder what you did before the internet came for your information? Campfire with your uncles?

Tell me hotshot- if pharmaceuticals are priced based on cost to market, why are items like insulin, epipens, you name it still being doubled year over year? I'll give you a hint- it's for profit. It has nothing to do with costs. They take what can't be lived without and play war with insurance companies... who then take it out of the customer premiums... and the people who can't even afford healthcare pay the price worse than anyone.

Nothing is inherently wrong with capitalism. It just ends the same. Every time. Someone ends up with all and it topples- and I am doing my part to pick up what I can. I promise I do far better than you ever will- how do I know? I never once heard a successful person use the phrase libtard- it is strictly for middle America white trash. Congrats.

I would wish that you would lose your healthcare and your entire family becomes diabetic and allergic to bees- but even as you held a loved one dying from anaphylactic shock you would still have it in your mind that the libtards are to blame. It's sad that you think one has to pick a side- as if one cares about people more than the other.

And a quick pointer- as a person who deals day in and day out with reimbursement for goods and services, who deals with multinational medical manufacturers for years and is well aware of all the pitfalls in the field please let me tell you... you sound like a fucking tool.
I'm not unaware of this, and it's a damn shame that things like this are allowed to happen. While I realize that a generation of people were misinformed, fucked over and are now paying for it, we now know what the end result is most likely to be and we still chose to start using narcotics. It makes it harder to sympathize when you know the user knew what they were getting into, but at the same time it's impossible not to care because I'm not immune. My family buried two younger men last year alone because of this issue.

this is something that I don't have regarding opiates or alcohol so I can't fully understand the pull those addictions have. I spent 6 weeks on heavy pharmaceuticals after my leg issue and I walked away without any major problems. It kills me to know other can't simply walk away. My family is littered with addiction and I'm absolutely an outlier, for whatever reason?

I am hard lined on my opinions and feelings and while that may never change, I do support whatever changes are needed to curb the problem. What those changes are, I dont know man. I'm listening though.
Neither do I. I work with tons of guys... most just die. It is what it is.

Edit- this is not what I do for a living. I do this as part of my own debt I repay for the people who helped me... I just react when I hear this diatribe about nothing being wrong but laziness or weak will. To think that a life of addiction is somehow easy or preferred is ludicrous. To see the shit people put themselves through with a demon pulling them by the nose and write it off as weakness. It must be nice.
He who smelt it dealt it... no clue how much it costs? God- your copy and paste points are just so algorithm driven. I wonder what you did before the internet came for your information? Campfire with your uncles?

Tell me hotshot- if pharmaceuticals are priced based on cost to market, why are items like insulin, epipens, you name it still being doubled year over year? I'll give you a hint- it's for profit. It has nothing to do with costs. They take what can't be lived without and play war with insurance companies... who then take it out of the customer premiums... and the people who can't even afford healthcare pay the price worse than anyone.

Nothing is inherently wrong with capitalism. It just ends the same. Every time. Someone ends up with all and it topples- and I am doing my part to pick up what I can. I promise I do far better than you ever will- how do I know? I never once heard a successful person use the phrase libtard- it is strictly for middle America white trash. Congrats.

I would wish that you would lose your healthcare and your entire family becomes diabetic and allergic to bees- but even as you held a loved one dying from anaphylactic shock you would still have it in your mind that the libtards are to blame. It's sad that you think one has to pick a side- as if one cares about people more than the other.

And a quick pointer- as a person who deals day in and day out with reimbursement for goods and services, who deals with multinational medical manufacturers for years and is well aware of all the pitfalls in the field please let me tell you... you sound like a fucking tool.

you sound like you have mental issues you have to try to degrade everybody you talk to to feel better about yourself. it’s because you know that you’re a lowlife loser and it makes you feel better to try to bring them down to your level. when you look up do you see the sewer? you act more like a sewer rat to me

Such a clueless arrogant fool.

there’s no competition in the pharmaceutical industry. that’s the main reason,

it takes almost $3 billion to bring a drug to the market because of all the government rules and regulations they have to follow. which limits competition. how many companies are going to risk $3 billion to try to bring the market and hopefully it works and they can make profit.
do you understand that?

secondly why even bother to replying to a libertarian? you said you were going to waste your time obviously you like me and you can’t stay away from me and you always have to respond to me I’m in your head and you love it.
Yea right 2 large adults od’d off of 20mg of hydrocodone lol

