First Bodybuilding Show Log from 30-weeks Out

Understood. What are you eating for your cheat meals at the end of a High Day?
Usually anything as high calorie as possible through the massing phase, so pizza/italian, cheesecake, ice cream, burgers & fries etc. Now that I’m cruising and trying to maintain weight, I’m eating a little less, typically whatever my gf is feeling like eating that day
idk how long this would take to write out, but what do the meals look like for each day? (high/medium/low)
It makes a lot of sense to me so I’m curious to know what it looks like and might adapt a version of it.
idk how long this would take to write out, but what do the meals look like for each day? (high/medium/low)
It makes a lot of sense to me so I’m curious to know what it looks like and might adapt a version of it.
Right now I’m not on an extremely strict plan but tend to eat the same thing every day so typically do:
Meal 1: cream of rice, whey protein, almond butter, blueberries and honey
Meal 2: Chicken Breast, Rice noodles, olive oil, Green Beans
Meal 3 (Pre workout): Chicken Breast, Rice Noodles, Juice, Gatorade
Intra: Nutrabio Leg Day Powder
Meal 4 (Post workout): Whey Protein, Cocoa Pebbles
Meal 5: Chicken Breast or 99 Lean Ground Turkey, Green Beans, Jasmine Rice or Rice cakes, Almond Butter
Meal 6: Flank Steak, Potatoes or Pasta, Olive oil, Fruit

On High days the amount of carbs are increased but the carb source stays the same, and fats are pulled and meal 6 is replaced with a cheat meal

On Low days, the carb amount is cut roughly in half and sometimes I’ll swap some carb sources to bagels or bread since I don’t have to eat as much of it
Starting prep today 23 weeks out.

Starting weight: 207lb

Training day diet: 6 meals

Regular meals direct macros: 60 Carb, 45 Protein, 12 fat

Pre and Post direct macros: 75 Carb, 45 Protein, 0 fat

Rest day diet: 6 meals

Direct macros per meal: 45 Carb, 45 Protein, 12 Fat

PEDs: 400 Test Cyp, 400 Mast Prop, 6iu GH

Ancillaries: 80mg Telmisartan

Cardio: Stairmaster Interval (Level 5 1min, Level 10 1min for 16 minutes total)


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High day got pulled. I will now be creating a high day with a once weekly cheat meal, probablt only on leg days. Meals 1-5 will remain same as regular training days
Interesting. I'm assuming the high day will come back once you are depleted enough to use it. Following along
Interesting. I'm assuming the high day will come back once you are depleted enough to use it. Following along
Yeah I think we’re basically going to let myself get pretty depleted for a while, the high day likely won’t come back in nearly the same amount of calories. The idea with the cheat meal is to hopefully allow that to fill me up without getting fat and give a little dopamine boost as I start to get hungrier

Having never done a prep before I’m just following the plan 100% and learning about the process as I go
For a ex fat as fuck you haven't got any hanging skin or stretch marks. You're lucky, i reached 310 at my heaviest with many yoyoing and now i'm 240 with a 225 goal but my skin dude it's a mess, and aside of the belly area low side of tits is awful. I think i'll have to go super lean to not look aesthetically bad. I like the carb cycle idea too and looking forward to try it when i start cutting, i've seen a lot of Justin Harris vids lately and i'm intrigued..i'm not using slin though so i might go to low and medium days with a refeed or cheat meal day instead of a very high clean carb day..i'll see! How's your blood pressure and you're taking that much telmisartan? Good luck and keep us posted!
For a ex fat as fuck you haven't got any hanging skin or stretch marks. You're lucky, i reached 310 at my heaviest with many yoyoing and now i'm 240 with a 225 goal but my skin dude it's a mess, and aside of the belly area low side of tits is awful. I think i'll have to go super lean to not look aesthetically bad. I like the carb cycle idea too and looking forward to try it when i start cutting, i've seen a lot of Justin Harris vids lately and i'm intrigued..i'm not using slin though so i might go to low and medium days with a refeed or cheat meal day instead of a very high clean carb day..i'll see! How's your blood pressure and you're taking that much telmisartan? Good luck and keep us posted!
Justin harris is coaching my coach currently so funny you say that lol, blood pressure used to not be great I typically only have high systolic numbers but lately it’s been below 130, usually in 120s. I did have a high day in place before insulin was added, which had a little more fat in it plus the cheat meal. so I think there is still value in that if your glucose levels are good, cardio is getting done, and you’re not getting fat afterwards. Good luck on your journey too bro
Right now I’m 30 weeks out of my first bodybuilding show. I’ve been bodybuilding for about 1.5 years. Have a coach who took me through about a 10-month off-season and now we’re ending that push, cruising for 8-weeks then doing a 22-week prep. Gonna detail my progress for those like myself who find bodybuilding interesting, or those who are curious about the mental state of a dude who used to be fat as fuck with no will-power who is now attempting to diet down to single digit bodyfat. Initial pics are from the last day of the push, going into the cruise.

