First Bodybuilding Show Log from 30-weeks Out

9 weeks out fasted pictures here.

Test drops from 500mg to 300mg
Tren Ace added at 140mg
GH drops from 6iu to 4iu GH

Cardio stays the same at 25min 5x weekly
Steps stay the same at 12-14k/day
Diet stays the same at 3200ish TD and 2200ish Rest day
Clen stays at 20mcg
T3/T4 stays at 25mcg/100mcg


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Nice dude! Are your delts so dominant or you lacking arms? Back double biceps your delts look enormous and arms kinda behind, in the other pics you look more balanced.

Also, i don't know wth you are doing and you're able to eat that much in your current state. Some of you guys are really blessed. I'm 230 now and to continue cutting i'm on 2300kcal 5 days a week, one refeed at 2800 and one free meal that has me around 3300 that day. Gear, steps, cardio included.. The only i can think is you have a better metabolism because you're way more leaner than i am. Anyway, keep up with the good stuff bro.
Nice dude! Are your delts so dominant or you lacking arms? Back double biceps your delts look enormous and arms kinda behind, in the other pics you look more balanced.

Also, i don't know wth you are doing and you're able to eat that much in your current state. Some of you guys are really blessed. I'm 230 now and to continue cutting i'm on 2300kcal 5 days a week, one refeed at 2800 and one free meal that has me around 3300 that day. Gear, steps, cardio included.. The only i can think is you have a better metabolism because you're way more leaner than i am. Anyway, keep up with the good stuff bro.
Yeah I’m not sure what’s up with my metabolism lol I was always on the fatter side but since starting gear my metabolism has ramped up, I had to force a lot of food to gain size so maybe that’s part of it. As for the arms yeah my delts are definitely pretty dominant but I don’t have the best arms either so i think it’s both of that combined

Edit: that right arm is real fucky, the bicep sucks and the tricep is wonky too. I have one good arm the left, which I use for my side shots. The short head of my right tricep is so jacked up for some reason but luckily you only need one decent arm in bodybuilding, I’ll just need to work to bring overall size up on the right side over the next couple years
Do you remember in what bf % did you start gear? If you were leaned out then it could make sense. Otherwise i'll just have to admit that i'm gonna be either hungry or fat lol!

No one is perfectly balanced mate. I have one lat smaller and one calf smaller too and if i lean out i'll probably discover new imbalances. If that's bother you enough have you looked to topical GHK cu? Could something like LR3 or increlex help if you pin unilateral?
Do you remember in what bf % did you start gear? If you were leaned out then it could make sense. Otherwise i'll just have to admit that i'm gonna be either hungry or fat lol!

No one is perfectly balanced mate. I have one lat smaller and one calf smaller too and if i lean out i'll probably discover new imbalances. If that's bother you enough have you looked to topical GHK cu? Could something like LR3 or increlex help if you pin unilateral?
Im definitely planning on checking out LR3 next offseason once I’m deeper into it, I started gear at probably 12% but i was stupid and kept cutting through my first cycle and probably ended it at 9-10% bodyfat like 5lb heavier lol, then I did a long bulk and made some actual progress
Started following your prep some time ago. Great progress so far, the first changes came on fast! Are you running any ancillaries? Telmisartan, AI's, Metformin, etc.
Started following your prep some time ago. Great progress so far, the first changes came on fast! Are you running any ancillaries? Telmisartan, AI's, Metformin, etc.
Thanks man! Taking 40mg telmisartan and tons of OTC health supplements. Telmisartan was 80mg plus some beet root extract in the off-season
Thanks man! Taking 40mg telmisartan and tons of OTC health supplements. Telmisartan was 80mg plus some beet root extract in the off-season
Telmisartan was a game changer for me also. I run 80mg regardless of anything else I am running. Where I am from you can get it OTC and it's cheap.
I run lower doses of test than you and leverage Mast or Primo to get to higher doses. How has been your experience with 500 test? Since you didn't mention AI's I figure you manage it very well. I miss the fullness I used to get when running higher test lol
Telmisartan was a game changer for me also. I run 80mg regardless of anything else I am running. Where I am from you can get it OTC and it's cheap.
I run lower doses of test than you and leverage Mast or Primo to get to higher doses. How has been your experience with 500 test? Since you didn't mention AI's I figure you manage it very well. I miss the fullness I used to get when running higher test lol
500 Test seemed fine, it was a little higher in the off-season but I was running primo which lowers my e2 by extremely considerable amounts. Masteron I feel better on as it doesn’t really touch my e2 so my levels are about 3x as high but no gyno or bloat on it, maybe due to the mast or maybe I just don’t aromatize too much. So not sure? 500 definitely isn’t my max tolerable limit i’ll probably explore that over the next few years as my dosages slowly increase.
500 Test seemed fine, it was a little higher in the off-season but I was running primo which lowers my e2 by extremely considerable amounts. Masteron I feel better on as it doesn’t really touch my e2 so my levels are about 3x as high but no gyno or bloat on it, maybe due to the mast or maybe I just don’t aromatize too much. So not sure? 500 definitely isn’t my max tolerable limit i’ll probably explore that over the next few years as my dosages slowly increase.
Cool. I couldnt handle the pip from Primo E 200mg/ml, so I switched to Mast E. Thanks for sharing your experience. Looking forward to see the final weeks of this prep.
Cool. I couldnt handle the pip from Primo E 200mg/ml, so I switched to Mast E. Thanks for sharing your experience. Looking forward to see the final weeks of this prep.
Same, I had to switch to 100mg/ml and it was much easier on me, no more hot lumps lol I’ll probably run that again next offseason after a nice long gut reset protocol. Appreciate it, I’m looking forward to getting dug out and nasty over the next 2 months
8 week out fasted pic update, 180.6lb
Changes in bold

