First Cycle: 2 options

But at the end, Test E and Test P are the same aren't they? I know they have different esters of course, but aren't they still just testosterone? I just considered using it to be more efficient with the time during cycle. As you said, I am trying to get the most with as little as necessary and they say Test E takes around 3 weeks or a month to kick... I don't know too much of course that is only what I have learned by reading but I might be wrong.

The longer esters take a good 2 weeks to get into your system, I'd say 3 weeks and they're in full effect. That also means that they take a couple weeks to get out of your system, so honestly it's no time lost on cycle. I would just make it simple and pin some test twice a week at 250mg a shot, take 2 weeks off and then start your PCT. You want to know how you're gonna react to the stuff, it's easier to pin minimally with just some test for a first cycle.

My advice is to put EVERYTHING into your training and nutrition while running your testosterone, but act like you're using nothing at all. Bro, I put on over 20 lbs off just 1 vial of test my first cycle, but all I did was eat, sleep, and train my ass off. Back then I would look at 1-2 cc's in a syringe and think I was taking a huge amount, I had no clue what others were doing or if I'd ever get the chance to get anymore of it, so I put EVERYTHING into my eating and training. If did it off a pyramid/taper cycle with just 1 bottle then almost anyone could do it on 2 bottles and the right dedication. I would save the prop for a future run where you're trying to primarily "shred up" but chances are you aren't going to be doing both in one cycle, I'd just try getting big as fuck without adding on too much fat, worry about the short esters later. Just my advice
Thanks a lot guys for all your responses and, I think it's clear that this cycle sucks and thank you for letting me know.

I will stick to the one that I made:

Weeks 1 - 12
Test E - 500mg per week (2x 250mg)
HCG - 500ui per week (2x 250ui)
Arimidex .25mg EOD (may increase if needed)

Weeks 15 - 18
Clomid - 100mg / 100mg / 50mg / 50mg
Nolvadex - 40mg / 40mg / 20mg / 20mg

I'm thinking about using Test Prop instead, at the last 2 week (11 and 12) 150mg EOD, so I can start PCT right away, any thoughts?

Looks good, its what i was planning to do too. Is the HCG necessary?
The longer esters take a good 2 weeks to get into your system, I'd say 3 weeks and they're in full effect. That also means that they take a couple weeks to get out of your system, so honestly it's no time lost on cycle. I would just make it simple and pin some test twice a week at 250mg a shot, take 2 weeks off and then start your PCT. You want to know how you're gonna react to the stuff, it's easier to pin minimally with just some test for a first cycle.

My advice is to put EVERYTHING into your training and nutrition while running your testosterone, but act like you're using nothing at all. Bro, I put on over 20 lbs off just 1 vial of test my first cycle, but all I did was eat, sleep, and train my ass off. Back then I would look at 1-2 cc's in a syringe and think I was taking a huge amount, I had no clue what others were doing or if I'd ever get the chance to get anymore of it, so I put EVERYTHING into my eating and training. If did it off a pyramid/taper cycle with just 1 bottle then almost anyone could do it on 2 bottles and the right dedication. I would save the prop for a future run where you're trying to primarily "shred up" but chances are you aren't going to be doing both in one cycle, I'd just try getting big as fuck without adding on too much fat, worry about the short esters later. Just my advice
This is good advice. There is nothing wrong with being's not what I chose to do with my first cycle, but my situation is different. I've run multiple superdrol and other ph/ds cycles in the past, and I've also been on Dr. prescribed TRT for almost two years. Although I had three different compounds involved in my first injectable blast (four if you count proviron), I really only added one new compound into the mix.

I had great results with very few side effects. Most importantly, my training and diet were meticulously tracked and consistent. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure your diet is on point. I mean, dialed in 100%. That is more important than gear by far.

If you want to get the most you can in the shortest amount of time possible, you will have to take some risks health wise. That is a choice you have to make for yourself.

That being said, I don't think adding prop in at either the beginning or the end is all that risky. If you have it, why not use it? Prop isn't that expensive, and gear isn't that hard to come by, even if you know exactly 0 people who sell. I don't understand why people act like gear is hard to find.

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This is good advice. There is nothing wrong with being's not what I chose to do with my first cycle, but my situation is different. I've run multiple superdrol and other ph/ds cycles in the past, and I've also been on Dr. prescribed TRT for almost two years. Although I had three different compounds involved in my first injectable blast (four if you count proviron), I really only added one new compound into the mix.

I had great results with very few side effects. Most importantly, my training and diet were meticulously tracked and consistent. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure your diet is on point. I mean, dialed in 100%. That is more important than gear by far.

If you want to get the most you can in the shortest amount of time possible, you will have to take some risks health wise. That is a choice you have to make for yourself.

