"Generic" GH ASSAYS


This sample also had an LC/MS trypsin cleavage assay conducted which determines how consistent the samples AA sequence is with that of HGH. The results were highly consistent or "high probability" with HGH.

In cases of this nature, about the only other assay that may prove useful with respect to efficacy, is a pre AND post therapy serum IGF level.
Sample two is a Blue Top Kefei from HGHpower.

Yea but THAT is "research grade" rHGH and is NOT intended for human consumption!

Rather than measuring a somewhat arbitrary "toxin" the WHO/FDA criteria goes much further and insists BIOLOGICAL testing be conducted.

The latter requires the testing of
GH in LIVING CRITTERS and any unexplained death or complication must be verified and certified as an expected outcome!

The frequency of such events must also be collated, tabulated, recorded and then compared to similar products with an established "safety and adverse event" record.

If the deviation is considered "a significant deviation from the norm" it's back to the drawing board for the manufacturer who must determine WHY their GH didn't fare as well before such a product is deemed safe for human consumption.

All of these issues make the purchase of generic GH somewhat of a crap shoot compared to a Pharm product and are one of several factors the tests I've conducted can't even begin to evaluate.

To that end there is no comparing the saftery of generic GH to that of Pharm GH, as the list of UNKNOWNs for the former remains extensive IMO.

I agree with ya 1001%

While I'm not quite as skeptical as I was 2+ years ago that legit GH can be had for $1.90 - $2.00 an IU ......I agree with you 100% that these "generics" prove to be inconsistent 100% of the time (some generic brands stay legit longer than others.....but eventually "fall off")

Here's an old study/analysis you might of already read:

Mass spectrometric analysis of innovator, counterfeit, and follow-on recombinant human growth hormone

Mass spectrometric analysis of innovator, counterfeit, and follow-on recombinant human growth hormone - Jiang - 2009 - Biotechnology Progress - Wiley Online Library

At the very end of the article it states:

These differences (modifications) in the rhGH may or may not cause any safety and efficacy concerns. The extensive animal and human clinical studies, such as for the innovator and follow-on products, certainly alleviated these concerns.5 We believed that these large differences (to which patients will be exposed) should require the animal and human clinical studies to address the concerns, regardless as to the origin either from different manufacturer's processes or from different lots produced by the same manufacturer.

Basically stating what you just mentioned

The reality is lots of members here use the "Generics"

No one wants to see anyone using a subpar, bunk, or possible unhealthy product

Random testing is what needs to be done

What you and "Mands" are doing here is very cool

Looks like this thread is turning out to be a good one

Appreciate the time and effort

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Good, interesting info Mands and Dr. Jim. When can we expect the results of the GREY TOPS from PD?
If you need a sample I am willing to send. My batch is probably older than the ones posted here.
Alright, first and foremost big thanks to @mands and @Dr JIM for this effort. The truth sucks a big dick sometimes but this was needed badly.Still have big hopes for PD's greys being at least somewhat legit.

Second, now that we're getting the generic GH market blown to shit we need someone to provide some of us a legit and affordable pharma GH hook up. :D
If you spent all your money on pahrma and used the correst amount at 2-3 iu and not 10 ridiculous iu's. Think about the difference it would have made.
Alright, first and foremost big thanks to @mands and @Dr JIM for this effort. The truth sucks a big dick sometimes but this was needed badly.Still have big hopes for PD's greys being at least somewhat legit.

Second, now that we're getting the generic GH market blown to shit we need someone to provide some of us a legit and affordable pharma GH hook up. :D
We still have many more generic GH sample to test. I have also thrown in a few unexpected vials for testing. Stay tuned.

I read your unedited response.

Something about SEPSIS and me being a fool.?? What da?! :(


Endotoxin Testing Analysis and Removal - Bio-Synthesis, Inc.


I thought you knew me better than that COL.

I originally thought GotNothing
posted the above as an explanation for why his users were developing welts!

Rest assured it was not UNEDITED and would have remained as is but was DELETED once I realized WHO and WHY it was being cited.

Something tells me someone else is muddying the waters AGAIN trying to create controversy where none exists, right MH96!

Damn I hope that not the case AGAIN!
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I thought you knew me better than that COL.

I originally thought GotNothing
posted the above as an explanation for why his users were developing welts!

Rest assured it was not UNEDITED and would have remained as is but was DELETED once I realized WHO and WHY it was being cited.

Something tells me someone else is muddying the waters AGAIN trying to create controversy where none exists, right MH96!

Damn I hope that not the case AGAIN!

Please dont drag my name into this Jim. I would be happy to post my opinion but it will just turn to a shit show. Your tests are not the only tests that have been performed on many of thses gh's. So lets see what tp and mands can come up with and lets wait and see how the pharma gh tests out. When its all said and done i will be happy to weigh in on everything that has transpired. But please keep my name out of it until then.
I read your unedited response.

Something about SEPSIS and me being a fool.?? What da?! :(

Not sure why you responded that way. Maybe it was a simple misunderstanding.

My understanding is:

Bacterial residue:

Painful red welts on injection spot can be caused by low quality growth hormone which contain too much bacterial residue. This can lead to serious problems where the body could eventually develop resistance even against its own naturally produced growth hormone.

Occasional painful welts can happen from time to time with somatropin (if you hit an awkward spot). If the welts appear after every injection and persist for a day or two, then you should discontinue the cycle immediately and have a sample lab tested.

The European Pharmacopoeia (Pharmacopoeia Europaea, Ph. Eur)

To assay the amount of bacteria endotoxins .
The More bacteria endotoxins present will increase the adverse and toxic effects of the rhGH.
According the specification of Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2000 Edition) and European Pharmacopoeia 5.0, the content of bacterial endotoxins should be no more than 5 EU.
The more the host-cell-derived (E.coli) proteins present, the more toxic and adverse effects there will be caused.

I was simply asking if you were familiar with this type of testing:

Endotoxin Testing Analysis and Removal - Bio-Synthesis, Inc.

I have not, nor have I seen anyone else testing Generics for this

It could be an important "add-on" in addition to identify and quantify

As I stated before , I was going to have the U.S. lab I've used in the past set up for this type of testing.....but Ive not done any recent testing as I've made up my mine to stay with Legit US PHARMA GH or Legit China PHARMA GH

You might want to PM me.
I thought you knew me better than that COL.

I originally thought GotNothing
posted the above as an explanation for why his users were developing welts!

Rest assured it was not UNEDITED and would have remained as is but was DELETED once I realized WHO and WHY it was being cited.

Something tells me someone else is muddying the waters AGAIN trying to create controversy where none exists, right MH96!

Damn I hope that not the case AGAIN!
Jim @muscle96ss is far from muddying the waters. He has been helpful and will continue to do so I imagine.

No one has vials from TP? Is it the same GH we know it but would be nice to test the same "source".