"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Mine are from PD but shipped international. Plain boxes and vials. 5uis ED at night and it feels just as HGH (including Seros) has felt. The mirror doesn't lie. I know what I look like on GH and its there.

BF % dropping even though I'm not doing anything different than I was a month ago before I started this batch. Pumps are crazy and painful. Hands are tingling and numb on and off. That shit is not in my head. Hands cramp up if I try to do anything like use a screw driver. Even my jaw will get tight and cramp a little if I am chewing a thick piece of steak for a while.

That shit is not in my head. So we need some clarification on this for sure.
Well we are getting PD's tested ASAP.

That's what I'd like to know. There is a lot of information stating how delicate HGH is so maybe it was degraded BUT maybe @Dr JIM can tell us if the results would be similar to under dosed. I have no clue.

Why would the results be any different from underdosed HGH as compared to ASS, or any other drug.

Of course the dose matters and it matters a lot with any med.

Any generic GH manufacturer who suggests ours is a better structured GH
is FOS, bc it's either HGH or it's not and the studies we conducted proved whatever GH is in those vial IS HGH but in this instance there's just VERY LITTLE.
That shit is not in my head. So we need some clarification on this for sure.

I agree we need clarification... but never assume the placebo effect can't happen to you. I know it's a tough pill to swallow but the fact that you've run other GH before, even pharma, could potentially increase susceptibility to placebo.

The participants of the rogaine trials grew hair taking a placebo.

Candidates being told that they were on steroids grew muscle quickly despite the fact it was placebo.

Just food for thought.
Why would the results be any different from underdosed HGH as compared to ASS, or any other drug.

Of course the dose matters and it matters a lot with any med.
Maybe I wasn't clear. What we were inquiring about is if a degraded sample would produce the same test result as an under dosed sample.

If the substance in the tested vial was degraded for some reason would that give a low GH reading same as it being under dosed on the test results? Or would the degraded sample still show the actual amount of GH regardless of the damage to the substance at a molecular level? I hope that makes sense.
What I was thinking is I would like to get some farm grade tested to see two things. 1) is simec testing of hgh g2g and 2) how do the test data read compared to generic. So if you guys are willing I would compensate senior b66 or another good standing member to send some and would be willing to pitch in for the testing.

Actually i was joking about being to cheap and stingy. If the members wanted me to send a vial of sero's to compare against the generics, who am i to say no? And no one needs to compensate me , if it helps then @DrJim or @mands need only ask.
I agree we need clarification... but never assume the placebo effect can't happen to you. I know it's a tough pill to swallow but the fact that you've run other GH before, even pharma, could potentially increase susceptibility to placebo.

The participants of the rogaine trials grew hair taking a placebo.

Candidates being told that they were on steroids grew muscle quickly despite the fact it was placebo.

Just food for thought.

Well shit if I can get pharma GH results by taking generic and all I need to do is have the placebo effect that's a win win. All the gains, BF loss and no health issues (accept the ones created by what the fuck ever is actually on those vials. LOL) I'll take placebo. :D
How do you choose what brands you will test?
I would look forward to test as many as possible and which are in use..
But from the beginning it should be clear from which source and even more information if needed..

Thanks a lot for your time and sharing

What's "needed" is for MANDS and I to decide, as it's the prerogative of those who are paying for the testing.

You want something more or less be my guest pay for your own studies.
Good stuff. Definitely some credit to power of the mind. Although, I've got 30 years of lifting and about 28 of PED usage. I've been successful in some pretty big NPC shows so I'm pretty sure I've got enough hands on to know the difference.

Hard to call placebo when I'm at work actually working (not on MESO) and suddenly realize my hands and wrists are aching from the newly developed beginnings of carpal tunnel and my hands and fingers are almost numb. I'm not complaining though. ;)
Well shit if I can get pharma GH results by taking generic and all I need to do is have the placebo effect that's a win win. All the gains, BF loss and no health issues (accept the ones created by what the fuck ever is actually on those vials. LOL) I'll take placebo. :D

Thats pretty funny, i was gonna post almost word for word what you just said. All the positive results with zero health risks. Win win!!
What's "needed" is for MANDS and I to decide, as it's the prerogative of those who are paying for the testing.

You want something more or less be my guest pay for your own studies.

Some apparently have never heard of the term "research bias".

Well let me remind SOME that's what I was accused of on round TWO.

That's right Jim switched the data more to his liking once the results were known.

To circumvent that accusation this time around I was NEVER made aware of the labs name until MANDS stated where the samples came from on Meso!

So the reason I couldn't and WONT assign a source to a sample, I won't and don't know them with FEW exceptions, like hey that's a "Grey", lol
Some apparently have never heard of the term "research bias".

Well let me remind SOME that's what I was accused of on round TWO.

That's right Jim switched the data more to his liking once the results were known.

To circumvent that accusation this time around I was NEVER made aware of the labs name until MANDS stated where the samples came from on Meso!

So the reason I couldn't and WONT assign a source to a sample, I won't and don't know them with FEW exceptions, like hey that's a "Grey", lol
This is exactly correct! I started numbering them with no labels. JIM has the lab test them and then he will post the data here. Once the data is posted. I will name the GH and where it was purchased.

No switch-a-roo!!!!

@Dr JIM and I do not want anyone paying us to test. I will decide with Jim's help what and who's GH will be tested.

Obviously they will be popular generics and some not so popular.

So, please just be patient and most likely we will hit on what brand you are looking to get tested.

I do not have baseline IGF unfortunately, just FYI. I've been kicking myself since day one for not doing so but I'll post up regardless. I'll have to look at a calendar to check how long I've been running them now.

Some sides have been present... placebo is always possible though!

I have a baseline for 2 years now. So when can I do bloods? I'm 3 weeks in.
3 weeks are OK IMHO. For the research done online many ppl report that after even 2 weeks you could draw bloods.
I have a baseline for 2 years now. So when can I do bloods? I'm 3 weeks in.

I think 3-4 weeks is the general consensus but I'm honestly not sure.

As @Perrin Aybara mentioned, he pulled his after a month and his test results showed definite elevated IGF levels.

I've been meaning to pull mine soon anyways and now that this thread started up I figured it would be great timing.

Now, I want to say here and now that even if I get elevated results I do not believe that means that the results mands and Jim have provided are incorrect. Like I said, I knew the pros and cons of generic HGH when I pulled the trigger and if I have bunk then I have no one to blame. If I have great levels, I think it shows a consistency issue and I don't think anyone should be THAT surprised by that... it's why the pharma vs generic debate never stops!

I do not want anyone paying us to test. I will decide with Jim's help what and who's GH will be tested.


For those who would like a sample tested contact MANDS and together we shall decide if there is a "need" for your sample to be tested.

The idea is to serve the Meso community first and foremost rather than individuals who just bought some GH and want it tested.

Understand this is a nonprofit venture PERIOD as neither MANDS or myself are being compensated in ANY WAY!

I nor MANDS are permitted to divulge the testing source, and there are several reasons for this.

First testing of PEDs whether it's a controlled substance or not is a "grey area" legally, unless accompanied with an RX

Second is call volume, I can only imagine how many questions any lab would have to answer on behalf of periodic cyclists before those with such limited incomes would fork over a couple hundred bucks for testing.

Third the cost is prohibitive unless the amount tested can be batched for profitability, few mates would follow thru.

Fourth, history alone tells me such testing is TALK on behalf of most AAS forum members bc only a few have demonstrated a willingness to conduct assays needed for cycling even AAS.