That being said, I don't think adding prop in at either the beginning or the end is all that risky. If you have it, why not use it? Prop isn't that expensive, and gear isn't that hard to come by, even if you know exactly 0 people who sell. I don't understand why people act like gear is hard to find.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

To be honest I also thought that it was as risky as taking Test E but as Demondosage said, it might be a good idea to use just 1 type of testosterone since I'm a beginner. On the diet side and training side, I already have everything ready. I have been counting my macros since like 2 years ago and changing them according to how my body responds so I already know well about that.

And yes I can get Prop very easy, and I can buy Primoteston on the drug store without prescription (Love my country, Mexico) :D
The longer esters take a good 2 weeks to get into your system, I'd say 3 weeks and they're in full effect. That also means that they take a couple weeks to get out of your system, so honestly it's no time lost on cycle. I would just make it simple and pin some test twice a week at 250mg a shot, take 2 weeks off and then start your PCT. You want to know how you're gonna react to the stuff, it's easier to pin minimally with just some test for a first cycle.

My advice is to put EVERYTHING into your training and nutrition while running your testosterone, but act like you're using nothing at all. Bro, I put on over 20 lbs off just 1 vial of test my first cycle, but all I did was eat, sleep, and train my ass off. Back then I would look at 1-2 cc's in a syringe and think I was taking a huge amount, I had no clue what others were doing or if I'd ever get the chance to get anymore of it, so I put EVERYTHING into my eating and training. If did it off a pyramid/taper cycle with just 1 bottle then almost anyone could do it on 2 bottles and the right dedication. I would save the prop for a future run where you're trying to primarily "shred up" but chances are you aren't going to be doing both in one cycle, I'd just try getting big as fuck without adding on too much fat, worry about the short esters later. Just my advice

Yes I already have my diet figured out and also my training and will adjust weekly according to results, thank you very much for your advices and of course I will take them in consideration. And as you said, yes my goal from this cycle is to get as big as possible without adding too much fat!

What did you use for your first cycle by the way?
do yourself a favor and listen to this man he has a ton of experience, and if you listen to him you will be big and (healthy)

The longer esters take a good 2 weeks to get into your system, I'd say 3 weeks and they're in full effect. That also means that they take a couple weeks to get out of your system, so honestly it's no time lost on cycle. I would just make it simple and pin some test twice a week at 250mg a shot, take 2 weeks off and then start your PCT. You want to know how you're gonna react to the stuff, it's easier to pin minimally with just some test for a first cycle.

My advice is to put EVERYTHING into your training and nutrition while running your testosterone, but act like you're using nothing at all. Bro, I put on over 20 lbs off just 1 vial of test my first cycle, but all I did was eat, sleep, and train my ass off. Back then I would look at 1-2 cc's in a syringe and think I was taking a huge amount, I had no clue what others were doing or if I'd ever get the chance to get anymore of it, so I put EVERYTHING into my eating and training. If did it off a pyramid/taper cycle with just 1 bottle then almost anyone could do it on 2 bottles and the right dedication. I would save the prop for a future run where you're trying to primarily "shred up" but chances are you aren't going to be doing both in one cycle, I'd just try getting big as fuck without adding on too much fat, worry about the short esters later. Just my advice
Looks good, its what i was planning to do too. Is the HCG necessary?

Well some people uses it at the end of cycle but some use it during cycle... I have heard many different opinions and I guess the best choice is to run it during cycle (or at least that was my conclusion for the info that I have read).. apparently it makes the recovery easier that way.
Hi everyone! I decided to do my first cycle a while ago and I decided to start with the typical 500 mg of Test E per week, however my trainer says that he recommends me to do this cycle, he says it still is a good cycle for beginners since it's not a high dosage, however I'm not sure if I should mix more stuff than Test E for my first cycle, he proposed this:

Week 1 - 4
300mg Test Prop per week (3x 100mg.. monday, wednesday,friday)
10 u.i. HGH per week (2 u.i. 5x days in the week)
20mcg clenbuterol 5x days per week

Week 5 - 8
250mg Test E per week
200mg Boldenone per week
20mg Dianabol 5x per week (before training)
Letrozole 2.5mg EOD
10 u.i. HGH per week (2 u.i. 5x days in the week)
20mcg clenbuterol 5x days per week


My stats:
Age: 25
Weight: 78 kg (170 lbs)
Body Fat: 12%
Height: 1.76 meter (5’10)
Been training for 7 years
Goal: Increase muscle mass and strength (and try to keep body fat low if possible)

I already did bloodwork and everything is fine. I have never thought about using HGH because I was once told (maybe broscience) that If my grandparents had cancer (which they did), it would be very dangerous for me to use HGH because it can make it grow on me (it might sound dumb but it has always bothered me, lol)
I know i'm a little late to respond here.. But your'e 25, 5'10 12% bf and only 170lbs?! Have you considered training naturally for a few years to put on a bit more muscle first? Remember once you do anabolics there is no turning back. The damage done can be irreversible...
I know i'm a little late to respond here.. But your'e 25, 5'10 12% bf and only 170lbs?! Have you considered training naturally for a few years to put on a bit more muscle first? Remember once you do anabolics there is no turning back. The damage done can be irreversible...

