"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Hmm so what you SELLING!

I'm too much of a pussy to sell anything illegal. Buying on the other hand...

600 on 10iu seems low to me, only because I've never seen bloods for anything over 5iu and those ranged from 400-500. Seems like a waste doing 100% more for only maybe 50% more (tops) of a return.
Yea this doc still prescribes me like 20 more than I need every month.

Thx for the reply bro.
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First of all i would like to introduce myself as THEPROVIDER. I think i had registered under username THEPROVIDER long time back. But i think for some reason was not able to log into it so created tp2013. I was told about the testing here about some greytops not testing well.

I do know MANDS and have high regard of this gentleman. Iam not familiar with DR. JIM but any team which MANDS is a part of i will have full respect for it.

I was told by one or two people that some greytops test did not come out testing well ( It is being said that the tested greytops came from me). I just have a few things to say about it. These are the following probabilities. Remember we need to have an open mind to this. Iam not blaming anything to anyone here. Just listing ALL the possibilities.

1. It needs to be confirmed where the greytops came from. Lots of people sell under greytops. So it is very important to know where they came from. So firstly it needs to be ascertained if these greytops did indeed come from me or not. And second if it is alleged to be coming from me than can we trust the sender of the vials did indeed send my sample out. So first of all i think this is the thing that needs to be ascertained.

2. Possible that the sample did indeed come from me and it was bad sample.

3. Some issues with the testing methods.

No 1 is self explanatory and No 2. we have been selling this gh and i know where it comes from its from a very reputable factory. So the factory cannot do such a thing to put no gh in a vial. Also the possibility of gh being degraded is very low during shipping. Gh is quite stable and in fact more stable than what we all think it to be. So it is not probable that gh was mistreated during handling. Now here is a possibility too. that i might be playing games and switching gh and putting bunk gh together with good quality gh and it just happened that the sample was from bunk gh. well only thing i can say to you about it is that i have been selling gh since 2009 and its now 7 years. First we used to sell riptropins and when rips were no more we did these greytops. I have had offers to sell from a lot of different places and iam very careful where i get my gh from. I could have made a lot of money by playing such games with customers but i chose not to do so. I wanted to stay in this game for a long time and not take shortcuts. as Its hard to make fool of people in long run. Also if some remember correctly before the blacks came out we started selling greens. There we found some issues with that gh and the moment we found out that there were issues ( i think part of the product was a bit under dosed) we pulled it out of the market and replaced with greytops or gave people money back. If we were to play such games we would have done it with the greentops also. Now we sell blacktops and we do regular testing on the blacktop ourselves to make sure such issues do not happen. And with blacks there is a batch number on each vial which cannot be erased.

no 3. I have no idea how these are tested and from where. Just pointing out that possible some flaws with testing too. ( No need to flame me here for it as iam not pointing fingers are anyone. just pointing to all the POSSIBILITIES)

Now i have offered to work with MANDS on it if indeed this gh did come from me and figure out what and where the issue is. End of the day i want to give the best product i can possibility to customers as i do not want to cheat people and play games with them. If it is an issue at my end i want to know about it so that we can immediately rectify it and if it is an issue at some other end than that should be rectified to. The reason at PM they are very careful from whom the sample comes from as people can indeed ruin someones rep by just doing a switch. So whose word do you believe if such a thing can happen. I do not know how this is done here but here is a point to ponder also for such an eventuality.

One thing i would like to suggest to members here is. Do your own testing fist that is serum and than IGf testing on gh. first figure out for yourself if this gh you taking is good or not. Once you have some numbers than do go with the testing so at-least you have some figures on your own also. But we have to do this all honestly here. That is the key requirement.
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

First of all i would like to introduce myself as THEPROVIDER. I think i had registered under username THEPROVIDER long time back. But i think for some reason was not able to log into it so created tp2013. I was told about the testing here about some greytops not testing well.

I do know MANDS and have high regard of this gentleman. Iam not familiar with DR. JIM but any team which MANDS is a part of i will have full respect for it.

I was told by one or two people that some greytops test did not come out testing well ( It is being said that the tested greytops came from me). I just have a few things to say about it. These are the following probabilities. Remember we need to have an open mind to this. Iam not blaming anything to anyone here. Just listing ALL the possibilities.

