"Generic" GH ASSAYS

@Dr JIM also, what about testing for LPS and other bacterial contamination? I am certain UGL GH has GH in it. even if the 191aa sequence is not perfect, it should work fine at the GH receptor.

my main concern is that it has bacterial contamination. using a product with contamination greatly increases the chance of the user developing autoimmune GH antibodies.
Greys come from a very reputable factory but than each vial does not have a batch number so it is very hard to know which vial is from which batch hence a bit tough to test. We did do some tests randomly on them and a few times customers reported the tests to me for hplc and other testing after doing it themselves without informing me. But now we are setting up a system to test them more often too. I think it will be set up soon. For blacks the reason we doing more testing is because we got greens with them and 3-4 customers reported a bit of lower scores on serums. so we decided that we needed regular testing to make sure the product was up to par. By factory putting batch numbers on the vials made it so much easier for us to do so. I think the beauty of the batches being on vials is that one can and will know immediately where the problem lies if indeed there is a problem.

HPLC doesnt work for proteins. you could use HPLC to test for bacterial byproducts though. HPLC breaks down the protein into amino acids.
TP lab tests each batch of black tops himself; so each batch number corresponds with a stated content and purity level which he posts in his thread over at PM.

I think what @Dr JIM is trying to say is that:

For the sake of argument, pretend the factory is a black box to TP (i.e. he knows nothing of the internals of the factory). TP can surely test what the factory says (read: claims) is batch #X BUT what he does not know is if the stated batch # from the manufacturer truly contains the same batch or not. The factory can obtain 10,000 vials with "batch #20" stamped on them and put 10 different batches in there. So unless he's one of "those who are directly involved with said manufacturing processes", he will not know if the batch numbers are meaningful or meaningless.
I think what @Dr JIM is trying to say is that:

For the sake of argument, pretend the factory is a black box to TP (i.e. he knows nothing of the internals of the factory). TP can surely test what the factory says (read: claims) is batch #X BUT what he does not know is if the stated batch # from the manufacturer truly contains the same batch or not. The factory can obtain 10,000 vials with "batch #20" stamped on them and put 10 different batches in there. So unless he's one of "those who are directly involved with said manufacturing processes", he will not know if the batch numbers are meaningful or meaningless.
let me put it this way without getting into too much details. I can tell these things. Iam sure of what iam getting but if you do not believe than get 5 different vials from 5 different customers with same batch number and test it and see if they all come out the same or not. It is easy to do with the blacks.
let me put it this way without getting into too much details. I can tell these things. Iam sure of what iam getting but if you do not believe than get 5 different vials from 5 different customers with same batch number and test it and see if they all come out the same or not. It is easy to do with the blacks.

I was just trying to explain what I think Dr JIM was trying to say to the other guy!
I think what @Dr JIM is trying to say is that:

So unless he's one of "those who are directly involved with said manufacturing processes", he will not know if the batch numbers are meaningful or meaningless.

And no need to be involved with the manufacturing process. There are others ways to make sure about it.
So, @tp2013 - do you personally use the blacks or the Grey's? :)

OR, do you run pharma?

I have used all. And to ask my honest opinion i did not see much difference between pharma and the chinese gh. But i will not lie. Right now iam taking nordis. As to why iam using the pharma now and not the chinese is 1. I get a bit less water retention ( not too much less) 2. Easier availability of pharma for me now a days ( Must be a surpise to some of u this reply). ( obviously i cannot get into the reasons why ). I get elevated bp and heart rate with gh which i need to control. I get it even at low doses. Does not matter pharma or chinese.
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I have used all. And to ask my honest opinion i did not see much difference between pharma and the chinese gh. But i will not lie. Right now iam taking nordis. As to why iam using the pharma now and not the chinese is 1. I get a bit less water retention ( not too much less) 2. Easier availability of pharma for me now a days ( Must be a surpise to some of u this reply). ( obviously i cannot get into the reasons why ). I get elevated bp and heart rate with gh which i need to control. I get it even at low doses. Does not matter pharma or chinese.

I appreciate the response.
The question was how do you "KNOW" the lot or batch numbers listed on vials of MEDITROPE have any correlation with QUALITY?
Greys come from a very reputable factory but than each vial does not have a batch number so it is very hard to know which vial is from which batch hence a bit tough to test. We did do some tests randomly on them and a few times customers reported the tests to me for hplc and other testing after doing it themselves without informing me. But now we are setting up a system to test them more often too. I think it will be set up soon. For blacks the reason we doing more testing is because we got greens with them and 3-4 customers reported a bit of lower scores on serums. so we decided that we needed regular testing to make sure the product was up to par. By factory putting batch numbers on the vials made it so much easier for us to do so. I think the beauty of the batches being on vials is that one can and will know immediately where the problem lies if indeed there is a problem.
Why not let TheGreyTop factory know the customer feedback. We want batch numbers on vials. We want assays of each batch. Like another poster said, they should be doing this for QC purposes anyway. Just publish them for each batch.
We want assays of each batch. Like another poster said, they should be doing this for QC purposes anyway. Just publish them for each batch.

They do it for themselves. But my question to you is will you take their word for it? We all know the answer to it already.

You replied your self " clairvoyance". I guess that means u do not take gh..lol
tp, that's the second time you've given a smart aleck sarcastic answer in this thread. I don't appreciate it
They do it for themselves. But my question to you is will you take their word for it? We all know the answer to it already.
You're kidding, right, asking for batch numbers is basic. Let up with the attitude