I have been working out since I was 17, I used to weight more (around 180) but I had an injury and had to stop for months (5 resting and 5 working out very lightly) and lost a lot of weight.. I have been back training and I know that everyone says this but I'm kind of plateaued, I already increased my calories and changed my workouts in the past but I was not increasing muscle or strength, just fat and maaaaybe a just little bit of muscle. I really pushed it until now to get all my natural gains, I have really been stuck for a while and it's frustrating, I love working out but it it just very stressful to work so hard and not see results.
Another thing to think about with just using test e u can get used to pinning and not have to worry about rotating sites unless ur ready and get confident in ur technique before doin prop and having to pin EOD then getting pip bc virgin muscles and poor injection technique
Thanks a lot guys for all your responses and, I think it's clear that this cycle sucks and thank you for letting me know.

I will stick to the one that I made:

Weeks 1 - 12
Test E - 500mg per week (2x 250mg)
HCG - 500ui per week (2x 250ui)
Arimidex .25mg EOD (may increase if needed)

Weeks 15 - 18
Clomid - 100mg / 100mg / 50mg / 50mg
Nolvadex - 40mg / 40mg / 20mg / 20mg

I'm thinking about using Test Prop instead, at the last 2 week (11 and 12) 150mg EOD, so I can start PCT right away, any thoughts?
test e 500mg per week (1-12)
HCG 250iu x 2 per week (3-13) you won't start shutting natural t down until week 2 or 3
Armidex .25 EOD (2-12) your estrogen won't go up until at least week 2 or 3
Your PCT looks good. You could start at 14.5 if you wanted
test e 500mg per week (1-12)
HCG 250iu x 2 per week (3-13) you won't start shutting natural t down until week 2 or 3
Armidex .25 EOD (2-12) your estrogen won't go up until at least week 2 or 3
Your PCT looks good. You could start at 14.5 if you wanted

Ok I fixed that, thanks for the advice!
Another thing to think about with just using test e u can get used to pinning and not have to worry about rotating sites unless ur ready and get confident in ur technique before doin prop and having to pin EOD then getting pip bc virgin muscles and poor injection technique

For this cycle I already talked to a doctor which will help for pinning, at first he will do it and once I learn how to do it myself, I will do it. I just want to learn how to do it 100% before doing it all by myself. And you are right I will stick to just Test E since I'm not used to too much pinning.

And since I'm not used to too much pinning, would you suggest to just use HCG the old way? at the end of the cycle? instead of during?
For this cycle I already talked to a doctor which will help for pinning, at first he will do it and once I learn how to do it myself, I will do it. I just want to learn how to do it 100% before doing it all by myself. And you are right I will stick to just Test E since I'm not used to too much pinning.

And since I'm not used to too much pinning, would you suggest to just use HCG the old way? at the end of the cycle? instead of during?
Pinning is easy everyone is different u will find where u like to pin. Like me I can't do my quads and some people love quads. But about hcg u will find people do it different ways and I don't even do it which is probably stupid so don't be like me. But I don't think it would be necessary on this cycle of just test e at a reasonable dose. But don't take my word for it, research and decide for yourself
Pinning is easy everyone is different u will find where u like to pin. Like me I can't do my quads and some people love quads. But about hcg u will find people do it different ways and I don't even do it which is probably stupid so don't be like me. But I don't think it would be necessary on this cycle of just test e at a reasonable dose. But don't take my word for it, research and decide for yourself

I've done plenty of research and there are still many opinions, I read the Anabolics 2009 book and it is recommended to do it at the end, but then I found new studies on the Internet that shows that it is better to do it during cycle.. And overall the info that I have found, I concluded that the best option is during cycle, but to be honest I didn't consider that much the pain of the pins, which might affect my workouts.
I've done plenty of research and there are still many opinions, I read the Anabolics 2009 book and it is recommended to do it at the end, but then I found new studies on the Internet that shows that it is better to do it during cycle.. And overall the info that I have found, I concluded that the best option is during cycle, but to be honest I didn't consider that much the pain of the pins, which might affect my workouts.
That's what I gather from people now is during cycle is best way to do it but like I said I don't think it's completely necessary but if u want it, get it and do it during cycle. It cant hurt. Just make sure u get pharmacy grade pct and ai.