Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...

Lol @ street addicts ordering from Ebay. How does that work? "Please just leave the package at unit 217, in the CubeSmart storage facility." Or maybe the Pine St. Inn will allow hypos and regent test kits to be delivered?

Idk if it's true, never did it myself, but Ogh said that there are certain "code words" used on Ebay. For example: Pink elephants = Marijuana.
Idk if it's true, never did it myself, but Ogh said that there are certain "code words" used on Ebay. For example: Pink elephants = Marijuana.
I've seen fake floral arrangements used as a front for sales on ebay. It's a wild world
That's why I stopped pills 10 years ago. I never got burned once. Was a good friend of a supplier in my old town and would always get pretty much pure raws before he would press them. I don't think I would trust some random dude reselling. Especially nowadays with all this synthetic crap going around. I just stick to the green now.
and this is where some oversight is needed. There are more than enough revenue streams for pharmaceutical companies. To claim supply and demand when it comes to life saving medications is more than ridiculous. It's a tick over 20$ to produce an EpiPen and they sell for 300$, or more. Thats one example out of literally hundreds of commonly used drugs that humans have been blessed with. I'm all for capitalism but let's be intelligent and bolster the entities that need it, and big pharma doesn't need the help. How did you even get involved here? Oh yeah, you have a hard on for brutus.
Perfect example bro.
I take the blood thinner Xarelto. Without insurance it would cost over 500$ for a month's supply.
And the manufacturer hasn't given the ok for a generic since it would cut into their profit margin. Sure it's legal but is it the right thing to do?
Just glad i have insurance because i wouldn't be able to afford it.
Just a side note. My other 4 heart medications with a generic option would cost less then 250$ a month.
Pretty fukd.
Perfect example bro.
I take the blood thinner Xarelto. Without insurance it would cost over 500$ for a month's supply.
And the manufacturer hasn't given the ok for a generic since it would cut into their profit margin. Sure it's legal but is it the right thing to do?
Just glad i have insurance because i wouldn't be able to afford it.
Just a side note. My other 4 heart medications with a generic option would cost less then 250$ a month.
Pretty fukd.
It's beyond egregious. I work in a 20% margin business and while sometimes I make more I can easily find the financial room to make life easier when a client needs some help.

Boo fucking hoo to the companies that are dealing with r&d costs, advertising campaign overhead etc. They want some financial sympathy from the consumers? Open up your books, all of them. Fuck, Pfizer had a net profit of 3.75 billion (give or take) last year. Yeah, wicked costly r&d. My dick...
Is Fentynal cheaper than Molly/MDMA? My point being....if it's not why would they give it to u instead of mdma? Like the whole people giving your kids drugs as Halloween candy myth. Tell me where those neighborhoods are lol.
Serious question cause I don't know.
yeah, and they can go into the dark web and get their stuff. I don't really know what's up with that!

How do u even get to the dark web? I've always been curious about that. Is it just certain websites that have links that have links that take u deeper and such? Or what?
How do u even get to the dark web? I've always been curious about that. Is it just certain websites that have links that have links that take u deeper and such? Or what?

A quick how to:

https://darkwebnews.com/help-advice/access-dark-web/ (How to Access the Dark Web Secretly & What is it? | Dark Web News)
How do u even get to the dark web? I've always been curious about that. Is it just certain websites that have links that have links that take u deeper and such? Or what?
Dont go to the dark web. That's where transsexuals and mindless work come from.
Psychiatric disorders are not diseases. Addiction is a mental illness and a mental illness is a disorder, not a disease. Personal responsibility is needed in life, and with the user choosing to pick up a drug they take on the responsibility of being a drug user.

If I drive fast and crash my car on a consistent basis does that make me a diseased driver?

If I eat pasta 12 times a day, soaked in butter and salt, does that make me a diseased eater?

If I binge watch Netflix to the point were I can't hold down a job does that make me a diseased employee?

