First Cycle: 2 options


New Member
Hi everyone! I decided to do my first cycle a while ago and I decided to start with the typical 500 mg of Test E per week, however my trainer says that he recommends me to do this cycle, he says it still is a good cycle for beginners since it's not a high dosage, however I'm not sure if I should mix more stuff than Test E for my first cycle, he proposed this:

Week 1 - 4
300mg Test Prop per week (3x 100mg.. monday, wednesday,friday)
10 u.i. HGH per week (2 u.i. 5x days in the week)
20mcg clenbuterol 5x days per week

Week 5 - 8
250mg Test E per week
200mg Boldenone per week
20mg Dianabol 5x per week (before training)
Letrozole 2.5mg EOD
10 u.i. HGH per week (2 u.i. 5x days in the week)
20mcg clenbuterol 5x days per week


My stats:
Age: 25
Weight: 78 kg (170 lbs)
Body Fat: 12%
Height: 1.76 meter (5’10)
Been training for 7 years
Goal: Increase muscle mass and strength (and try to keep body fat low if possible)

I already did bloodwork and everything is fine. I have never thought about using HGH because I was once told (maybe broscience) that If my grandparents had cancer (which they did), it would be very dangerous for me to use HGH because it can make it grow on me (it might sound dumb but it has always bothered me, lol)
If you're trying to kickstart with prop, you need to start the test e at the same time or else it's pointless.

The whole idea of starting with prop is to give you some quick test while the longer ester builds. If you aren't taking the long ester, it makes no sense.

Also, 200mg of EQ is a waste of EQ. Just run test for your first cycle and add in compounds later if needed.
Test should always be your first option, second cycle add another compound. As always get your baseline blood work before pinning
Week 1 - 4
300mg Test Prop per week (3x 100mg.. monday, wednesday,friday)
10 u.i. HGH per week (2 u.i. 5x days in the week)
20mcg clenbuterol 5x days per week

Week 5 - 8
250mg Test E per week
200mg Boldenone per week
20mg dianabol 5x per week (before training)
letrozole 2.5mg EOD
10 u.i. HGH per week (2 u.i. 5x days in the week)
20mcg clenbuterol 5x days per week

That's one of the worst looking cycles I've seen in a while. Much less for a first cycle...
That cycle is total nonsense don't listen to anything ur trainer says. Do the typical first cycle of test 500mg a week and enjoy bc if u follow that other cycle u will be disappointed
The person who told you to do that cycle and the person who told you that hgh can "grow cancer on you" are equally fucking stupid. Run test e 500mg per week for 12 weeks.

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what are you trying to gain, it is just waste of time and gear the dosage is too low and too short
dude Test E 500mgs a week, literally thousands start with that and almost all get awesome results. just stick with the tried and true method.
Reverse the order of the test e and dbol. That'd be better suited your first 4 weeks and then switch off to prop the next 4 weeks. The test will bang much harder that way because #1- there wont be a gap in time the test e takes to build up between the end of the prop and #2- there is almost always an initial onset of water weight from HGH so why not just throw Dbol in that first 4 weeks seeing in how you're probably going to retain water anyways? I'd let the last 4 weeks keep you harder, not to mention when the prop hits with the test e half life unwinding you'll get a surge of test at a higher level rather than a sudden drop and build-up again which will fuck with hormone fluctuations and possibly give you sides
Thanks a lot guys for all your responses and, I think it's clear that this cycle sucks and thank you for letting me know.

I will stick to the one that I made:

Weeks 1 - 12
Test E - 500mg per week (2x 250mg)
HCG - 500ui per week (2x 250ui)
Arimidex .25mg EOD (may increase if needed)

Weeks 15 - 18
Clomid - 100mg / 100mg / 50mg / 50mg
Nolvadex - 40mg / 40mg / 20mg / 20mg

I'm thinking about using Test Prop instead, at the last 2 week (11 and 12) 150mg EOD, so I can start PCT right away, any thoughts?
Thanks a lot guys for all your responses and, I think it's clear that this cycle sucks and thank you for letting me know.

I will stick to the one that I made:

Weeks 1 - 12
Test E - 500mg per week (2x 250mg)
HCG - 500ui per week (2x 250ui)
Arimidex .25mg EOD (may increase if needed)

Weeks 15 - 18
Clomid - 100mg / 100mg / 50mg / 50mg
Nolvadex - 40mg / 40mg / 20mg / 20mg

I'm thinking about using Test Prop instead, at the last 2 week (11 and 12) 150mg EOD, so I can start PCT right away, any thoughts?
Looks good to me. Also, the idea of using prop at the end isn't bad if you want to start pct right away, but why would you? Instead, why not run the prop in weeks 13 and 14 and start pct week 15 as planned?

That way you're not shortchanging yourself at all.

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Looks good to me. Also, the idea of using prop at the end isn't bad if you want to start pct right away, but why would you? Instead, why not run the prop in weeks 13 and 14 and start pct week 15 as planned?

That way you're not shortchanging yourself at all.

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Actually that is a pretty good idea! Will sure consider that option... Have you also used Test Prop at the beginning so you can feel the "kick" before Test E does? Because I also thought about that
My thing of it all is this, why throw in more than 1 steroid if you can get great gains from just test e or test cyp? Seriously man, you can gain about 20 lbs in 8-10 wks off just test, you want to make the most out of using as little as necessary, it'll only help you grow more in the future
My thing of it all is this, why throw in more than 1 steroid if you can get great gains from just test e or test cyp? Seriously man, you can gain about 20 lbs in 8-10 wks off just test, you want to make the most out of using as little as necessary, it'll only help you grow more in the future

But at the end, Test E and Test P are the same aren't they? I know they have different esters of course, but aren't they still just testosterone? I just considered using it to be more efficient with the time during cycle. As you said, I am trying to get the most with as little as necessary and they say Test E takes around 3 weeks or a month to kick... I don't know too much of course that is only what I have learned by reading but I might be wrong.