Training day Diet: ~3000 Cal
Non Training day Diet: ~2150 Cal

12-14k steps daily
40min level 5 stairmaster fasted 5x weekly

4iu GH (3iu fasted, 1iu pre bed)
350 Test weekly
500 Mast P weekly
140 Tren A weekly
25mcg T3
100mcg T4
20mcg Clen

No more carbs for meal 6 on training days, no more carbs for meals 1, 2, and 6 on Rest days.


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8 week out fasted pic update, 180.6lb
Changes in bold

Training day Diet: ~3000 Cal
Non Training day Diet: ~2150 Cal

12-14k steps daily
40min level 5 stairmaster fasted 5x weekly

4iu GH (3iu fasted, 1iu pre bed)
350 Test weekly
500 Mast P weekly
140 Tren A weekly
25mcg T3
100mcg T4
20mcg Clen

No more carbs for meal 6 on training days, no more carbs for meals 1, 2, and 6 on Rest days.
Reading the non-training day calories made me hungry already, anything sub 2500 and things start to hurt a little lol
How was your macros and rate of gain during the offseason?
You're cleaning up nicely! I'm gonna say it again, for ex fat you have perfect skin dude.. If i didn't know it i'd bet you born ectomorph and put some size on. Amazing. I thought only those who sustain a extremely low body fat for extended period of time could change their body type that much.

Also, do you feel anything from the 20mcg clen? I just started today and didn't felt anything. Thought about bumping tommorow to 40 but given the long halflife i'll give it a week and take it from there.
Reading the non-training day calories made me hungry already, anything sub 2500 and things start to hurt a little lol
How was your macros and rate of gain during the offseason?
hunger is present for sure. about 4500 cal on training days offseason, close to 7k on high days, 3500 on low days
You're cleaning up nicely! I'm gonna say it again, for ex fat you have perfect skin dude.. If i didn't know it i'd bet you born ectomorph and put some size on. Amazing. I thought only those who sustain a extremely low body fat for extended period of time could change their body type that much.

Also, do you feel anything from the 20mcg clen? I just started today and didn't felt anything. Thought about bumping tommorow to 40 but given the long halflife i'll give it a week and take it from there.
I felt the clen for a few days and then nothing. Haven’t felt it since the week it was put in. And yeah I was fat at first then lost a lot of weight and just perpetually dieted for about a year because i was scared of getting fat until I started my first offseason with this coach
7 weeks out fasted pics. No changes to plan. Really starting to feel like death now. Jello legs, thinking is very hard. Picking anything up is even harder. Don’t get me started on walking around, doing cardio, or training. Only 7 weeks left. Only 7 weeks left..


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7 weeks out fasted pics. No changes to plan. Really starting to feel like death now. Jello legs, thinking is very hard. Picking anything up is even harder. Don’t get me started on walking around, doing cardio, or training. Only 7 weeks left. Only 7 weeks left..
Looking solid. Hang in there, glute striations incoming.
7 weeks out fasted pics. No changes to plan. Really starting to feel like death now. Jello legs, thinking is very hard. Picking anything up is even harder. Don’t get me started on walking around, doing cardio, or training. Only 7 weeks left. Only 7 weeks left..
Prep brain has set in.
Keep it up man, the last few weeks go by fast as hell.