"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I guess the next question I have is once your off of GH, how long will you need to wait to get another test done to see where your at with your natural IGF-1? Would this number be affected permanently (lowered) due to your use of GH? Like AAS would do without proper PCT and recovery? Sorry, just trying to get a good grip on GH.:)
I guess the next question I have is once your off of GH, how long will you need to wait to get another test done to see where your at with your natural IGF-1? Would this number be affected permanently (lowered) due to your use of GH? Like AAS would do without proper PCT and recovery? Sorry, just trying to get a good grip on GH.:)

Actually aas use does not permanently drop the test levels in most. When i started cycling, nobody did pct, never even heard of it( late 80's) and between then and say 2010 i prob ran 20 or so cycles, never with pct. recovered every time. At 44 my test levels off cycle were in the 700's. Wasn't till 47 that i stopped recovering. Also i have several friends that cycle and refuse to run pct ( i try to get them to) and not one of them hasn't recovered.
Now im NOT saying for anybody else to try this, just sharing my experience.
I guess I should have worded that different. Not everyone will end up on TRT. I guess my main question is will use of GH affect a persons natural IGF-1 down the road?
Eman The normal IGF range from a private md lab test I did showed ng/mL 75 - 216 . that being said my baseline was 100 and jumped to 250 just from tren. So aas must raise it also but 400 sounds good to me.
The use of pct is more for quicker recover and more chances to recovery successfully.

But I do agree, plenty of my friends don't do it and well they are not going around with low T from what it seems... but I See more ED problems and period of low energy etc in those that don't do pct compared to the ones that do it. Probably because they get back to baseline or close to it faster compared to the ones letting the body recovery on his own.

I have a friend that cycle like this any compounds: 5 weeks on - 5 weeks off.
He goes against anything we know about peak level of AAS etc. Still he is big. Not massive but well he has a great BB body.

He cycle deca that way lol
Sometime I wonder what he could become if he decide to cycle properly ahaha :)

Actually aas use does not permanently drop the test levels in most. When i started cycling, nobody did pct, never even heard of it( late 80's) and between then and say 2010 i prob ran 20 or so cycles, never with pct. recovered every time. At 44 my test levels off cycle were in the 700's. Wasn't till 47 that i stopped recovering. Also i have several friends that cycle and refuse to run pct ( i try to get them to) and not one of them hasn't recovered.
Now im NOT saying for anybody else to try this, just sharing my experience.
Reference range on my lab is the same. 370 it would be already 170 over upper limit range.

My baseline is 130 :(
Should get results of my grey IGF today or tomorrow.

Eman The normal IGF range from a private md lab test I did showed ng/mL 75 - 216 . that being said my baseline was 100 and jumped to 250 just from tren. So aas must raise it also but 400 sounds good to me.
How long does it take to get igf1 test results back? Are your greys from PD?
Reference range on my lab is the same. 370 it would be already 170 over upper limit range.

My baseline is 130 :(
Should get results of my grey IGF today or tomorrow.
I knew better but things got a little wacky around the time I was going to get it and I just didn't do it... it's no excuse though.

Well unlike TT, at least IGF levels don't require many weeks to return to baseline, four being more than adequate IME.
Might be more of a question for @mands or may have already been answered but will you be testing a vial of Serostim as a control sample?

The use of a control is standard for any LAB in fact, this lab used THREE. Two were used to ensure the equipment was appropriately calibrated and as a sample comparison in addition to research grade rHGH!

Unlike HPLC an AAA does not require the real time use of an identical sample control
bc an AAA FIRST hydrolyses the involved poly-p into peptides and then individually "counts", collates, tabulates, and reorganizes all those AAA into what is known to be the appropriate GH sequence as the means of QUANTIFICATION

The involved technology is literally amazing (and is VERY RELIABLE) much of it being conducted by computer!
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@Dr JIM not being up to speed on GH testing I'm sorry if this seems ignorant. If in fact using GH doesn't affect natural IGF-1 levels after stopping use, what would a baseline reading from @Eman after he discontinues use tell us?