GearGodess is Meso's biggest scam

This thread is fucking boring! No shame pic show, no old dirty ex fiancé coming in the discussion telling us awesome story on how GG is a monster! No fucking perverted old champ trying to pm girls to get dirty used underwater after 3 hours of heavy squatting.... Oh wait the latest is already here... It's me!!!

Please dhl 48hrs
For the underwear because I like the scent to still be fresh or It doesn't work on my wee wee!

I have to say you boys are a bit pathetic at the moment, if you had so many complaints about her behaviour and her way of giving advice why you didn't speak up? Are you fucking cowards? :) Need The pack to dismember the prey?

If it was a man you would have blasted her 10 years ago. All this BS about not wanting to make other women feel
Bad or whatever.

Excuse me I have to puke, BS level on both parts has been over9000!!!!!
I didn't discuss sources. I mentioned it to two girls a few weeks back as they were stressing about overseas shipping... I said just like that screen shot showed. I have a friend and he's on other boards as a respected source and I trust him. They can contact him if they wish. I don't pray or push sources on others. That's not why I'm here or on any other boards. I didn't think I was breaking any rules...not like I'm selling anything through pm's or in the open.

As for pharmacon thread, that was contaminated garbage gear... even a rookie can tell something is not right. ..he deserved to be called out.

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When you PMed me referring me to that friend of yours, without me asking for a source, I wanted to think you were just being nice.

I brushed it off, but then the same guy you referred me to PM crystal and asked her if she wanted primo....and told her to ask YOU bc you had tried it.
This happened right about the same time. Coincidence? I don't think so.

You sent the same message you sent me to @ILUV2LIFT verbatim!!!
In another occasion a new girl posted something and the FIRST thing you asked was "where are you from?... I'm just being nosy blahblah"
I thought that was hella weird.... WHY? bc you most likely wanted to see if you could also refer her to "your friend"
Luckily for her she was from Japan.

So how much is your cut?
Don't pretend like you weren't suggesting sources.
i actually believed for a moment you had real like experience about these stuff.
All you wanted to do was to earn people's trust and push a source on them.
I don't have time for this shit...
@Happycamper surely you remember this? I watched you try to help the woman and she very adamantly told you she was going off instruction of GG. I hate to put the spotlight on her because it's not her fault she trusted the wrong people and I can see how this may get embarrassing for her...
Yes, and this is my issue with this member from the start. Her modus operandi is low cal (1100 calories??) low carb dieting along with advanced AAS usage cycles. This is dangerous advice, for one. Food is the most anabolic of all - practically starving yourself and using AAS with no muscle base or strength training is absolutely the worst manifestation of everything that is wrong with the fitness industry today. GIve this advice to a 20 year old with no fitness experience and she's in for a long battle with eating disorders, hormonal issues and an overall shit time with her goals.

Secondly, not everyone has the same goals, and it seems as if she then gets personal with this fact bringing in jealousy and think people feel threatened by her beauty and advice because they don't want to take it.

Third, she often pushes cycles on people JUST NOT READY to use AAS. She kept advising primo, despite me saying I was of higher BF and afraid of pinning, so I didn't think I was ready for such an advanced cycle.

But I noticed as soon as I got here that if you cross her or disagree you're ostracized, accused of being a jealous, rude, snappy, a feminazi, uptight, a fat powerlifter...and whatever else.

She thrives off the attention she gets around here and she wants a fan club. She likes Devika because they have similar goals, and has hand picked her to push sources and cycles. I hate hate to type all this out because inevitably someone will say I'm being bitter or jealous or whatever, but it's annoying to come to a forum where one person has a monopoly on all the advice and experience. It's not helpful or constructive. I'm not bitter or jealous because I want to lift numbers and eat food and don't want to be 13% body fat and have no interest in breast implants...but I've had to be quiet and accepting so as not to keep attracting stupid comments.

If she wants to train women in fitness modeling...she can go right ahead. But giving template advice to anyone and everyone here no matter what their training and goals is stupid.
You guys are delusional, and great at creating stories.

I didn't come here to prey on people or work for a source and no I get nothing out of it. I didn't know he was here and I do know he's a respected source on many boards. I have no business with him.

I have never pretended to be someone I'm not and I already proved that with dates. I have given my experience and knowledge. I dont make that up or copy someone else. And just because I'm not as cut at the moment as I was 4 months ago and I did say that in threads plus I've been off cycle for a few months... but I'm lean all year round.... why do you need to stereotype and say that just because I use aas I need to look like a shredded show ready person on daily basis. I adjust my body as it needs to be for whatever I'm doing. I have competed but haven't in years, and I did mention it in many threads before and when people asked...

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Btw, fitness model MY ASS!!!

This is my first cycle and I look wayyyy better than you without the 1736948364 cycles you claim to have under your belt.

You still have the balls to say "I'm not as cut as I was 4 months ago"
we saw your pictures and you cannot feed us that bullshit.

Your weight is not even the problem... The problem is that you're a compulsive liar and you prey on people like me who are new to AAs.

Let me tell something, I'm not new at modeling and I can tell you YOU HAVE NOT BEEN IN FRONT OF A CAMERA IN YEARS (IF EVER)
Photoshop does not do miracles.
It's not even about judging someones imperfections. None of us are perfect. It was just a flat out lie that was obvious from the pics. Just more of that compulsive lying that discredits any real knowledge you might actually have. At least, to me.
But I noticed as soon as I got here that if you cross her or disagree you're ostracized, accused of being a jealous, rude, snappy, a feminazi, uptight, a fat powerlifter...and whatever else.

Please don't play the victim here :)

You are a feminazi not because you like powerlifting or you don't want to be 13% or you attacked GG.

Who give a fuck about that. You could be 200lbs for what I care I don't give a shit.

