Finishing cycle earlier PCT question


New Member

So over the past 3 weeks I've experienced bloating/distention and constipation (even though my fiber intake and water intake is on point plus this never happened to me in my life). I'm not 100% sure if it's from my cutting cycle of 250mg/ml of Test-e once per week but anyways I'm cutting my cycle short just to see if it is the cause.

So my question is what dosage of Nolvadex should I run if I ran my cycle for 6 weeks? For the first 2 weeks I'll be taking nothing but after the 2 weeks what should my dosage be and for how long as well?

Originally this cycle was suppose to be 12 weeks and after I was done with it my pct was 2 weeks of nothing and letting the test clear out followed by 2 weeks of 40mg Nolvadex per day and another 2 weeks of 20mg Nolvadex per day. Should I do the same even though I'm finishing after only 6 weeks?

Are you taking an AI? Get bloodwork.

Well I started recently taking an AI, 0.5 Armidex every 3 days but truth be told I don't think it may be high E2 levels since I'm on such a low dose of Test and have no signs of gyno at all.

As for bloodwork, I live in Canada so I can't get private bloodwork done. I have a doctor but the problem is sometimes doctors report this on your medical file and my medical insurance can be dropped. I could go to a walk-in clinic but I'm not sure what I should say to get my bloodwork (CBC, chemistry panel, and hormone panel) done?

And yes this is my first cycle.
How recently? Gyno is not the only indicator of high E2 and should not be used as a determining factor.

You do what you like, I'd just hate to waste 6 weeks of training, diet, and pinning without being sure the symptoms aren't something I could combat.
How recently? Gyno is not the only indicator of high E2 and should not be used as a determining factor.

You do what you like, I'd just hate to waste 6 weeks of training, diet, and pinning without being sure the symptoms aren't something I could combat.
Gradually started 2 1/2 weeks ago, around my 4th week of pinning I believe. And yeh I know what you mean. I don't wanna waste all that training not knowing for sure if Test-E is even the problem. It's just I don't want to lose my medical insurance if my family doctor is a dick about it.

You guys can think of any other symptoms I can lie to the walk-in clinic maybe that makes them order bloodwork?