Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...

have you ever heard of the concept of supply and demand?
and this is where some oversight is needed. There are more than enough revenue streams for pharmaceutical companies. To claim supply and demand when it comes to life saving medications is more than ridiculous. It's a tick over 20$ to produce an EpiPen and they sell for 300$, or more. Thats one example out of literally hundreds of commonly used drugs that humans have been blessed with. I'm all for capitalism but let's be intelligent and bolster the entities that need it, and big pharma doesn't need the help. How did you even get involved here? Oh yeah, you have a hard on for brutus.
and this is where some oversight is needed. There are more than enough revenue streams for pharmaceutical companies. To claim supply and demand when it comes to life saving medications is more than ridiculous. It's a tick over 20$ to produce an EpiPen and they sell for 300$, or more. Thats one example out of literally hundreds of commonly used drugs that humans have been blessed with. I'm all for capitalism but let's be intelligent and bolster the entities that need it, and big pharma doesn't need the help. How did you even get involved here? Oh yeah, you have a hard on for brutus.

Don’t say you’re for capitalism because your statement says otherwise.

look who’s here trying to defend Brutus. who has a hard on for him? faggot
Would be good to see the same van that delivers clean syringes to junkies drop off some sort of test strip for fentanyl.
At least junkies would be aware of the potential overdose.
Don’t say you’re for capitalism because your statement says otherwise.

look who’s here trying to defend Brutus. who has a hard on for him? faggot
Don't confuse capitalism with exploitation. They're not synonymous. Are you ever in a thread and not fighting?
Don't confuse capitalism with exploitation. They're not synonymous. Are you ever in a thread and not fighting?

Yes you were the one that started with me . you told me I had a hard on for Brutus. if you gonna talk shit like that about me you’re going to get it right back. it’s pretty simple
Yes you were the one that started with me . you told me I had a hard on for Brutus. if you gonna talk shit like that about me you’re going to get it right back. it’s pretty simple
that was secondary to the rest of the post but you focused on that? Thanks for affirming the last line of the post! Cheers suckbag :)
Is it a really a disease or is the groundwork there, a predisposition of sorts, for people like myself that have an obsessive nature to my thinking, poor impulse control and a penchant for compulsive behavior?

Sex addicts, gamblers and those addicted to nicotine aren't classified (to my knowledge) as having a disease, but shouldn't they be? From what i've read, that classification seems exclusive to drugs, despite nicotine being a drug and all.

i'm just thinking out loud here, so don't take it as me challenging your doctor or what you were taught, please.
I mean, I would consider addiction as a psychological disease. I'm addicted to sex, with my wife. That's not a chemical addiction. It's psychological.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! How did my thread about fentanyl turn into a keyboard warrior showdown? Damn man! I'm a keyboard warrior too but it doesn't get bad like this! LMAO!:cool::D
Would be good to see the same van that delivers clean syringes to junkies drop off some sort of test strip for fentanyl.
At least junkies would be aware of the potential overdose.
100 needles in ebay costs $8, 100 syringes on ebay costs $16. There is no excuse that these junkies cannot buy that. Its fairly cheap.
Too bad fentanyl doesn't kill everyone who tries it. I would have rather enjoyed pissing on your grave... instead I am sure you are breeding or have bred- resulting in a bunch of other cross burning inbreds who wander around talking about the good old days when you could molest your kids in peace.

Damn Brutus, your fucking...brutal. :p
I just wonder, since gear is comes I powder form before it’s brewed, would be fart fetched to be concerned with even a remote possibility that fentanyl may somehow finds it way in a batch? Maybe no so intentionally by a source per se but the manufacturer i.e. China?
I just wonder, since gear is comes I powder form before it’s brewed, would be fart fetched to be concerned with even a remote possibility that fentanyl may somehow finds it way in a batch? Maybe no so intentionally by a source per se but the manufacturer i.e. China?
Gear comes from, mostly China. Fentanyl is from China. Uh oh.
I just wonder, since gear is comes I powder form before it’s brewed, would be fart fetched to be concerned with even a remote possibility that fentanyl may somehow finds it way in a batch? Maybe no so intentionally by a source per se but the manufacturer i.e. China?
I always test my products though. But I am 100% sure wouldn't put fenta as gear. If somebody gets killed, government officials are more likely to get into it and investigate.