Generic first cycle log


Sup fellas,

After a long time, finally taking the "plunge" and running a cycle. I started working out in my bedroom in grade school doing pushups and sit ups and started going to the gym with my dad in the 7th grade. Dad was 5'9 and 225 with abs in him prime, so always grew up wanting to be muscular and look good.

Life is finally in the right spot for me to move forward with gear and be serious in every aspect. I've been going to the gym since I was a middle schooler and been taking things seriously with training/diet/etc since college.

Right now I'm 29, 6'1 about 185lbs lean. I enjoy walking around with abs year round and when I'm at the gym with a good pump some people tease me that I'm on gear already. The best compliment a natty can get haha well let's get to the good shit.

1-12 weeks - 500mg test E per week, pinned 2x/week
14-16 - Nothing. Eat hard and train hard
17-20 - PCT = Clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolva 60/40/40/20

Aromasin on stand by if needed.
HCG and bac if I decide to use it. Still unsure on doing HCG throughout (do have enough) or just usage during PCT. Would love any input here especially.

Pre-cycle BLOODS:
Total T = 617
Free Test = 80.5
Estradiol = 20
SHBG = 46.7

TRAINING: Used to do P/P/L, then been doing a bro-split for a while. Now been doing a modified U/L 5-day routine since January and loving it. Sore everyday, awesome pumps, noticeable progress, and getting compliments

Day1: Chest/Back/Shoulders
Nautilus incline machine: 3x8-12
Weighted Pull ups: 2x8-10, 1 set BW
Life fitness flat chest press: 3x12-15
T-Bar Row: 3x12-15
Full ROM delt raise: 3x10-20 myo reps
Y-Raise: 3x10-20 myo reps

Day2: Legs/Arms
Lying Leg Curl: 3x0-20 myo rep
Leg Extension: 3x10-20 myo rep
Single leg press 3x12-15
Hack Squat: 2x8-12
Seated Calves: 4 sets to failure (2 sec stretch)
Seated DB Curl: 3x10-20 myo rep
Cable EZ bar curl SS Tricep extension: 3xfailure

Day3: Chest/Back/Shoulders
Neutral Grip Chest Press: 3x10-12
Hammer Strength Low Row: 3x12-15
Weighted Dips: 2x10-12
Neutral grip Pull Down: 3x10-20 myo rep
45 degree lat raise SS DB uprights: 3x10-20 myo
Facepull: 3 sets to failure

Day4: Legs/Arms
Seated Leg Curl: 3x10-20 myo reps
Leg Press: 3x8-10
Smith Squat: 2x8-12
Standing calves: 4xfailure
BB curl: 3x10-20 myo
Tricep Pushdown: 3x1-20 myo
Incline Curl: 3x12-15

Day5: Chest/Back/Shoulders
Pec Deck: 3x12-15
Cable Row: 3x12-15
Hammer Strength Chest press: 3x12-15
Reverse Grip Pull down: 3x10-12
Cable side delts: 3xfailure
Machine side delts: 3xfailure

Abs thrown in 2-3 days a week and cardio 3 days/week.

DIET: Got some guidance from an old school local BB. He started competing in the 80s and got his masters pro card about 20 years ago. Pretty old school and boring but I like it.

Meal 1:
80g oats
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites

Meal 2:
8oz Chicken
10oz Sweet potato
green veg

Meal 3:
150g chicken or 10oz white fish
12oz Sweet potato
green veg

Pre w/o:
1 apple and 10mgs cialis 8===D

Post w/o:
2 scoops whey

Meal 4:
8oz chicken
440g Rice
1 tbsp olive oil
salad w/ some lite dressing

Meal 5:
80g oats
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites

Plan is to keep training the same and continue to progress gym numbers. Plan with diet is to do what BigTomJ suggested in a different thread of starting by adding 50-100g carbs around your training and titrate up based on results.

First pin next week, will get some final natty pics up for this as well. Feel free to roast me. All critique and criticism is encouraged
Now I can see why they tease you being on gear already. Anyone who is this lean and carry muscle is deemed juicing by layman’s perspective.

However, there are also guys blasting who look like naturals so there’s that too.

Be ready to have more comments once your delts and traps form those androgen induced pop lol. You have a great base to start, way leaner and developed than some of us when we started our ped journey. Btw, are you working with BigtomJ?
Good luck with your first cycle. You're already in a very good spot physique wise and in a perfect condition for putting mass on. I think you'll have a very nice outcome.
Now I can see why they tease you being on gear already. Anyone who is this lean and carry muscle is deemed juicing by layman’s perspective.

However, there are also guys blasting who look like naturals so there’s that too.

Be ready to have more comments once your delts and traps form those androgen induced pop lol. You have a great base to start, way leaner and developed than some of us when we started our ped journey. Btw, are you working with BigtomJ?

Thank you I appreciate that.

No, I'm not working with BigTomJ. Just utilizing some of the info he's put out here on the board. He coach?
Thank you I appreciate that.

No, I'm not working with BigTomJ. Just utilizing some of the info he's put out here on the board. He coach?
I am not sure but he does share more over at ugbb. You can reach out to him and inquire. He has experience competing though.
Use HCG from day 1. 1k - 1.5kish units a week. I like HCG, some don't and I like to dose it higher end. I think it's better to overlap HCG into the SERMs for 1 week then drop. Lots disagree with that though.

SERM dosing is to high IMO. Sides might be terrible on those doses. 1/2 the dosing of both would still be a lot. Personally I would use max 20 Nolva starting and max 50 Clomid, but 10 nolva and 25 Clomid is likely enough. I hate serms but find Enclomiphene is the smoothest and easiest. Enclo is dosed at 1/2 Clomid dose.

