First Cycle 46yo, Test P/Mast P kind of a fat ass

You’re a troll that literally looks like a troll.
I'm handsome. No troll. But I do have the body of a lesbian. It's fixed by a shirt.

I may have trolled this last page, but it was funny and only because many posters clearly haven't read the thread and are posting here anyway.

Plus, you are only mad because I picked on your meme....I hate memes. There are funny people and people who meme. You should've went right to your bikini material, homeboy.
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You should be on Semaglutide, TRT level Test, Modafinil, and maybe Clen. That with a little physical activity will strip of a ton of fat, the Sema will boost insulin sensitivity and combined with the Test will get some recomposition going, mobilizing visceral fat and shrinking your gut.
Definitely not in my legs. I had to work on my car in the heat yesterday started to cramp in my back, I'd say that's to be expected...

I assume you've got NAFLD at this point, and increasing cramping is a sign.

If you take my advice above drop the clen and use Tirz instead to clear what is almost undoubtedly fattty liver and reverse some of the scarring to regain more liver function. Most overweight Americans are walking around with undiagnosed NAFLD.
I assume you've got NAFLD at this point, and increasing cramping is a sign.

If you take my advice above drop the clen and use Tirz instead to clear what is almost undoubtedly fattty liver and reverse some of the scarring to regain more liver function. Most overweight Americans are walking around with undiagnosed NAFLD.
I think it may be fatty Dorito Gut Syndrome. Most Americans have it. Maybe you are right....I drank alcohol like a drag car for thirty years straight
I think it may be fatty Dorito Gut Syndrome. Most Americans have it. Maybe you are right....I drank alcohol like a drag car for thirty years straight

Doesn't need alcohol, or anything other than carrying excess weight. It's a "silent epidemic" and since it's a very slow motion disaster I think medicine has decided most people with it will die from some other weight related comorbidity before their liver finally fails altogether, so no point in wasting resources on expensive testing. But now we have something approaching a cure with Tirz and Reta.
Doesn't need alcohol, or anything other than carrying excess weight. It's a "silent epidemic" and since it's a very slow motion disaster I think medicine has decided most people with it will die from some other weight related comorbidity before their liver finally fails altogether, so no point in wasting resources on expensive testing. But now we have something approaching a cure with Tirz and Reta.
Nervous about any weight loss drugs especially considering my sleep is way better on steroids after being terrible. I mean...I can lose weight with diet. Wouldn't just losing weight help with fatty liver? My main concern is recovery from my heavy physical activity. I'm older , but dang I need a lot of rest afterwards....
Nervous about any weight loss drugs especially considering my sleep is way better on steroids after being terrible. I mean...I can lose weight with diet. Wouldn't just losing weight help with fatty liver? My main concern is recovery from my heavy physical activity. I'm older , but dang I need a lot of rest afterwards....

Tirz is a dual agonist, it not only hits GLP receptors but unlike Semaglutide attaches to GIP receptors as well. The liver is densely packed with GIP sites. When they're activated, the liver is very quickly cleared of fat and fibrosis (scarring) is being reversed. This is not something losing weight will do. At best you'd get a very slow reduction in liver fat, never coming close to clearing it, and certainly not reversing fibrosis. It's a breakthrough and this impact alone will greatly improve long term health.

Reta does this even faster, but it's not even fda approved yet, and I prefer to have a few million "patient years" of clinical experience that can be observed for safety before I take on a drug for long term use.

This would be worth a read I think

You should be on Semaglutide, TRT level Test, Modafinil, and maybe Clen. That with a little physical activity will strip of a ton of fat, the Sema will boost insulin sensitivity and combined with the Test will get some recomposition going, mobilizing visceral fat and shrinking your gut.
I thought that I had learnt from other members on Meso that clen only makes sense once you are already lean and only have a bit a fat to lose.
Like, if you are 20% bf it wouldn't really be worth taking it.
I thought that I had learnt from other members on Meso that clen only makes sense once you are already lean and only have a bit a fat to lose.
Like, if you are 20% bf it wouldn't really be worth taking it.

Clen can help keep you in a calorie deficit by burning off roughly an extra 200-400 calories a day from its effect on resting energy expenditure. More importantly, it has a direct effect on fat cells that encourages lipolysis, meaning fat is disproportionately lost (vs muscle) while you are in a deficit.

However, I don't recommend it be used with Tirz based on my suspicion the combo might cause hypoglycemia which could be dangerous.
Not dieting. Just getting bigger and cardio.

Getting bigger I am slamming the heavy bag. The problem is its killing my left arm. Hate having to take a break. Its my favorite warm up. Considering a peptide. Also, switched from shooting in the morning until after work. Gives me great energy for the gym. right side, particularly arm is so much bigger than left despite concentrating on working my left even more. Still, i look way better. I'll have to drop the gut during cruise. Still run, and hit the bag but dont want to limit protein/calories yet