Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...

It sure would be nice to identify what the difference is between someone who has the addiction "genetics" and those who don't. As well as way to work around or all together prevent the issue. Fucking human brain...

we had a member a while back collecting everyones ip addresses
and pizza money. Don't forget the pizza money.

.if you were able to stop when you chose to- you weren't/aren't an addict or an alcoholic. You hit a rough patch.
I'd agree with this sentiment.

Man I was reading this and was thinking Icky a smart motherfucker with a flair for writing!
Then I seen Dr Thomas lol.
lol, I use crayons to write compared to real literature, in content, knowledge and writing ability. My mother was an English lit major prior to law school and I ran from all things literary because of it. In hindsight I regret it but whatever, I'm a science and math guy now. I've bumbled my way into a career that I love so fuck it.

I know text on a page that isn't detailed well can leave out necessary context and I feel like that's happened with that post. In no way am I supporting the idea that mental toughness should be able to prevail over addiction, or that someone is devoid of effort or care if they can't beat addiction. It's hard to keep your head up and take the high road in life. It's harder to get back on the high road when you're sidelined from it, nevermind having an addiction to compete with at the same time. It's the epitome of continuously getting kicked when you're down.
Is it a really a disease or is the groundwork there, a predisposition of sorts, for people like myself that have an obsessive nature to my thinking, poor impulse control and a penchant for compulsive behavior?

Sex addicts, gamblers and those addicted to nicotine aren't classified (to my knowledge) as having a disease, but shouldn't they be? From what i've read, that classification seems exclusive to drugs, despite nicotine being a drug and all.

i'm just thinking out loud here, so don't take it as me challenging your doctor or what you were taught, please.

Addiction is a brain disease, there is no doubt about it today

And i mean no doubt

Its funny how psychiatry has a hard time evolving as far at the public opinion goes

Also the concept of will in addiction is a LOT more complicated than what most people make it out to be
Addiction is a brain disease, there is no doubt about it today

And i mean no doubt

Its funny how psychiatry has a hard time evolving as far at the public opinion goes

Also the concept of will in addiction is a LOT more complicated than what most people make it out to be
The public opinion is ego driven... people inherently do not want to think anyone has a harder life than they do. Everyone has their struggles, everyone has their pain and I am convinced that the majority simply does not want to imagine that anyone suffers or struggles more than they do in any arena. They want to apply their own sliver of personal experience across the entire spectrum of human experience.

Never was this so evident to me as when there was all this backlash against the term white privilege- I thought everyone knew white men get paid more, pulled over less, hired and promoted more often, convicted far less, sentenced lightly in comparison... the evidence is staggering no matter where you look, but you get the same knee jerk reaction- my life was hard, nobody gave me shit, blah blah as if that is proof no such bias exists despite personal struggle.
Addiction is a choice. The term disease comes from the new generation having no accountability over their own actions and choices.

Let's just say there is no heroine, there is no coke etc.. if you have the disease what do you do then? Oh right make the choice to find something else to abuse?

Calling it a disease is taking the easy way out. It's much easier to say it's a disease it's not my fault. Rather then the hard truth of fuck I am weak and weak minded. It's all a choice, most diseases you can chose to have or not.
The public opinion is ego driven... people inherently do not want to think anyone has a harder life than they do. Everyone has their struggles, everyone has their pain and I am convinced that the majority simply does not want to imagine that anyone suffers or struggles more than they do in any arena. They want to apply their own sliver of personal experience across the entire spectrum of human experience.

Never was this so evident to me as when there was all this backlash against the term white privilege- I thought everyone knew white men get paid more, pulled over less, hired and promoted more often, convicted far less, sentenced lightly in comparison... the evidence is staggering no matter where you look, but you get the same knee jerk reaction- my life was hard, nobody gave me shit, blah blah as if that is proof no such bias exists despite personal struggle.
Will you stop hating yourself and realize your bullshit just makes things worse and more divided. You are the problem.
Will you stop hating yourself and realize your bullshit just makes things worse and more divided. You are the problem.
The bodybuilders who don't read delegation needed someone to speak on their behalf- I appreciate you taking the torch so quickly. We understand that although you have no schooling, no research and very limited experience in the matters you are speaking of, it doesn't matter because you are very sure of yourself. Solid convictions even when birthed from ignorance are to be admired at all costs- I apologize for being so problematic to the dogma that surrounds your warped view of the world.

I'm not sure where hating myself came in? I know that I am better than you in every facet of life- every single one.... so if I hate myself one can almost not comprehend the extent to which I loathe an empty headed fuck like you.
Addiction is a choice. The term disease comes from the new generation having no accountability over their own actions and choices.

Let's just say there is no heroine, there is no coke etc.. if you have the disease what do you do then? Oh right make the choice to find something else to abuse?

Calling it a disease is taking the easy way out. It's much easier to say it's a disease it's not my fault. Rather then the hard truth of fuck I am weak and weak minded. It's all a choice, most diseases you can chose to have or not.

