Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...

I just wonder, since gear is comes I powder form before it’s brewed, would be fart fetched to be concerned with even a remote possibility that fentanyl may somehow finds it way in a batch? Maybe no so intentionally by a source per se but the manufacturer i.e. China?
I always test my products though. But I am 100% sure wouldn't put fenta as gear. If somebody gets killed, government officials are more likely to get into it and investigate.
At least 2 once-popular US domestic UGLs - - Hulkbody Labs and Onyx Pharma - - sold products brewed by hardcore drug/heroin addicts, sometimes while high. Should anyone be concerned ?
Read what he wrote again dipshit.

Guess your comprehension is quite dull there huh, clearly I meant no one’s gonna believe anyone od’d on just 20mg of hydrocodone and something else was involved. And unless that couple was absolutely clueless they knew their damn pills were counterfeit. I’ve seen a ton of counterfeit pills in my day, even the best don’t exactly match the real thing, imprints don’t exactly match, color is off etc
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They were replicas. Made in the underground to look like the real thing, but contain something more potent than hydrocodone.

i've only seen pictures, but i have my doubts that i would have been so astute as to notice the difference before swallowing then down when i was using them back in the bad old days.

I’ve seen a lot of counterfeit pills, as good as some are if you truly look you’ll see something is off. There are pill identification sites to help you compare. Like once I got a counterfeit Xanax, looked ok at first glance, but when I actually looked at it I could see the G was rounded while the real thing had corners, the #s didn’t look quite right, you drop them they break cause they’re super brittle but never break at the scores like the real thing if it were old and brittle. There are more things to check for but those were applicable to the example. And I was the type that mixed opioids like fentanyl with benzos and other crap and I’d pass out in food or on my face somewhere, basically I was a zombie most of the time and I still spotted them.
You always check your products for fentanyl?
I always test my products though. But I am 100% sure wouldn't put fenta as gear. If somebody gets killed, government officials are more likely to get into it and investigate.
100 needles in ebay costs $8, 100 syringes on ebay costs $16. There is no excuse that these junkies cannot buy that. Its fairly cheap.
I bet lots of these junkies dont have the means to log into Ebay and make purchases and have them delivered.
It's in the public's best interest to give out syringes, blood born diseases are going to cost tax payers way more than some cheap syringes.
I bet lots of these junkies dont have the means to log into Ebay and make purchases and have them delivered.
It's in the public's best interest to give out syringes, blood born diseases are going to cost tax payers way more than some cheap syringes.
Shhhhhhh- if you say anything other than these stupid, weak minded people who do heroin because they are too lazy to stop, who have every single option and opportunity in life everyone else has had or will have you will get branded as a communist libtard. Seriously watch out- there are some really important guys who have everything figured out that might look down on you. Now burr- that fucking homeless junkie piece of shit can just hop on getpinz.com on his iPhone and get needles delivered to his dumpster- he just wants to get aids is the problem. That's how the world works.
I’ve seen a lot of counterfeit pills, as good as some are if you truly look you’ll see something is off. There are pill identification sites to help you compare. Like once I got a counterfeit Xanax, looked ok at first glance, but when I actually looked at it I could see the G was rounded while the real thing had corners, the #s didn’t look quite right, you drop them they break cause they’re super brittle but never break at the scores like the real thing if it were old and brittle. There are more things to check for but those were applicable to the example. And I was the type that mixed opioids like fentanyl with benzos and other crap and I’d pass out in food or on my face somewhere, basically I was a zombie most of the time and I still spotted them.
You are amazing. You are like one of those pigs who hunts for truffles- only you find counterfeit meds. I am in awe.
I bet lots of these junkies dont have the means to log into Ebay and make purchases and have them delivered.
It's in the public's best interest to give out syringes, blood born diseases are going to cost tax payers way more than some cheap syringes.

You know I used to agree with the free needles thing, but they started doing that here, no need to exchange your used needles. You know what happened, in addition to pissing & shatting everywhere, sexually assaulting women etc, these damn junkies just toss their used needles on the fuckin street. It’s so bad some companies volunteer to clean up neighborhoods.

