"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I tried digging one up, but I can't find any bloodwork where I wasn't on seros or Greys for the past 2 or so years... So, no. But, shit, baseline won't be anything like 600.... I can't imagine, at least.

No you're right. Just curious.

Do you have IGF bloods on Seros/Grey's?

Curious how high you've gotten them!
No you're right. Just curious.

Do you have IGF bloods on Seros/Grey's?

Curious how high you've gotten them!
I can look around. Problem is, I never really test for IGf-1. It's more of the male panel and overall health related shit for my doc. I'm sure I have one somewhere.
My question to DrJim is if the grey tops are only .25 ius of hgh per ur test results in a vial how can you get a igf score from 130 to over 500 off of that? If only .25 ius a vial and hes taking 5ius supposly which in return by ur test results would be .14iu in it. That really dosn't add up sir.
I haven't confirmed with TP yet if the gray was purchased from him or not. Please read the whole thread before asking questions that cannot be answered yet.

Don't worry we have some of yours and TP's getting tested from recent batches.

Thanks Sampei.

I upped to 5iu myself, would like to hit 500 IGF.

From what i can discern the supplemental GH/IGF dose response follows a "positive" curvilinear pattern at "HIGH GH" doses. Much like the testicular response to supplemental LH in which HIGH doses of the LH decrease TT secretion the same seems to apply to GH, to some extent.

Moreover the individual variation at higher GH doses becomes quite unpredictable somewhere bt 600 and 800 ng/ml IME

In other words more GH does NOT necessarily mean a HIGHER IGF level! For this reason I'd suggest serial IGFs once the GH dose exceeds 5iU of Pharm GH or it's generic equivalent.
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I haven't confirmed with TP yet if the gray was purchased from him or not. Please read the whole thread before asking questions that cannot be answered yet.

Don't worry we have some of yours and TP's getting tested from recent batches.


YEA, but, but, but golly Mr MANDS the thread has 600+ posts :)
In other words more GH does NOT necessarily mean a HIGHER IGF level! For this reason I'd suggest sal IGFs once the GH dose exceeds 5iU of Pharm GH or it's generic equivalent.

Thanks for that info Doc. I was planning on keeping the 5iu consistent for several weeks and retest igf. Then switch to pharma and retest again at a lower dose to compare to the others.
My question to DrJim is if the grey tops are only .25 ius of hgh per ur test results in a vial how can you get a igf score from 130 to over 500 off of that? If only .25 ius a vial and hes taking 5ius supposly which in return by ur test results would be .14iu in it. That really dosn't add up sir.

Folk like you need to read the ENTIRE THREAD before you find reason to question the validity of these assays or the methodologies involved.

I mean did it ever occur to you, the SINGLE TP which was tested likely had a different (as in LOWER) GH concentration than what Eman is/was running or perhaps you believe generic GH is as consistent as Grand Ma's apple pie.

WAKE UP and TRY to be OBJECTIVE, or is that something a your just is not capable of.
Something very fishy going on with these test results here on the generics.

I think you need to watch from the sidelines while the testing is performed and posted in this thread. I don't really have a problem with you but any other source that chimed in on a thread like this would normally get their ass handed to them.

If in fact using GH doesn't affect natural IGF-1 levels after stopping use, what would a baseline reading from @Eman after he discontinues use tell us?

WHAT I've not indicated such is the case at all. The difference compared to TT being the restoration of baseline IGF levels is relatively short, a matter of a few weeks, rather than MONTHS.
I think you need to watch from the sidelines while the testing is performed and posted in this thread. I don't really have a problem with you but any other source that chimed in on a thread like this would normally get their ass handed to them.

Goodness like how many time have I reminded folk NO CONCLUSIONS should be drawn from ONE ASSAY of ANY generic GH product!

At the MINIMUM i'd like for there to be at least FIVE SAMPLES from a specific lab such as TP, PD, Keifei, etc, before even remote conclusions can be made, with few exceptions.
I think you need to watch from the sidelines while the testing is performed and posted in this thread. I don't really have a problem with you but any other source that chimed in on a thread like this would normally get their ass handed to them.

Goodness like how many time have I reminded folk NO CONCLUSIONS should be drawn from ONE ASSAY of ANY generic GH product!

At the MINIMUM i'd like for there to be at least FIVE SAMPLES from a specific lab such as TP, PD, Keifei, etc, before even remote conclusions can be made, with few exceptions.
Something very fishy going on with these test results here on the generics.

SOMETHING = not sure what bc I don't understand the testing involved but "bloods" say something much different,

VERY FISHY = highly suspicious of a CONSPIRACY, which likely involves select Meso members, Meso admin, and some ANONYMOUS lab!

THESE TEST RESULTS = compared to those which YOU dont have or won't post

HERE = oh yea narrative reports like those on "other" PED forums are the standard (NOT) , BUT what other forum would allow data of such an adversarial nature to be cited

GENERICS = Hello rather than Pharm, generics were selected for good reason, bc that's what the majority of Meso members are using

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Goodness like how many time have I reminded folk NO CONCLUSIONS should be drawn from ONE ASSAY of ANY generic GH product!

At the MINIMUM i'd like for there to be at least FIVE SAMPLES from a specific lab such as TP, PD, Keifei, etc, before even remote conclusions can be made, with few exceptions.
Too many variables to come to any conclusion based on one test of any kind. GH is so fragile; we are talking generics here; and not all coming from the same source, or from the same purchasers. Lots of variables.

Hopefully more people will donate and we can get a decent picture of reality.
sampei as far as bloods go black tp batch 15 serum tested 20.9 sub q 2hr after. wish greys had batch numbers instead of clear vial but I guess that doesn't guarantee same batch anyway.