GearGodess is Meso's biggest scam

@GearGodess i haven't even read this entire thread n just wanna say you don't have to defend yourself an tbh just keep doing you an let these ppl cling to drama like they do ok?

Go have a good day an kick it with some friends an just live life an don't even worry about this stupid shit cuz ngl

I personally don't give a fuck who's behind the profile picture like if you're nice an chill that's all that matters I could personally care less about your personal life

An it's weird as fuck how ppl
That's a pretty bold accusation.
Sorry millard this was not directed towards you. It was direct towards gg which made claims that because of her the womens section was created and she helped bring em together and blah blah. I know youre good for your word and i know you have good intentions specially with the program
The advice given to the ladies who wanted to try a cycle, and who clearly were not ready for it, was probably inappropriate. However, those girls were probably going to do a cycle no matter what, so some advice is better than no advice. I'm not saying all that GG did was acceptable, because lying is disrespectful to all of us, but offering advice to people who were going to cycle anyway at least helped them make a more informed decision. Why else would they have fucking registered and posted? They didnt just stroll onto this forum to chat about kettlebell workouts and yoga mats. No, they came here interested in mutherfukin' steroids!.
That's why I'm learn more about steroids and what to expect when I am on a cycle. Don't give a shit about finding sources here.

Did you read anything at all? She only gave cycle advice to push a source. So in this case, some advice would be WORSE than no advice. And also this forum is not only about steroids, but a lot more so about training and diet. And what makes you think those ladies were "going to do a cycle anyways?" Poorly thought-out post.
Did you read anything at all? She only gave cycle advice to push a source. So in this case, some advice would be WORSE than no advice. And also this forum is not only about steroids, but a lot more so about training and diet. And what makes you think those ladies were "going to do a cycle anyways?" Poorly thought-out post.
Yes, I read through all of the trash talk...very long list of he said she said bullshit. I read one was 20 and another had hardly any workout experience and no diet....and they were interested in steroids. Geezus, if one is not on your wagon of bashing then you take a stab....small mind, you have.

Yes, I read through all of the trash talk...very long list of he said she said bullshit. I read one was 20 and another had hardly any workout experience and no diet....and they were interested in steroids. Geezus, if one is not on your wagon of bashing then you take a stab....small mind, you have.

Way to avoid the main points of my post. Again, clearly you didn't read anything. If GG wasn't pushing a source she would have told them to get their diet and training on point first, but clearly that wasn't the case.