1. It needs to be confirmed where the greytops came from. Lots of people sell under greytops. So it is very important to know where they came from. So firstly it needs to be ascertained if these greytops did indeed come from me or not. And second if it is alleged to be coming from me than can we trust the sender of the vials did indeed send my sample out. So first of all i think this is the thing that needs to be ascertained.

2. Possible that the sample did indeed come from me and it was bad sample.

3. Some issues with the testing methods.

No 1 is self explanatory and No 2. we have been selling this gh and i know where it comes from its from a very reputable factory. So the factory cannot do such a thing to put no gh in a vial. Also the possibility of gh being degraded is very low during shipping. Gh is quite stable and in fact more stable than what we all think it to be. So it is not probable that gh was mistreated during handling. Now here is a possibility too. that i might be playing games and switching gh and putting bunk gh together with good quality gh and it just happened that the sample was from bunk gh. well only thing i can say to you about it is that i have been selling gh since 2009 and its now 7 years. First we used to sell riptropins and when rips were no more we did these greytops. I have had offers to sell from a lot of different places and iam very careful where i get my gh from. I could have made a lot of money by playing such games with customers but i chose not to do so. I wanted to stay in this game for a long time and not take shortcuts. as Its hard to make fool of people in long run. Also if some remember correctly before the blacks came out we started selling greens. There we found some issues with that gh and the moment we found out that there were issues ( i think part of the product was a bit under dosed) we pulled it out of the market and replaced with greytops or gave people money back. If we were to play such games we would have done it with the greentops also. Now we sell blacktops and we do regular testing on the blacktop ourselves to make sure such issues do not happen. And with blacks there is a batch number on each vial which cannot be erased.

no 3. I have no idea how these are tested and from where. Just pointing out that possible some flaws with testing too. ( No need to flame me here for it as iam not pointing fingers are anyone. just pointing to all the POSSIBILITIES)

Now i have offered to work with MANDS on it if indeed this gh did come from me and figure out what and where the issue is. End of the day i want to give the best product i can possibility to customers as i do not want to cheat people and play games with them. If it is an issue at my end i want to know about it so that we can immediately rectify it and if it is an issue at some other end than that should be rectified to. The reason at PM they are very careful from whom the sample comes from as people can indeed ruin someones rep by just doing a switch. So whose word do you believe if such a thing can happen. I do not know how this is done here but here is a point to ponder also for such an eventuality.

One thing i would like to suggest to members here is. Do your own testing fist that is serum and than IGf testing on gh. first figure out for yourself if this gh you taking is good or not. Once you have some numbers than do go with the testing so at-least you have some figures on your own also. But we have to do this all honestly here. That is the key requirement.
Thanks for coming over. It means a great deal to the members that you want to makes sure all is good and correct.

I have set up my secured IM and ready to chat when you are.

Thanks again for coming over.

I am curious about this, @Platinum Direct and @tp2013 (welcome here, as well TP):

Platinum, do you receive your Greys directly from the same supplier as TP, or are you a reseller of Greys from TP (purchased in bulk at a discount I am sure, and resold in the US domestic market)? I am curious how many hands these things are passing through from the factory to the end user....

Thank you, and hopefully this isnt a violation of your privacy.
Thanks for coming over. It means a great deal to the members that you want to makes sure all is good and correct.

I have set up my secured IM and ready to chat when you are.

Thanks again for coming over.

Email sent bro. Please reply back. Thank you
Just spoke with TP and we are trying to confirm still if indeed they grey tops I purchased were his.

I have PM'ed the member from another forum to confirm with him as well.

If we cannot confirm we have plenty of other greys to test and we will go from there.

I am curious about this, @Platinum Direct and @tp2013 (welcome here, as well TP):

Platinum, do you receive your Greys directly from the same supplier as TP, or are you a reseller of Greys from TP (purchased in bulk at a discount I am sure, and resold in the US domestic market)? I am curious how many hands these things are passing through from the factory to the end user....

Thank you, and hopefully this isnt a violation of your privacy.

Same supplier as TP.