First off, I realize it's no Friday and I apologize. The plan was to post on Friday, but some things came up. I figured I would give the big dogs some fresh meat to eviscerate on a Monday. Great way to start a new week. I've actually been delaying this opening for several weeks because of current events. However, it's looking like Covid is not going away anytime soon so I figure I might as well take the plunge.
I am here to introduce my brand, Fire Pharm. I am a one man band and I produce anabolics for local consumption. I do not have shipper, or brewer, or email person. It's just me, myself and I. I started synthesizing anabolic compounds just under 4 years ago to save some money on my cycles and I've been doing it for money for about a year. I am a bodybuilder myself, and I have been using my own concoctions since I began brewing. My plans for this brand are to provide a clean, professional product for a fair price. I have no ambitions of becoming a pharmacom or naps size source. Just a small, respectable UGL. I have been following Meso for a couple of years and I've paid close attention to the sources that have moved in and out of here. I hope to follow the playbook of the successful sources and avoid the pitfalls of the not so successful. Hopefully we can have a mutually beneficial relationship.
Security is of the upmost importance to me. I have taken great measures to ensure my safety and I hope every end user takes precautions in keeping themselves safe as well. I always use VPN/TOR/TAILS when I am online. I will only communicate via email through encrypted email services. I will never send tracking numbers under any circumstances. I will never store customer info including emails, names, addressess, past orders, etc. All email chains will be deleted after each transaction is complete. I have taken many precautions when it comes to the OPSEC of this endeavor, many of which I will not dicuss here.
The Lab
I work out of a small lab. It is separate from my home and business and away from traffic of any kind. The location was chosen with safety as the main priority, it is only used for brewing. I do not store porduct where it is created. The lab is a small, enclosed space with little to no airflow. I do not make claims of it being a professional clean room but I make every effort to keep it as sterile as possible.
Oils Process
I start by taking a shop vac and thoroughly vacuuming the entire area. I then clean work surfaces and walls with a bleach cleaning mixture and then I wipe it down with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Beakers used for synthesizing oils are cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol and dried in a dry heat sterilizer. I use a hotplate and magnetic stirrer for mixing powder, BA, BB, and oil. I use as little BB and BA as possible to provide a clean and injectable final product that won't crash while minimizing injection pain. The amounts obviously vary with each compound. Once products are mixed I filter them with a .22 micron nylon polycap and peristaltic pump. For media bottles I use sterile, one time use, disposable media bottles. Each media bottle is dedicated to one batch of oil and then discarded after vials are filled. For filling vials I use a bottle top dispenser to achieve a consistent fill with each vial. For vials I use pre-sterilized, depyrogenated vials. All stoppers are cholorbutyl rubber and are soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol and dried at low heat prior to use. I do plan on switching to silicone stoppers in the near future. After vials are filled and capped I put a label on them and then they go into their appropriate storage container. All oils do have a batch number on the labels to add a level of accountability to each batch produced.
Orals Process
For oral compounds I use size 0 gelatin capsules and creatine monohydrate as my excipient. I process oral compounds in small batches to keep dosing as accurate as possible. I always use geometric dilution to mix my oral compounds. I get baseline levels by weighing 100 empty capsules and recording the weight. I then fill and tamper them with excipient, weigh them again, and subtract the empty capsule weight from the total weight to get the filler weight per capsule. I use this number to multiply by however many capsules I'm making at once (typically 400) to determine the amount of excipient and active I need for each batch. For example, lets say the fill weight is 300mg...if I am making 400 capsules of 25mg anavar, I know I need 10 grams of anavar raw and 290 grams of excipient. I take the 10 grams of anavar and pulverize it with a mortar and pestle to try and match the granulation of the excipient. I then add 10 grams of excipient, fold it several times and then pulverize it again. I then add 20 grams of excipient and repeat. I do this until all of the excipient and active compound are mixed. Then I make the capsules, bag, and label them. Oral products do not have a batch number on the labels because they are made in such small batches.