Just because its a disease doesnt mean you dont have any choice to make

You re just ignorant on the matter

No one would come here and advice people on how to handle a stage 3 lung cancer, yet for psychiatry everyone is an expert and everyone has an opinion
To me there's mental addiction and physical addiction. A physical addiction seems like something you can overcome while a mental addiction is substantially more intricate and may never be something you "overcome"
Is Fentynal cheaper than Molly/MDMA? My point being....if it's not why would they give it to u instead of mdma? Like the whole people giving your kids drugs as Halloween candy myth. Tell me where those neighborhoods are lol.
Serious question cause I don't know.
Fentanyl is very cheap. at $5 a pop, you're good for a whole week
Will I be put on a list as soon as I click that link? Lol
No, you will not. However, clicking on that link will leave a trace on your computer, which you can delete the cache. VPN relocates your location, say you're in the US, VPN will put you somewhere like Netherlands. You should not access it there though. That's so outdated. USE Tails operating system and then use tor. Run proxy chains with it, and vpn, and then use bitcoin to make a purchase. Erase every cache you leave behind. Use PGP encryption when messaging sellers, then use bitcoin sold from sellers, not from companies like coinbase.
EVEN right now, the FBI might be watching these forums. It's so easy to make an account. Wait for approval, there you go. Get on the board/forum. Well, there it goes. As long as were not threatening somebody here or something like that, the FBI is the least of our worries. They are more concerned about big time things like El Chapo or MS-13 kind of thing, or if somebody is buying in Tens or thousands of POUNDS or KILOS of gear.
The bodybuilders who don't read delegation needed someone to speak on their behalf- I appreciate you taking the torch so quickly. We understand that although you have no schooling, no research and very limited experience in the matters you are speaking of, it doesn't matter because you are very sure of yourself. Solid convictions even when birthed from ignorance are to be admired at all costs- I apologize for being so problematic to the dogma that surrounds your warped view of the world.

I'm not sure where hating myself came in? I know that I am better than you in every facet of life- every single one.... so if I hate myself one can almost not comprehend the extent to which I loathe an empty headed fuck like you.
You really need to self reflect. You are weak minded and try to cover up your insecurities by running your mouth. Life is a bitch, it is not fair, it is not easy, it holds no prejudices. It will fuck up, the pour, the rich, any color any time. You are a weak minded libtard who likes to play victim. There is racism out there, I dont like it or respect the people who act on it. But having the victim mentality will get you no where. Since you are so educated please read "cant hurt me" by David Goggins. He was a pour black boy who grew up to be one of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet. He has a prospective on this that I align with. I also feel the more we think and speak like we are not the same or equal the more racism will survive or thrive.

Anyways I do not understand your moral compass though. You are so against racism and feel so strongly the white man is the devil. But, you are an admitted woman beater, a true weak peice of shit. Where do you get the nerve to act all righteous on this subject when your own house is a fucking mess? Please explain where hitting women is ok but the white man is the devil? Wait let me guess is it ok to best women if they are white?
You really need to self reflect. You are weak minded and try to cover up your insecurities by running your mouth. Life is a bitch, it is not fair, it is not easy, it holds no prejudices. It will fuck up, the pour, the rich, any color any time. You are a weak minded libtard who likes to play victim. There is racism out there, I dont like it or respect the people who act on it. But having the victim mentality will get you no where. Since you are so educated please read "cant hurt me" by David Goggins. He was a pour black boy who grew up to be one of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet. He has a prospective on this that I align with. I also feel the more we think and speak like we are not the same or equal the more racism will survive or thrive.

Anyways I do not understand your moral compass though. You are so against racism and feel so strongly the white man is the devil. But, you are an admitted woman beater, a true weak peice of shit. Where do you get the nerve to act all righteous on this subject when your own house is a fucking mess? Please explain where hitting women is ok but the white man is the devil? Wait let me guess is it ok to best women if they are white?

*poor again

Ok dipshit - I'll break a few things down you seem extremely confused about. First- where do I play victim? My life is top shelf. Most of my problems were of my own making. I got out of way more trouble than I deserved and hold a much higher position in life than I should. I am blessed. I have no insecurities- least of all on an internet chat board. You should really ask yourself why you look at the ink blot that is me and somehow feel insecurity and victimhood.... but people like you never reflect. You read one book that fits your views and call it good to go- and then start using Alex jones phrases.

Second- reread what I wrote. I never said the white man was the devil... but again you project. I point out white men get paid more and imprisoned less- and again you get insecure, you start feeling like a victim. It is strange to me why you have these reactions- but I know you have neither the ability to shelve your ego enough or the intellectual capacity to ponder beyond your third grade observations.

Do you know what the worst part about being big is? What I hate most about fitness, going to the gym and being larger than most people? That i am assumed to be stupid. People take a look and assume i have a brain like yours- like a large portion of the self absorbed, uneducated, backwards ass ignorant fucks who gravitate to the gym because they can't do anything else well. I have met some really smart people here but I have to tell you- the majority of people I meet in the bodybuilding community are dumb as fuck just like you. Do us all a favor and be a little more quiet- every time you open your mouth the pool of women who will give big guys a chance gets smaller. It will help you too- you are far more likable quiet.

