"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Mine came in labeled boxes seperate label stickers tho. Blank vial

Weird. I've got like 20 from him both domestic and international and I've had to sticker each vial myself, and move them from the plain white boxes to the grey top box. I guess it's not necessary as it's what's in the vial that counts, but they look better all labeled properly.
You never talk to me via PM.

Fucker :(

Some of you guys give Muscle so much shit, I don't understand it, at all.

Him and I have had quite a few conversations over time via PM (not pro muscle). Never once, not once, did he try and sell me on Greys. Actually, the only time we talked about them was when TP was MIA for me and I remembered he knew TP.... He was helpful in resolving the issue. Furthermore, her certainly isn't a shill for TP as he SUGGESTED I look into PD if I was having issues with TP.... In short, TP fucked me over in a way, and had a terrible resolution to his obvious fuck up. Muscle helped resolve the issue due to our mutual friends and his pull with TP.... He simply said "Hey, if you like the greys, there's this platinum direct guy as well."

Bonus, for those who care... He also has mentioned a few times to me the only GH he finds to outshine Greys and Seros is Genotropin pens.... Is he a Genotropin rep too? Sometimes you guys shock me. So, who is he a REP for? My guess, no one. The dude just loves GH and all thins about it.... I think he's fascinated by it all, and is genuinely passionate about learning and education. I'm not some fucking retard who hasn't been around the block, and I can smell a shill from 10 miles away. I wouldn't speak with him in private the way I do, if I had one sense he was a shill. He is doing what he feels is right and connecting Mands with TP, as we trust Mands. What the fuck else do you guys expect from the guy?

I'll be getting bloods on the batch of Greys from PD a few of us are clearly running. I will have been on 10ius a day for 3 weeks tomorrow, most likely pulling bloods Monday. Also, a vial from this batch will be tested, to in a sense, have a 1 2 punch to further test the same batch. I'll need to do some serious digging and see if I can find a baseline bloodwork from not too long ago. Problem being, I've been on seros or greys for over 2 years now.... So, that is what it is.
That's cause you don't use lube

Lets keep this thread with conversations regarding generic testing and not clog with comments not related to subject at hand to reduce having to scroll thru many posts and pages. Please don't take my comment personally as that's not my intention.

What would be nice is a thread with results only. And another thread to comment about the results.
Well, some of those variables are largely out of our control. This is why I'd like a knowledgeable person to explain to me how the tests would reflect a potentially "damaged" vial in terms of the measured GH. Meaning, if the vial started with - call it - 10iu of real GH, would exposing it to extreme heat (shipping?) degrade that sample and allow it to test poorly?

These assays were conducted for QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE purposes.

The involved lab can provide the "reasons why" their performance was less than what's listed on the label.

But most know where that will lead, excuses, excuses and more excuses, been there, read that, seen that, heard that AND done that!

As I've mentioned on many occasions these UGL KNOW they are selling an underdosed product and that's why they NEVER cite legitimate analytical assays and much prefer narrative reports, "bloods", or bro testimonials !
These assays were conducted for QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE purposes.

The involved lab can provide the "reasons why" their performance was less than what's listed on the label.

But most know where that will lead, excuses, excuses and more excuses, been there, read that, seen that, heard that AND done that!

As I've mentioned on many occasions these UGL KNOW they are selling an underdosed product and that's why they NEVER cite legitimate analytical assays and much prefer narrative reports, "bloods", or bro testimonials !

Is IGF testing completely worthless to determine legit HGH?

People need to understand much like ones TT level IGF values vary considerably.

Moreover the GH/IGF dose response curve also varies A LOT between individuals.

Ergo it's a bad idea to fall for the bro notion the quality of a GH product can be reasonably well ascertained based on IGF levels alone.

The point much like fT and TT levels are complimentary so to are serum IGF and GH analytical assays.

Finally I'll also mention, for several reasons, post pinning serum GH assays border on being WORTHLESS as a means of quality assessment.
Read this earlier. What I'm wondering is if my IGF goes from 160s baseline to 400 after 6 weeks of a 2iu ed "HGH" could that even be possible with product that is .25iu HGH per vial? It would seem that results like that could not be obtained from a something thats basically not HGH at all.
I don't know where you got that idea from bc I've said nothing to that effect

As in the post ^^^^ above!

Sorry I thought thats what you meant when you said sellers rely on "bloods". It also seems like HGH blood testing is just not given as much credence here as test levels are for AAS.
Read this earlier. What I'm wondering is if my IGF goes from 160s baseline to 400 after 6 weeks of a 2iu ed "HGH" could that even be possible with product that is .25iu HGH per vial? It would seem that results like that could not be obtained from a something thats basically not HGH at all.

I try to limit my comments to KNOWS rather than UNKNOWNS, IF's a MAYBE, a COULD BE, etc.

Many "things" are possible yet are NOT probable.

Good luck
HGH blood testing is just not given as much credence here as test levels are for AAS

That's absolutely correct and for very good reason such as:

- GH assay sensitivity and specificity

- GH half life

- Serum GH, factors effecting the dose response curve

- GH supplementation biological response the therapy

- GH factors effecting basal levels

Lets keep this thread with conversations regarding generic testing and not clog with comments not related to subject at hand to reduce having to scroll thru many posts and pages. Please don't take my comment personally as that's not my intention.

What would be nice is a thread with results only. And another thread to comment about the results.

Oh a little levity is probably good for a variety of reasons providing the focus remains GENERIC GH, and the latter is MANDS and my responsibility in many respects.

The latter should not be a problem providing the LAB we are using is capable of releasing a steady stream of results, CHECK!

To date the issue is logistical on behalf of MANDS and myself, ENSURING whatever is released is entirely accurate CHECK!

All the above takes time and A LOT of it. UNCHECK!

TIME IS THE RATE LIMITING FACTOR for myself and I suspect MANDS as we too have other responsibilities exclusive of this generic GH thread.

We could also simply release the data in a narrative format as SIMEC has done with Anabolic Lab results.

But I'm opposed to that approach for the reasons I've listed elsewhere with respect to SIMEC.

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I mean narrative data reports certainly do save time, and A LOT of it, yet bc such an approach is a deviation from the contemporary standard it sets a less than desirable example for others, to follow in the near future.

In this regard I'm quite sure MANDS would agree, we aren't interested in mimicing SIMEC, as we want to be better than SIMEC and that won't be easy!
I feel like I am watching the apprentice and someone is about to get fired!!

Curious, how and why would anyone be "fired" who's "working" for NOTHING!

See that's how it is. MANDS pays me and I pay MANDS. So at the end of the day when all the profits are tabulated we both make ZIPPO, lol!
Curious, how and why would anyone be "fired" who's "working" for NOTHING!

See that's how it is. MANDS pays me and I pay MANDS. So at the end of the day when all the profits are tabulated we both make ZIPPO, lol!

Sorry for the confusion. I just mean the anticipation is exciting.