I do plan on testing as many of my raw powders as possible before I convert them to finished product. Obviously I am concerned about making an appropriately dosed product above all else. I also encourage end users to send products in for analytical testing. To incentivize finished product testing I am going to offer a $250 store credit for each product sent in for analytical testing. As long as the product is sent to a generally acceptable testing source. I also encourage bloodwork to make sure testosterone products are doing what they are supposed to do. To incentivize blood tests I am going to offer $150 in store credit to users that post blood analysis results in my thread. Again, blood testing should follow generally accepted guidelines per product/ester.
Analytical Testing - $250 Store Credit Per Sample ($500 for first 3 to post lab results)
Blood Testing - $150 Store Credit ($300 for first 3 to post blood test results.)
Anabolic Lab
I have made a donation of $500 to Anabolic Lab. I can't be sure whether or not I have the banner to prove it until I see this post. I do plan on making a $500 donation every 3 months. Even though Anabolic Lab doesn't focus on US domestic UGLs, I believe what they do benefits the bodybuilding community as a whole. Since Meso does not have any source fees, I feel like it's a no-brainer to donate to Anabolic Lab.
Shipping is a flat $10 fee for every order. All orders will be shipped within 48 hours of payment via usps. The goal is to get from order to delivery in 5 business days or less. Tracking will not be provided.
Minimum - $100
*Order minimum will be waived temporarily for people that want to try the product without havint to invest too much.
Shipping: $10 Flat Fee
Payment Methods:
XMR (10% Discount - Recommended for anonymity)
Order Format:
Product 1 x 2 = $XX
Product 2 x 1 = $XX
Product 3 x 3 = $XX
Shipping - $10
Total - $XXX
I will be paying with btc/xmr.
Shipping address:
John Doe
1234 Ash St
City, State
Zip Code
**Please always double check shipping information. Sending incorrect shipping information can lead to major issues. Packages that do not make it to their destination because of an incorrect shipping address will not be reshipped or refunded.**
Lastly I just want to say that I know I am a guest in the house of Meso and I will act accordingly. I will take my shoes off, pull my weight, and always put the toilet seat down. I plan on posting at least daily to keep a decent prescence here. I will do my best to find time between workouts and warzone dubs. If I have any success here I do intend to upgrade the lab considerably. I want to get a flow hood and a proper autoclave in the very near future. Obviously I am here to answer any questions and I am open to any and all suggestions about properly operating here. Thanks for reading.

I am here to introduce my brand, Fire Pharm. I am a one man band and I produce anabolics for local consumption. I do not have shipper, or brewer, or email person. It's just me, myself and I. I started synthesizing anabolic compounds just under 4 years ago to save some money on my cycles and I've been doing it for money for about a year. I am a bodybuilder myself, and I have been using my own concoctions since I began brewing. My plans for this brand are to provide a clean, professional product for a fair price. I have no ambitions of becoming a pharmacom or naps size source. Just a small, respectable UGL. I have been following Meso for a couple of years and I've paid close attention to the sources that have moved in and out of here. I hope to follow the playbook of the successful sources and avoid the pitfalls of the not so successful. Hopefully we can have a mutually beneficial relationship.
Security is of the upmost importance to me. I have taken great measures to ensure my safety and I hope every end user takes precautions in keeping themselves safe as well. I always use VPN/TOR/TAILS when I am online. I will only communicate via email through encrypted email services. I will never send tracking numbers under any circumstances. I will never store customer info including emails, names, addressess, past orders, etc. All email chains will be deleted after each transaction is complete. I have taken many precautions when it comes to the OPSEC of this endeavor, many of which I will not dicuss here.
The Lab
I work out of a small lab. It is separate from my home and business and away from traffic of any kind. The location was chosen with safety as the main priority, it is only used for brewing. I do not store porduct where it is created. The lab is a small, enclosed space with little to no airflow. I do not make claims of it being a professional clean room but I make every effort to keep it as sterile as possible.
