First cycle - best combo with nandrolone?

If you can answer this question I’ll stop. This is now my 5th attempt. If you have decades of experience why do you need advice
on a very basic beginner cycle from us?
Not decades. Just the experience of myself and friends. I asked because I've not used for years, and wanted to hear current opinions on a good combo with Deca. Instead, I got bashed. I'm done. Are you?
There are no experts in this field. There is not one person alive in this world who knows how your AAS naive friend will respond to ND.
Of course not. But I'm completely comfortable recommending Deca to him, and will stay with him through the cycle if he experiences any side effects.
Not decades. Just the experience of myself and friends. I asked because I've not used for years, and wanted to hear current opinions on a good combo with Deca. Instead, I got bashed. I'm done. Are you?
you got answers to your question that you didn’t like, and then became an intolerable prick. That’s why people are bashing you.
you got answers to your question that you didn’t like, and then became an intolerable prick. That’s why people are bashing you.
I never got an answer for a good pair with Deca, which I found elsewhere. Here, I was immediately attacked for even asking the question.
I asked because I've not used for years, and wanted to hear current opinions on a good combo with Deca. Instead, I got bashed.
Eh. You didn't really get bashed. You came here looking for an update since you've been away from gear for years. You've been fully updated now. You might not have appreciated the delivery but to be fair the insults were never designed for your enjoyment, and if you were within arm's reach you'd be getting one upside the head for being 67 years old playing steroid coach with a 30 year old for your own amusement, completely disregarding any possible health consequences it might cause for them, and frankly ignoring the advice you just don't feel like fuckin hearing. You're a piece of shit. If I could put a stop to this situation right now it's all I would do. but I can't. All I can do is insult your bitch ass, so that's what you're getting. Chump change.
Eh. You didn't really get bashed. You came here looking for an update since you've been away from gear for years. You've been fully updated now. You might not have appreciated the delivery but to be fair the insults were never designed for your enjoyment, and if you were within arm's reach you'd be getting one upside the head for being 67 years old playing steroid coach with a 30 year old for your own amusement, completely disregarding any possible health consequences it might cause for them, and frankly ignoring the advice you just don't feel like fuckin hearing. You're a piece of shit. If I could put a stop to this situation right now it's all I would do. but I can't. All I can do is insult your bitch ass, so that's what you're getting. Chump change.
I was insulted from the start, and was never given a Deca combo recommendation, which I know exists because I got good info from other experts. This forum is a pain and I regret ever posting here.
I swear this thread disappeared for a bit. It's back. But unfortunately mark is gone.

Marknyc....for your friend:

Please have him read your thread.

And a thanks to all the folks who posted good info here. This thread may really help someone new who takes the time to read it.
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