Even as a former drug addict I have no sympathy for some of them, even your traditional homeless addicts are put off by these “people.” Shooting up in public, tossing used hiv/hcv needles on the street. Shit I used to occasionally go downtown to get $40-100$ worth of crack, if I couldn’t wait to get home I’d at least go into an ally so no one could see me. I don’t even go out there anymore cause it’s a toilet.
I bet lots of these junkies dont have the means to log into Ebay and make purchases and have them delivered.
It's in the public's best interest to give out syringes, blood born diseases are going to cost tax payers way more than some cheap syringes.
yeah, and they can go into the dark web and get their stuff. I don't really know what's up with that!
You always check your products for fentanyl?
No, I always check: if for example, I get testosterone enanthate, I get a labkit for that. If I wanna get mdma, I get a marquis reagent kit for that to see what I'm getting is LEGIT. There are no tests for fentanyl yet. That's why its easy to spot.
I’ve seen a lot of counterfeit pills, as good as some are if you truly look you’ll see something is off. There are pill identification sites to help you compare. Like once I got a counterfeit Xanax, looked ok at first glance, but when I actually looked at it I could see the G was rounded while the real thing had corners, the #s didn’t look quite right, you drop them they break cause they’re super brittle but never break at the scores like the real thing if it were old and brittle. There are more things to check for but those were applicable to the example. And I was the type that mixed opioids like fentanyl with benzos and other crap and I’d pass out in food or on my face somewhere, basically I was a zombie most of the time and I still spotted them.
you can't just tell if it's legit Xanax by looking at it man. I could trademark that and tell you its xanax when it's actually something else. You also have to test the chemicals if it's really xanax. That's why I advocate test kits.
you can't just tell if it's legit Xanax by looking at it man. I could trademark that and tell you its xanax when it's actually something else. You also have to test the chemicals if it's really xanax. That's why I advocate test kits.

You have to look closely, these underground labs don’t have the safisticated presses, ingredients, recipes, other equipment etc to fully replicate the real thing, something is always off with the counterfeits.

Yes you could buy a press and the plates or whatever they’re called with the imprints but I highly doubt your set up would be able to make a perfect replica.

It’s been years since I messed with pills not prescribed, except the occasional oral roid so maybe they’ve gotten better at it.
Suppose you get a tab of molly that is cut with fentanyl.
Reagent test will tell you what?

And as far as junkies on the dark web...
I'm sure there are plenty, but the drug addicts that need our help are not using Tor browsers
No, I always check: if for example, I get testosterone enanthate, I get a labkit for that. If I wanna get mdma, I get a marquis reagent kit for that to see what I'm getting is LEGIT. There are no tests for fentanyl yet. That's why its easy to spot.
Suppose you get a tab of molly that is cut with fentanyl.
Reagent test will tell you what?

And as far as junkies on the dark web...
I'm sure there are plenty, but the drug addicts that need our help are not using Tor browsers
No, I dont think so. I use a whole tab to test it though. There's a risk to everything, I understand that.
As far as dark web. No body uses Tor anymore. It's combined with other Linux softwares like Tails, parrot Os, and then put a proxy chain, vpn, bitcoins (which is untraceable in small amounts), PGP encryption and everything else. It's hard to catch them online. But detection in the mail is the real risk. You'd be surprised how many people use the dark web to get access to molly.
The border is open. My friends catch 50 to 75 illegals only to watch a hundred walk by. They run the ones they catch and deport the ones with records. The rest go free. Coming to a town near you. It's a big problem that is festering as we speak. Going to get ugly in the cities in 6 months to a year.
Trump built the wall didn't he? Shouldn't that help by now?
Lol @ street addicts ordering from Ebay. How does that work? "Please just leave the package at unit 217, in the CubeSmart storage facility." Or maybe the Pine St. Inn will allow hypos and regent test kits to be delivered?

One of the easy things for us to have is answers because we have resources available to us. Most of our answers become moot once you cross over to an addict's lifestyle. This is a no win subject.