Plan and diet in place, drugs in hand, pre bloods taken, smart man. Have fun blowing up! From your picks and history you probably will!
I am not sure but he does share more over at ugbb. You can reach out to him and inquire. He has experience competing though.
Thanks I'll check out ugbb too

Use HCG from day 1. 1k - 1.5kish units a week. I like HCG, some don't and I like to dose it higher end. I think it's better to overlap HCG into the SERMs for 1 week then drop. Lots disagree with that though.

SERM dosing is to high IMO. Sides might be terrible on those doses. 1/2 the dosing of both would still be a lot. Personally I would use max 20 Nolva starting and max 50 Clomid, but 10 nolva and 25 Clomid is likely enough. I hate serms but find Enclomiphene is the smoothest and easiest. Enclo is dosed at 1/2 Clomid dose.

Plan and diet in place, drugs in hand, pre bloods taken, smart man. Have fun blowing up! From your picks and history you probably will!
I picked up HCG thinking of doing 500IU a week, what added benefit do you usually get out of that higher dose?

And I obviously don't know what I don't know. I figured if there was one area where a little overkill would be a net positive would be the PCT. I lifted that protocol from Eman in a thread that is several years old, always valued his input on the boards. What adverse serm sides are you thinking of?
Good luck with your first cycle. You're already in a very good spot physique wise and in a perfect condition for putting mass on. I think you'll have a very nice outcome.

Lookin primed and ready for your first cycle man! Gonna be stoked to see what you can do, should be insane.
Thanks fellas, appreciate the support.

First pin went in this morning like butter. 20g to draw, 25g into the glute. About to have the best placebo induced workout of my life today haha
Thanks I'll check out ugbb too

I picked up HCG thinking of doing 500IU a week, what added benefit do you usually get out of that higher dose?

And I obviously don't know what I don't know. I figured if there was one area where a little overkill would be a net positive would be the PCT. I lifted that protocol from Eman in a thread that is several years old, always valued his input on the boards. What adverse serm sides are you thinking of?
It just makes me feel good. I don't have any #'s or facts to back up usage. I just like it. I also like the idea of keeping my balls online in case I have to totally come off for some reason.
It just makes me feel good. I don't have any #'s or facts to back up usage. I just like it. I also like the idea of keeping my balls online in case I have to totally come off for some reason.
Gotcha, ya that makes sense. Good fail-safe to have in place in case shit hits the fan.
Great starting point have fun remember to keep bumping those carbs and track your weekly average weight gain
Thanks I appreciate that. Yeah this is week 1, added 50g carbs to the diet and plan to bump it again for week 2 as well
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Virgin muscle pip wasn't too bad. Monday pain was pretty much all gone by Wednesday evening. Pin #2 was Thursday. Impatiently waiting for "the feelz" to kick in haha

Weight is up about 1.5lbs this week which is probably all water right now due to the increase of carbs
Pin # 4 yesterday. Currently Friday, almost 2 weeks into the cycle. IDK if it's the added food or what, but definitely feeling a pump in a way I never have before. Always track all lifts and either weight, reps, or quality of reps have been improving (Would rather get 8 with clean form than 12 with shit form), but that 8 is quickly moving up to 12, then increase the weight once I hit the upper limit of that rep range

I did NOT increase cals to start this week (week #2). I weigh myself twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays just for consistency's sake. Weigh-in today was the same as my weigh in as Tuesday earlier this week, so will be bumping carbs up again by 50g starting today. Going to be adding 25g to meal 2 and then adding the other 25g to my p/wo whey for a 200cal increase.

I eat the same meal plan on off days, just no pre/post that's listed above. So still getting roughly 4K cals on off days as well.
Pin # 4 yesterday. Currently Friday, almost 2 weeks into the cycle. IDK if it's the added food or what, but definitely feeling a pump in a way I never have before. Always track all lifts and either weight, reps, or quality of reps have been improving (Would rather get 8 with clean form than 12 with shit form), but that 8 is quickly moving up to 12, then increase the weight once I hit the upper limit of that rep range

I did NOT increase cals to start this week (week #2). I weigh myself twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays just for consistency's sake. Weigh-in today was the same as my weigh in as Tuesday earlier this week, so will be bumping carbs up again by 50g starting today. Going to be adding 25g to meal 2 and then adding the other 25g to my p/wo whey for a 200cal increase.

I eat the same meal plan on off days, just no pre/post that's listed above. So still getting roughly 4K cals on off days as well.
Nothing like that first real pump on gear man! Your weight going up from the initial extra glycogen storage? Usually about a few weeks in is when I start looking noticeably bigger in the mirror from extra glycogen storage and really have that “on” feeling.
Nothing like that first real pump on gear man! Your weight going up from the initial extra glycogen storage? Usually about a few weeks in is when I start looking noticeably bigger in the mirror from extra glycogen storage and really have that “on” feeling.
I am loving it. I started to REALLY notice it last week (week 3), but yesterday was nuts. I feel like a cyborg haha No noticeable sides besides calf pumps and cramps like a bitch if I do an incline treadmill

2 warm up sets and I'm all pumped up it's awesome. Lifts progressing every session. Tuesday of week 4 and I'm up about 10lbs
I am loving it. I started to REALLY notice it last week (week 3), but yesterday was nuts. I feel like a cyborg haha No noticeable sides besides calf pumps and cramps like a bitch if I do an incline treadmill

2 warm up sets and I'm all pumped up it's awesome. Lifts progressing every session. Tuesday of week 4 and I'm up about 10lbs
Hell yeah bro! Make sure you take lots of progress pix, definitely wish I had more than just a start and end of my first cycle so I could really keep up on the growth. Your brain definitely takes a long ass time to catch up to your new bigger physique.