First test e cycle

Yes stop now and throw away the gear. It's better then trying to save it as it'll just tempt you to make a stupid life choice.
This is experience talking not just someone who doesn't like young people on.
Okay Im going to sell the bottle if I can't Im tossing it Im not trying to make young and dumb decision thanks bro will replacing it with clenbuterol be a better sub or nah
Hmm mm OP you need a big lesson in something called "work"

None of these are going to help you.

What is your diet, and how long have youstuck with that?
Okay Im going to sell the bottle if I can't Im tossing it Im not trying to make young and dumb decision thanks bro will replacing it with clenbuterol be a better sub or nah

Good to see someone with some sense and not fishing for the answer they want to hear.

Get in a good caloric deficit, get into a good cardio routine and even throw in some weights. You won't gain muscle but you tone up and weight lifting + cardio is proven to be the best way to loose weight.
Good to see someone with some sense and not fishing for the answer they want to hear.

Get in a good caloric deficit, get into a good cardio routine and even throw in some weights. You won't gain muscle but you tone up and weight lifting + cardio is proven to be the best way to loose weight.
A buddy told me to avoid ab workouts because it will puswit out
What's the ratio you reccomend on protein and carbs?
Hmm mm OP you need a big lesson in something called "work"

None of these are going to help you.

What is your diet, and how long have youstuck with that?
I've lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks due to a low crab mostly grilled chicken for meat and salads everyday I started my gym membership 3 weeks ago I originally start a cycle because my pals were as well clearly I have more sense to stop than they do
Oh Lordy only 3 weeks in and you started juicing you have so much noobie gainz to make its crazy! This is the best time of your life the first 6 months natty is better then any cycle ever if you train right and eat right
Haha stupid huh thanks bro ill be sure to prove you wrong lazy Haha you took time to type talking shit instead of actual advice whose the lazy one here
hopping on gear after only 3 WEEKS of training is both stupid and lazy yes. my real advice??? wait 10 years of training everyday. im sure you wont though because youre already talking about clen.... so yes. stupid and lazy kids