They were replicas. Made in the underground to look like the real thing, but contain something more potent than hydrocodone.

i've only seen pictures, but i have my doubts that i would have been so astute as to notice the difference before swallowing then down when i was using them back in the bad old days.
you sound like you have mental issues you have to try to degrade everybody you talk to to feel better about yourself. it’s because you know that you’re a lowlife loser and it makes you feel better to try to bring them down to your level. when you look up do you see the sewer? you act more like a sewer rat to me

Such a clueless arrogant fool.

there’s no competition in the pharmaceutical industry. that’s the main reason,

it takes almost $3 billion to bring a drug to the market because of all the government rules and regulations they have to follow. which limits competition. how many companies are going to risk $3 billion to try to bring the market and hopefully it works and they can make profit.
do you understand that?

secondly why even bother to replying to a libertarian? you said you were going to waste your time obviously you like me and you can’t stay away from me and you always have to respond to me I’m in your head and you love it.

So you mock me for "degrading people" while you degrade me?

3 billion to bring a drug to market... and you skirt the question of why to gouging happens for medications that have been in market for decades... and no competition? Lmfao. You really have no clue.

And I have to respond to you? Check who quoted who first loverboy- you have me on follow and the high point of your day is when you see a post from me.

I support your suicide. Wholeheartedly.
Urgent fury. Even your name is super fucking gay. Just so... urgent. And furious. Lmao
Coming from someone named after Popeyes gay lover? That’s hilarious Dipshit.

Do a little research on operation UrgentFury, you might learn something. On second thought never mind, your the type of man that lets other men do work for them.
Tell me hotshot- if pharmaceuticals are priced based on cost to market, why are items like insulin, epipens, you name it still being doubled year over year?
GSK got hit with a 3 billion dollar fine in 2012 and they regarded it as a "drop in the bucket" for them. Plenty of room for the margins to come down on the manufacturing side, even with costly r&d.

Neither do I. I work with tons of guys... most just die. It is what it is.

Edit- this is not what I do for a living. I do this as part of my own debt I repay for the people who helped me... I just react when I hear this diatribe about nothing being wrong but laziness or weak will. To think that a life of addiction is somehow easy or preferred is ludicrous. To see the shit people put themselves through with a demon pulling them by the nose and write it off as weakness. It must be nice.
I do think something is wrong and there is a real need for concern, I dont want to seem dismissive about the situation. We are on the same side here brother. I may have a different opinion and feelings on some of the details but we are still headed in the same direction regardless, big man. I'm very conservative but I have a fair amount of moderate in me and it's generally on social issues where the moderate comes through. That's what I get for living in Massachusetts and being exposed to politicians like Deval Patrick and Pocahontas Warren.
So you mock me for "degrading people" while you degrade me?

3 billion to bring a drug to market... and you skirt the question of why to gouging happens for medications that have been in market for decades... and no competition? Lmfao. You really have no clue.

And I have to respond to you? Check who quoted who first loverboy- you have me on follow and the high point of your day is when you see a post from me.

I support your suicide. Wholeheartedly.

have you ever heard of the concept of supply and demand?

Keep replying to me you mentally ill lowlife. i’m having fun
Coming from someone named after Popeyes gay lover? That’s hilarious Dipshit.

Do a little research on operation UrgentFury, you might learn something. On second thought never mind, your the type of man that lets other men do work for them.
And you are the type to masquerade under the name of men who did the work. Got it.
Anyone who is anyone knows when swyper and urgent fury start liking each others posts the thread has become completely devoid of intellect. RIP fentanyl thread.... we really loved you.
yeah! how dare a company make a profit. shame on them.

talk about being arrogant. you have no clue why pharmaceuticals cost so much. do you even have any idea what their profit margin‘s are or how much it cost to bring a drug to market due to all the rules and regulations from the federal government? There is no competition in the pharmaceutical industry due to the governments rules regulations etc.

The health insurance industry is another one of those that is heavily regulated which is bringing price up.

hate to break it to you but we don’t have free market capitalism in the United States. and if we did everything would be so much cheaper in this country would be much wealthier. unfortunately government feels the need they have to stick their noses in every single aspect of our daily lives. I’m sure you have no problem with that because I know you like to be told what to do and how to live just like other libtards.
Fallen for the bullshit fox news Ayn rand propaganda huh. When you grow up, you'll realize what an idiot you sound like