You are a feminazi because of what you say and how you react to anything that is man/sex related. Do I have to start making examples?

1) crystal posted about her husband snapping a bit and blaming on AAS. You went straight to answering her how she felt about the confrontation and if she felt safe? WHATTTTT???? Did you get beat when you were young? You had an abusive man? Because I feel you must be sick in the mind to start thinking crystal could be in danger or whatever just because she expressed her little problem.
Most of the men are not beast neither abusive motherfucker. There are bad apples same as there are shit women.

2) you said that your girl live with just women around and have almost no contact with kids except at school.
You said it like it was a good thing or something to be proud.

Children need two figures of the opposite sex. They don't need a house full of only women or only men. Unless their parents are both dead in that case is better then nothing. A kid SHOULD ALWAYS spend time with other kids because socialising and dealing with the problems that arise will make him/her a better person and not a hateful feminazi ;)

3) you are not even able
To answer a man approaching you, that should be addressed. You said (your words): I isolated myself from society when I started this cycle, closed all social accounts, bla bla bla and you reported to feel anxious about something or in general (don't remember at moment).

You can cycle and have a normal
Life, you can have a good diet and still meet ppl and have fun with them. If you take meds for anxiety or you had anxiety problem I don't see AAS use a good idea. You should fix that problem first.

I'm in a hurry at the moment I could have made few mistakes and missed few more examples.

Oh the arguments you had with wunderpus was an example
Of your feminazi soul. That was just epic.

You should work on yourself and stop hate and feel so threatened by men, like they are savages, pigs that only want your boobs and ass.

And just to finish, I have trolled you so hard on the cane thing and made you go on a epic rant :)

Ask the other girl if I'm such a bad person as you claim, no sorry not a bad person a disgusting person that whatever say make you sick. An old perv!
And the guys coming in here saying how stupid this all is...

Leave. This is important to us because we want to create a community of trust, experience, variable goals and support.

SO far most of us have had a blast getting to know one another, having laughs, having serious talks...and to have someone amongst us stirring the pot yet claiming to be the resident expert, well it's important that we work it out.

If you think that's stupid, then leave. But this is our lifestyle, hobby, health and often we turn to this community when those around us in real life cannot relate.
Please don't play the victim here :)

You are a feminazi not because you like powerlifting or you don't want to be 13% or you attacked GG.

Who give a fuck about that. You could be 200lbs for what I care I don't give a shit.

You are a feminazi because of what you say and how you react to anything that is man/sex related. Do I have to start making examples?

1) crystal posted about her husband snapping a bit and blaming on AAS. You went straight to answering her how she felt about the confrontation and if she felt safe? WHATTTTT???? Did you get beat when you were young? You had an abusive man? Because I feel you must be sick in the mind to start thinking crystal could be in danger or whatever just because she expressed her little problem.
Most of the men are not beast neither abusive motherfucker. There are bad apples same as there are shit women.

2) you said that your girl live with just women around and have almost no contact with kids except at school.
You said it like it was a good thing or something to be proud.

Children need two figures of the opposite sex. They don't need a house full of only women or only men. Unless their parents are both dead in that case is better then nothing. A kid SHOULD ALWAYS spend time with other kids because socialising and dealing with the problems that arise will make him/her a better person and not a hateful feminazi ;)

3) you are not even able
To answer a man approaching you, that should be addressed. You said (your words): I isolated myself from society when I started this cycle, closed all social accounts, bla bla bla and you reported to feel anxious about something or in general (don't remember at moment).

You can cycle and have a normal
Life, you can have a good diet and still meet ppl and have fun with them. If you take meds for anxiety or you had anxiety problem I don't see AAS use a good idea. You should fix that problem first.

I'm in a hurry at the moment I could have made few mistakes and missed few more examples.

Oh the arguments you had with wunderpus was an example
Of your feminazi soul. That was just epic.

You should work on yourself and stop hate and feel so threatened by men, like they are savages, pigs that only want your boobs and ass.

And just to finish, I have trolled you so hard on the cane thing and made you go on a epic rant :)

Ask the other girl if I'm such a bad person as you claim, no sorry not a bad person a disgusting person that whatever say make you sick. An old perv!

Whoa whoa whoa turbo. Didn't you just say we were pathetic and seeing GG get bashed made you go puke? I guess it's only cool when you do it.
Whoa whoa whoa turbo. Didn't you just say we were pathetic and seeing GG get bashed made you go puke? I guess it's only cool when you do it.

Nope I said that if you all had so many complaints why you didn't say it earlier.

GG deserved to be exposed at least because it's bad when rumors float around and are not addressed and you don't give ppl the possibility to defend themself. By the way sometime
It's better to let them defend because as you can clearly see they will dig their own grave and without even make us sweat it to much ;)

I didn't start it odie. Happy camper had the nice idea of referring to me in some ways, I'm just replying back to her kindness.
Off to dinner my gf is threatening me with divorce paper because of the time I spend on meso Ahahah :)

Have fun guys and girls. Happy weekend.
We maybe don't all like each other but we still have a blast everytime and it's so cool to see all these different opinions and point of view.
The advice given to the ladies who wanted to try a cycle, and who clearly were not ready for it, was probably inappropriate. However, those girls were probably going to do a cycle no matter what, so some advice is better than no advice. I'm not saying all that GG did was acceptable, because lying is disrespectful to all of us, but offering advice to people who were going to cycle anyway at least helped them make a more informed decision. Why else would they have fucking registered and posted? They didnt just stroll onto this forum to chat about kettlebell workouts and yoga mats. No, they came here interested in mutherfukin' steroids!.
That's why I'm learn more about steroids and what to expect when I am on a cycle. Don't give a shit about finding sources here.
Pretty sure it wasn't the real gg.
Mines better