"Personal capital is closely related to personal responsibility, when personal responsibility is defined as a person’s “response-ability,” that is, the ability of a person to maturely respond to the various challenges and circumstances of life. Personal capital is also closely connected with character, when character is defined as a person’s moral or ethical quality, and the character of a person gives them advantages to respond to the challenges of life. Personal capital, then, is the inner resources, assets, and advantages of personal responsibility and character that one brings to the challenges and circumstances of life. When personal capital is low, a person is a victim of circumstances, at the effect of life and not able to consciously and purposefully choose his or her own thoughts, feelings and actions. Victims typically identify themselves based upon attributes of powerlessness, dependency, entitlement, apathy, worry, fear, self-doubt, and the like. The victim lives at the effect of what happens around them and has little personal capital to, in response to the challenges of life, choose and direct life’s direction and destiny."

Dr. Frank Thomas
Man I was reading this and was thinking Icky a smart motherfucker with a flair for writing!
Then I seen Dr Thomas lol.

On the real tho, that’s some deep honest shit right there! I concur.
Read that every morning as you shave.

Personal responsibility weather in the gym or out, will determine your success.

That Was my problem most of my life!
Lack of personal responsibility.

I would like to think that my gym mentality has branched into other areas of my life, such as diet, abstinence from Alcohol, and early to bed, and better sleeping schedules.
Being on gear, hitting the gym for like 16 months straight now, has giving me the attitude that I can’t turn back now.
And so I’m attacking the rest of my life with the same ferocity

Was a good read! Awesome post!
Man I was reading this and was thinking Icky a smart motherfucker with a flair for writing!
Then I seen Dr Thomas lol.

On the real tho, that’s some deep honest shit right there! I concur.
Read that every morning as you shave.

Personal responsibility weather in the gym or out, will determine your success.

That Was my problem most of my life!
Lack of personal responsibility.

I would like to think that my gym mentality has branched into other areas of my life, such as diet, abstinence from Alcohol, and early to bed, and better sleeping schedules.
Being on gear, hitting the gym for like 16 months straight now, has giving me the attitude that I can’t turn back now.
And so I’m attacking the rest of my life with the same ferocity

Was a good read! Awesome post!

Yea I agree. Addiction isn't a disease imo. It's a choice....however some people do have addictive personalities. Like myself. I definitely have one, my mother does as well. But being addicted to something and staying addicted is a choice. Cause I've been addicted to pain pills at one point a long time ago when I hurt my back. My back was fine at a certain point and I kept going back to the doc and getting refills. That was my choice. And at a certain point I chose to stop...And I went thru a 2 year period where I was an alcoholic after my divorce. But I made the choice to go buy the alcohol everyday.... And again, at a certain point I chose to stop. Mainly cause it was killing my gains lol.
But yea may not be a popular opinion but addiction is a choice not a disease. Cause I've been there and made the choice to keep it going and then to stop.
How do u even get to the dark web? I've always been curious about that. Is it just certain websites that have links that have links that take u deeper and such? Or what?
Its a secret that only homeless junkies know
Will I be put on a list as soon as I click that link? Lol
Clinking a link is the dumbest thing in the world on these boards unless you do everything behind tor or use some other type of VPN. One click and you sent them everything about yourself if they want it... we had a member a while back collecting everyones ip addresses
Yea I agree. Addiction isn't a disease imo. It's a choice....however some people do have addictive personalities. Like myself. I definitely have one, my mother does as well. But being addicted to something and staying addicted is a choice. Cause I've been addicted to pain pills at one point a long time ago when I hurt my back. My back was fine at a certain point and I kept going back to the doc and getting refills. That was my choice. And at a certain point I chose to stop...And I went thru a 2 year period where I was an alcoholic after my divorce. But I made the choice to go buy the alcohol everyday.... And again, at a certain point I chose to stop. Mainly cause it was killing my gains lol.
But yea may not be a popular opinion but addiction is a choice not a disease. Cause I've been there and made the choice to keep it going and then to stop.

It is certainly just an opinion- and one that basically like saying the earth is flat.if you were able to stop when you chose to- you weren't/aren't an addict or an alcoholic. You hit a rough patch.