Oils Process
I start by taking a shop vac and thoroughly vacuuming the entire area. I then clean work surfaces and walls with a bleach cleaning mixture and then I wipe it down with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Beakers used for synthesizing oils are cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol and dried in a dry heat sterilizer. I use a hotplate and magnetic stirrer for mixing powder, BA, BB, and oil. I use as little BB and BA as possible to provide a clean and injectable final product that won't crash while minimizing injection pain. The amounts obviously vary with each compound. Once products are mixed I filter them with a .22 micron nylon polycap and peristaltic pump. For media bottles I use sterile, one time use, disposable media bottles. Each media bottle is dedicated to one batch of oil and then discarded after vials are filled. For filling vials I use a bottle top dispenser to achieve a consistent fill with each vial. For vials I use pre-sterilized, depyrogenated vials. All stoppers are cholorbutyl rubber and are soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol and dried at low heat prior to use. I do plan on switching to silicone stoppers in the near future. After vials are filled and capped I put a label on them and then they go into their appropriate storage container. All oils do have a batch number on the labels to add a level of accountability to each batch produced.
Orals Process
For oral compounds I use size 0 gelatin capsules and creatine monohydrate as my excipient. I process oral compounds in small batches to keep dosing as accurate as possible. I always use geometric dilution to mix my oral compounds. I get baseline levels by weighing 100 empty capsules and recording the weight. I then fill and tamper them with excipient, weigh them again, and subtract the empty capsule weight from the total weight to get the filler weight per capsule. I use this number to multiply by however many capsules I'm making at once (typically 400) to determine the amount of excipient and active I need for each batch. For example, lets say the fill weight is 300mg...if I am making 400 capsules of 25mg anavar, I know I need 10 grams of anavar raw and 290 grams of excipient. I take the 10 grams of anavar and pulverize it with a mortar and pestle to try and match the granulation of the excipient. I then add 10 grams of excipient, fold it several times and then pulverize it again. I then add 20 grams of excipient and repeat. I do this until all of the excipient and active compound are mixed. Then I make the capsules, bag, and label them. Oral products do not have a batch number on the labels because they are made in such small batches.
I do plan on testing as many of my raw powders as possible before I convert them to finished product. Obviously I am concerned about making an appropriately dosed product above all else. I also encourage end users to send products in for analytical testing. To incentivize finished product testing I am going to offer a $250 store credit for each product sent in for analytical testing. As long as the product is sent to a generally acceptable testing source. I also encourage bloodwork to make sure testosterone products are doing what they are supposed to do. To incentivize blood tests I am going to offer $150 in store credit to users that post blood analysis results in my thread. Again, blood testing should follow generally accepted guidelines per product/ester.
Analytical Testing - $250 Store Credit Per Sample ($500 for first 3 to post lab results)
Blood Testing - $150 Store Credit ($300 for first 3 to post blood test results.)
Anabolic Lab
I have made a donation of $500 to Anabolic Lab. I can't be sure whether or not I have the banner to prove it until I see this post. I do plan on making a $500 donation every 3 months. Even though Anabolic Lab doesn't focus on US domestic UGLs, I believe what they do benefits the bodybuilding community as a whole. Since Meso does not have any source fees, I feel like it's a no-brainer to donate to Anabolic Lab.
Shipping is a flat $10 fee for every order. All orders will be shipped within 48 hours of payment via usps. The goal is to get from order to delivery in 5 business days or less. Tracking will not be provided.
Minimum - $100
*Order minimum will be waived temporarily for people that want to try the product without havint to invest too much.
Shipping: $10 Flat Fee
Payment Methods:
XMR (10% Discount - Recommended for anonymity)
Order Format:
Product 1 x 2 = $XX
Product 2 x 1 = $XX
Product 3 x 3 = $XX
Shipping - $10
Total - $XXX
I will be paying with btc/xmr.
Shipping address:
John Doe
1234 Ash St
City, State
Zip Code
**Please always double check shipping information. Sending incorrect shipping information can lead to major issues. Packages that do not make it to their destination because of an incorrect shipping address will not be reshipped or refunded.**
Lastly I just want to say that I know I am a guest in the house of Meso and I will act accordingly. I will take my shoes off, pull my weight, and always put the toilet seat down. I plan on posting at least daily to keep a decent prescence here. I will do my best to find time between workouts and warzone dubs. If I have any success here I do intend to upgrade the lab considerably. I want to get a flow hood and a proper autoclave in the very near future. Obviously I am here to answer any questions and I am open to any and all suggestions about properly operating here. Thanks for reading.