First cycle BnC style

Male, 23, 172 cm, 70 kg

Planning a BnC first cycle, currently running 360 mg Test E weekly, pinned daily, with 250 IUs HCG pinned EOD (750 IUs weekly).

I got everything I need on hand such as:

Minoxidil 5%
Topical Finasteride
Topical RU58841
Dutasteride pills

I pin using insulin needles 29 g 12.7mm subq

I'm using my gear from @JY Pharma and currently experiencing what I think is Test Flu and in some areas I pinned (abs and quads) I feel some warmth and in my abs they're a bit sore, is that normal? I'm pinning SubQ.

I'll post pics of me natty soon.
Stop pinning cycle dosages sub Q.

I hope you’re already pretty damn big and hardcore living the lifestyle with the intent too for a long time. Blasting and cruising at 23.. fuck.
Stop pinning cycle dosages sub Q.

I hope you’re already pretty damn big and hardcore living the lifestyle with the intent too for a long time. Blasting and cruising at 23.. fuck.
What if it's microdosed daily? Also, what are your thoughts on mixing peptides and oils in the same syringe?
Week 8 of the cycle, running 360 mg Test E weekly, pinned daily (I'm not pinning 360 mgs a day.) And hcg 750 IUs weekly.

Bloodwork looks good, my test levels are 1789 ng/dl and estrogen is at 115 pg/ml.

Gaining strength, size which is mostly water, and amazing mental health.

Am I considered a high aromatizer or a low aromatizer?

I'm considering raising the dose to 420 mg Test E for 8 weeks and then do bloodwork to add 300 mg EQ.

Any opnions?
Week 11 of the cycle, on Week 9, I upped the dosed to 420 mg, looking good, strength and size doing well, but there's a tiny issue.

I started injecting in my lats and shoulders instead of my glutes and noticed acne in my chest, shoulders, and traps, I'm not sure if it's a diet thing, 80% of my diet is clean.

I'm thinking it could be estrogenic mainly as I notice that my acne has gotten worse a day after I inject my HCG, so I'm thinking of introducing a small dose of Aromasin daily just in case.

Any opnions?
This is me currently, I'm getting a bit fluffier so not taking much photos.


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This is gonna hurt a bit but this looks like a high schooler just got peer pressured into juicing before training that much and is a bit heartbreaking

At least you made lots of progress. Would advise couple more years of natty training with your newfound strength and tissue before juicing again, for the sake of your health and given that you probably will be able to make natty progress if you eat and sleep properly. Don’t destroy your blood vessels and organ systems with premature gear use man
This is gonna hurt a bit but this looks like a high schooler just got peer pressured into juicing before training that much and is a bit heartbreaking

At least you made lots of progress. Would advise couple more years of natty training with your newfound strength and tissue before juicing again, for the sake of your health and given that you probably will be able to make natty progress if you eat and sleep properly. Don’t destroy your blood vessels and organ systems with premature gear use man
I have shit genetics for lifting anyway, I'm well aware, I trained naturally for 4 years and got this far with proper diet, training and sleep.

I embraced the gear knowing that fact.
You do you. I’d at least try to use your “natty+” physique after PCTing to make more natty gains of some kind
If he can’t make gains like you claim using drugs that are mainly used to promote muscle synthesis, how can he beat that going natty?

Not trying to be an ass but I couldn’t find sense in your logic, it’s like saying hey get off that horse and just walk to get to your destination because you’re going nowhere riding that horse, walking is better lol.

Just asking.
I wasn’t being clear. I was suggesting that he uses his newfound muscle tissue to either make strength gains (ie make the existing fibers stromger) or slowly try to accrue new tissue. I imagine the former is probably more realistic than the latter
If he can’t make gains like you claim using drugs that are mainly used to promote muscle synthesis, how can he beat that going natty?

Not trying to be an ass but I couldn’t find sense in your logic, it’s like saying hey get off that horse and just walk to get to your destination because you’re going nowhere riding that horse, walking is better lol.

Just asking.
That's my point, I'm not some genetic freak, I just work my ass off to get to the point I'm at right now.

I'm currently 82 kilos and everyone around me tells me I'm huge, even my friends on gear tell me I got bigger, but I'm well aware it's nothing impressive and as long as my bloods and health are doing fine, I'm still on cycle.

Don't plan to hop off anytime soon, so no PCT whatsoever.