New Member
Hi all. Thanks for the community here. Very useful.
Following bloods next week I'll be heading into my fourth cycle. Three previous cycles have been test e. One with turo for 4 weeks.
I'm thinking test e / primo 500:600 pw for 10 weeks. as a strong combo for lean gains and appropriate for an intermediate 4th cycle. Maybe turo for first 2 weeks to kick things off
Keen for advice and also on best pin schedule. 150t:170p every 2 days? I'd happily do the test e twice a week but not sure how to align that with primo.
My PCT/Blood thread is here if it's of interest. Post third cycle bloods. Low e2, prolactin
83 kg
13% BF
First cycle - 8 weeks in April / May.
Test Pyramid 125 -> 375mg 1/w
HGH 3 IU / d am first thing
4 weeks
Clomiphen 50mg
Second Cycle - 8 weeks c/ 17/7/23
4 weeks
30mg turo am
500mg test pw
10mg Cardarine
4 weeks
500mg test pw
10mg Cardarine
Third Cycle - 8 weeks Dec / Jan
8 weeks
500 mg test p/w
10 mg cardarine
10 weeks off
Weight: (Jan 23 - Now)
According to withings.
Muscle +11.5 kg
Fat: -5.5kg
Dexa bf%:
9/8/22 25.1%
13/10/23 15.0%
Weight, Fat, Muscle

==Physical Progress==
2024 - Now

2024 - Feb

2023 - October

2023 - July

2023 - April

Solid gains in last year.
Squat + 120%
Row + 120%
Lat Pull + 80%
Bench + 80%
Shoulders +70%
Bicep curl +80%
Triceps +70%
I'll post updates but my diet is very good. Was thinking to target 3000 cals + exercise on cycle. Similar to previous cycles.
7am. 6eggs,2 bananas,200g greek yoghurt
10am. 400g fresh fruit (berries, melon, mango, papaya, similar)
1pm. Fresh seafood or chicken or meat with fresh vegetables and salad
6pm. Fresh seafood or chicken or meat with fresh vegetables and salad
120g protein powder/bar total throughout day.
8 hours.
Gym 5 days / w
Swim/Bicycle 1 day.
Following bloods next week I'll be heading into my fourth cycle. Three previous cycles have been test e. One with turo for 4 weeks.
I'm thinking test e / primo 500:600 pw for 10 weeks. as a strong combo for lean gains and appropriate for an intermediate 4th cycle. Maybe turo for first 2 weeks to kick things off
Keen for advice and also on best pin schedule. 150t:170p every 2 days? I'd happily do the test e twice a week but not sure how to align that with primo.
My PCT/Blood thread is here if it's of interest. Post third cycle bloods. Low e2, prolactin
83 kg
13% BF
- Lean gains
- Continued increased strength.
- Reduce / maintain body fat.
First cycle - 8 weeks in April / May.
Test Pyramid 125 -> 375mg 1/w
HGH 3 IU / d am first thing
4 weeks
Clomiphen 50mg
Second Cycle - 8 weeks c/ 17/7/23
4 weeks
30mg turo am
500mg test pw
10mg Cardarine
4 weeks
500mg test pw
10mg Cardarine
Third Cycle - 8 weeks Dec / Jan
8 weeks
500 mg test p/w
10 mg cardarine
10 weeks off
Weight: (Jan 23 - Now)
According to withings.
Muscle +11.5 kg
Fat: -5.5kg
Dexa bf%:
9/8/22 25.1%
13/10/23 15.0%
Weight, Fat, Muscle

==Physical Progress==
2024 - Now

2024 - Feb

2023 - October

2023 - July

2023 - April

Solid gains in last year.
Squat + 120%
Row + 120%
Lat Pull + 80%
Bench + 80%
Shoulders +70%
Bicep curl +80%
Triceps +70%
I'll post updates but my diet is very good. Was thinking to target 3000 cals + exercise on cycle. Similar to previous cycles.
7am. 6eggs,2 bananas,200g greek yoghurt
10am. 400g fresh fruit (berries, melon, mango, papaya, similar)
1pm. Fresh seafood or chicken or meat with fresh vegetables and salad
6pm. Fresh seafood or chicken or meat with fresh vegetables and salad
120g protein powder/bar total throughout day.
8 hours.
Gym 5 days / w
Swim/Bicycle 1 day.