Gained about 65 lb in the last 1.5 years.

Current weight: 211.6


PPL A/B 2-on, 1-off

Push A:

-5x Side Delts

-3x Shoulder Press

-3x Chest Press

-2x Pec Flies

-4x Triceps

Pull A:

-3x Lat Pull-down

-3x Upper Back Row

-3x Teres Pull-down

-4x Biceps

-3x Rear Delts

-2x Seated Ham Curl

Legs A:

-4x Calves

-3x Adductors

-3x Leg Extensions

-3x Squat Pattern (Currently Pendulum)

-2x Walking Lunges

Push B:

-5x Side Delts

-3x Upper Chest Machine

-2x Flat Chest

-2x Pec Flies

-4x Triceps

Pull B:

-3x Lat Row

-3x Upper Back Row

-3x Teres Pull-down

-4x Biceps

-2x Lying Ham curl

Legs B:

-4x Calves

-3x Adductors

-3x Leg Press

-3x Quad Extensions

-2x RDL


Low Day: 270 Direct protein, 270 Direct carbs, 72 direct fat (Averages out 3200 calories from all trace sources)

Medium Day: 270 Direct protein, 650 direct carbs, 48 direct fat (Averages out 4500 calories from all trace sources)

High Day: 240 direct protein, 790 direct carbs (without cheat meal), 0 direct fat (without cheat meal). (Can range from 5000-7000 calories from all trace sources after cheat meal at end of night)


Peak Offseason: 500 Test, 400 Primo E, 5iu GH

Currently (Cruise): 210 Test, 70 Primo E, 5iu GH
Brother your coach gave your possibly the most half ass goofy split I’ve seen in a minute
In the skinny-fat stage so not feeling great about my fasted pictures (or really pumps at all, but didn’t hate this shot taken today). For those who’ve been through it, how long until this skin tightens up a little and I start to actually notice some fatloss? lolIMG_5387.jpeg
In the skinny-fat stage so not feeling great about my fasted pictures (or really pumps at all, but didn’t hate this shot taken today). For those who’ve been through it, how long until this skin tightens up a little and I start to actually notice some fatloss? lolView attachment 277358
I think from 20 to 15 weeks out I looked like a sack of laundry but after week 15 everything started to get tight. 7 weeks out right now, its starting to get freaky]

keep it up bro your looking good

Do you have a posing coach? If not I recommend Jarek Crew who works under Ruff Diesel. 2 session with him changed my posing drastically. hes relatively cheap if you buy a few sessions at the same time
I think from 20 to 15 weeks out I looked like a sack of laundry but after week 15 everything started to get tight. 7 weeks out right now, its starting to get freaky]

keep it up bro your looking good

Do you have a posing coach? If not I recommend Jarek Crew who works under Ruff Diesel. 2 session with him changed my posing drastically. hes relatively cheap if you buy a few sessions at the same time
Sounds good, I was thinking 6-8 weeks before I start to actually feel lean lol. There’s a local guy in my gym who’s helped me a little but I may get some more help, he only charges 40/session so trying to save as much as possible lol
Sounds good, I was thinking 6-8 weeks before I start to actually feel lean lol. There’s a local guy in my gym who’s helped me a little but I may get some more help, he only charges 40/session so trying to save as much as possible lol
I did the same thing working with a local guy, dude had me looking stupid as hell LMAO. 3 session with Jarek is 130 usd and hell get you right.

Keep it up brother!
201.2 lb here

No changes this week. Energy, libido, and pumps are all getting better from the mast hitting and a little water from the test. Performance in the gym is great and feeling mentally great about where I’m headed.


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