Frontloading with Dbol


New Member
Hey guys, question for those of you who frontload.

I'm just starting a new cycle. 1g test, 1g EQ, 50mg Dbol.

I frontloaded 2g of Test and 2g EQ the first day. I also frontloaded 100mg Dbol for the first five days, and I think that's why my water weight has been terrible. I'm taking 2mg per day Adex and am still bloated. Got two more days at 100mg until I drop my Dbol dose. When would it be safe to back off my AI dose?
Did you pct after your last cycle that you where running a month ago? or just go into a new one? It's a lot to front load (injectables) being so close to your last cycle where you had health problems. I'd really listen and read a bit to understand why to take certain compounds, why and when not to, etc. A gram of test and eq is not blood pressure friendly among others things for most and then throwing 100mg dbol on top of 4gm of gear in a day, and while still basically on from your last cycle...
Hey guys, question for those of you who frontload.

I'm just starting a new cycle. 1g test, 1g EQ, 50mg Dbol.

I frontloaded 2g of Test and 2g EQ the first day. I also frontloaded 100mg Dbol for the first five days, and I think that's why my water weight has been terrible. I'm taking 2mg per day Adex and am still bloated. Got two more days at 100mg until I drop my Dbol dose. When would it be safe to back off my AI dose?
Don't front load dbol. You front load AAS that have long half lives. Eq yes. Test maybe, but dbol no.