And beating women? Not sure where you got that, but since you seem to have fixated on one of a million comments I make that are off color I'll lay out my rules- a girl runs at me with a knife or gun I am laying her ass out. One shot to the face is better than a gutshot and an ostomy bag for me. She attacks me with her hands? Held probably and if she is using nails she gets thrown. Snatching up bottles, dishes etc and throwing them at me or breaking them over my head and face? Choked out or held.

A girl doesn't physically attack me with weapons?
I leave her alone... always have. I come from an abusive household and try to break that cycle. You are probably the only bitch I would punch for no real reason other than making strength look like stupidity.
And beating women? Not sure where you got that, but since you seem to have fixated on one of a million comments I make that are off color I'll lay out my rules- a girl runs at me with a knife or gun I am laying her ass out. One shot to the face is better than a gutshot and an ostomy bag for me. She attacks me with her hands? Held probably and if she is using nails she gets thrown. Snatching up bottles, dishes etc and throwing them at me or breaking them over my head and face? Choked out or held
was wondering what that was about. I didn't take you as a woman beater.
was wondering what that was about. I didn't take you as a woman beater.
He has a tough time with reading comprehension- I really tried to be clear on all points in that post, but I provided no pictures. I hope it works out ikckrickyiaka.
He has a tough time with reading comprehension- I really tried to be clear on all points in that post, but I provided no pictures. I hope it works out ikckrickyiaka.
It's a tough subject man. Emotional as all hell, even if you haven't been dealing with addiction personally. You know how I feel about it, but I do want us as humans to be able to make it better and maybe for me that means stepping outside of my mental comfort zone sometimes. Whatever helps all the boats float better my man.

pictures always help though...
And beating women? Not sure where you got that, but since you seem to have fixated on one of a million comments I make that are off color I'll lay out my rules- a girl runs at me with a knife or gun I am laying her ass out. One shot to the face is better than a gutshot and an ostomy bag for me. She attacks me with her hands? Held probably and if she is using nails she gets thrown. Snatching up bottles, dishes etc and throwing them at me or breaking them over my head and face? Choked out or held.

A girl doesn't physically attack me with weapons?
I leave her alone... always have. I come from an abusive household and try to break that cycle. You are probably the only bitch I would punch for no real reason other than making strength look like stupidity.

Sounds like you have a love for latinas? Lol.
Fentanyl is fucking awful. When I first started having back issues about six or seven years ago, my family practice doctor first prescribed me hydrocodone 10 mg which unfortunately wasn’t even barely scratching the surface of the pain. On my next follow up with him, since I had to see him a couple times before getting referred over to a surgeon or pain management clinic, I informed him that it wasn’t doing the trick and he immediately jumped me up to 75 mg ER Fentanyl patches. I had never even heard of the stuff at the time and didn’t know much about it, so I looked it up and got a bit concerned about it, but I went ahead and followed his instructions and tried one of the ER patches that you had to stick on a hairless flat part of your body and I believe they lasted three or four days. Within three or four hours of putting that thing on I was vomiting everything out of my system, vomited like crazy the next morning at the gym and then again in the afternoon when it was time to eat lunch. I was constantly nauseous, could actually taste the bitterness of the medication it was so strong and absolutely nasty, had horrible heart burn and felt horrible. I ended up throwing the rest of the shit away and never touched that shit again. I have never felt so awful from any medication in my life. That stuff is fucking awful.
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Fentanyl is fucking awful. When I first started having back issues about six or seven years ago, my family practice doctor first prescribed me hydrocodone 10 mg which unfortunately wasn’t even barely scratching the surface of the pain. On my next follow up with him, since I had to see him a couple times before getting referred over to a surgeon or pain management clinic, I informed him that it wasn’t doing the trick and he immediately jumped me up to 75 mg ER Fentanyl patches. I had never even heard of the stuff at the time and didn’t know much about it, so I went ahead and tried one of the ER patches that you had to stick on a hairless flat part of your body and they lasted I believe three or four days. Within three or four hours of putting that thing on I was vomiting everything out of my system, vomited like crazy the next morning at the gym and then again in the afternoon when it was time to eat lunch. I ended up throwing the rest of the way never touching that shit again. I have never felt so awful on any medication in my life. Feta no patches. I had never even heard of the stuff at the time didn’t know much about it, so I went ahead and tried one of the ER patches that you had to stick on a hairless flat part of your body and they lasted I believe three or four days. Within three or four hours of putting that thing on I was vomiting everything out of my system, vomited like crazy the next morning at the gym and then again in the afternoon when it was time to eat lunch. I and it up throwing the rest of my way never touching that shit again. I have never felt so awful on any medication in my life. That stuff is fucking awful.

:confused: Thought i was having a stroke. Proofread next time, please. i was halfway to the hospital before i realized you did a butchered cut and paste job.