First cycle - best combo with nandrolone?

Thanks for not answering again. So yet again, if you know everything and have decades of experience, why did you waste your own time asking us? But the secrets out that you lack even the most basic knowledge about steroids. You don’t even understand testosterone is testosterone, regardless of the ester.

If you’re not a troll you’re mentally challenged for sure. You keep saying no one answered you, despite the plethora of people giving you their opinion. Then you try to gaslight and say we all said Deca was a shit drug despite not one person saying anything like that.
More insults. I just wanted to hear ideas for a Deca combo. Got the answer elsewhere. Please stop posting.
So tired of repeating myself. I've already said that at age 67, my gear days are over. But when I was on, Deca was my fave. Never had the slightest problem while on it, nor did any of the many people I knew who were taking it. Please stop posting.
Oh ur 67 you just don't know how to use the search function got it! It all makes sense now!
It seems like @marknyc is really making his mark on this forum. His persistence might just make this thread one of the most memorable, possibly even surpassing the legendary QSC discussion. There's something to be said about his dedication, especially when it comes to advising newcomers on Deca. This might just be his defining moment. Keep standing your ground, @marknyc. Your commitment to guiding newbies hasn't gone unnoticed.
It seems like @marknyc is really making his mark on this forum. His persistence might just make this thread one of the most memorable, possibly even surpassing the legendary QSC discussion. There's something to be said about his dedication, especially when it comes to advising newcomers on Deca. This might just be his defining moment. Keep standing your ground, @marknyc. Your commitment to guiding newbies hasn't gone unnoticed.
I just asked a simple question. Don't know why you insist on posting when I already found my answer elsewhere.
What is your answer...?

Why would you recommend to your friend to do both sust and ND in his first foray into AAS? If he has a negative experience how will he be able to draw any meaningful conclusions?

Don't you want to recommend something that gives him the same insight you had by testing methodically and building upon each experiment by only adding in one new parameter at a time?