"Generic" GH ASSAYS

They do it for themselves. But my question to you is will you take their word for it? We all know the answer to it already.

I would prefer it to GH serum tests getting thrown around honestly and I don't think I'm incorrect in assuming many will agree.
image.jpeg Ok. Off topic. Who here drinks? I just smashed a 5th of crown. Yes I'm fucked up. But I saw this and thought of me so testing protocol. Who the fuck knows what we put in our body. Just killed the bottle and look at this shit. Who do I send it out to for testing?
They do it for themselves. But my question to you is will you take their word for it? We all know the answer to it already.
No shit smartass. I wrote that in my post. Read much?

The point is, why not release them if they do them anyway? AND, add batch numbers to the vials.

If you want to be a smartass, go back to PM.

Don't forget assclown, you're the fuck that sold GH with 0.25 iu in a 10iu vial. Why the fuck are you here? I thought you came to figure it out? Now you're being a smart ass? You just fucked up chink!
Don't forget assclown, you're the fuck that sold GH with 0.25 iu in a 10iu vial. Why the fuck are you here? I thought you came to figure it out? Now you're being a smart ass? You just fucked up chink!

1. That is yet to be determined.
2. Why be racist?

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They do it for themselves. But my question to you is will you take their word for it? We all know the answer to it already.

My Interpretation; lot or batch numbers can NOT be used to correlate the quality of generic GH products.

That is of course unless you would like to elaborate on HOW or WHY "they do it for themselves?" Sounds like a proprietary "secret" LOL!

Moreover bc the dose/response relationship bt GH and IGF varies considerably among individuals, the most reliable measure of GH quality IS AN Amino Acid Assay.

To that end your suggestion serum IGF is a reasonable substitute in for vitro AA testing is being disingenuous at best. And your first post on this thread mentioned "being honest", right.

Hmm, would not these results be considered biased by some (and it's not pure coincidence such accusations are always levied by UGL resalers) IF I used GH, been THERE done THAT, lol!
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Can we fucking keep it civil for once? You fucking dickhead!

I would shovel my fist down your throat if I could! Damn it

No shit smartass. I wrote that in my post. Read much?

The point is, why not release them if they do them anyway? AND, add batch numbers to the vials.

If you want to be a smartass, go back to PM.

Don't forget assclown, you're the fuck that sold GH with 0.25 iu in a 10iu vial. Why the fuck are you here? I thought you came to figure it out? Now you're being a smart ass? You just fucked up chink!
No shit smartass. I wrote that in my post. Read much?

The point is, why not release them if they do them anyway? AND, add batch numbers to the vials.

If you want to be a smartass, go back to PM.

Don't forget assclown, you're the fuck that sold GH with 0.25 iu in a 10iu vial. Why the fuck are you here? I thought you came to figure it out? Now you're being a smart ass? You just fucked up chink!
Wow at 5'10 180p you racist little bitch I'd shut that dick sucker real quick bitch boy! How bout you gtfoh twig!
My Interpretation; lot or batch numbers can NOT be used to correlate the quality of generic GH products.

That is of course unless you would like to elaborate on HOW or WHY "they do it for themselves?" Sounds like a proprietary "secret" LOL!

Moreover bc the dose/response relationship bt GH and IGF varies considerably among individuals, the most reliable measure of GH quality IS AN Amino Acid Assay.

To that end your suggestion serum IGF is a reasonable substitute in for vitro AA testing is being disingenuous at best. And your first post on this thread mentioned "being honest", right.

Hmm, would not these results be considered biased by some (and it's not pure coincidence such accusations are always levied by UGL resalers) IF I used GH, been THERE done THAT, lol!
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

“My Interpretation; lot or batch numbers can NOT be used to correlate the quality of generic GH products.”

It can be correlated if one can guarantee that indeed certain criteria can be met. We indeed have setup a system to do so for blacks. But due to the sensitivity of the process I cannot go further into it. So for us we know that one vial with a batch number will test the same as another vial with same batch number. For us and the manufacturer it is a huge advantage. For a customer this information maybe useless ( either the customer can trust us or discard this information but for us its a HUGE advantage). It gives us more confidence that the right quality is being passed on to customer and we can check it repeatedly at different steps of the supply chain. But as I said at the customers ( or the boards end) this can be easily done. All you have to do it test a few vials from different customers and see tf they come to the same results. I see a lot of skepticism on this board. I feel this board is very anti-generics and some members do not believe in generics at all. If one has made up ones mind that this is the case than arguments are of no use. But if one has an open mind than arguments are useful.

“That is of course unless you would like to elaborate on HOW or WHY "they do it for themselves?" Sounds like a proprietary "secret" LOL!”

They do it to check quality of a batch. Like any manufacturer would do so before they release the product into the market.. I referred to it since I assume a customer would take a manufacturers data with a pinch of salt. One source over at PM posts this info ( or at-least used to regularly) but I saw that people did not take it as holy grail. So what is the point of it if we going to just push that data aside? Is it not better for the end user or the board to do it independently? And no it is no proprietary secret but again I ask if that information is posted would you trust it? I think not.

“Moreover bc the dose/response relationship bt GH and IGF varies considerably among individuals, the most reliable measure of GH quality IS AN Amino Acid Assay.”

I agree that there is no replacement for proper laboratory tests ( there are a few ). But also for a customer we cannot throw out serum gh and igf testing too entirely. It can be a valuable tool.

To that end your suggestion serum IGF is a reasonable substitute in for vitro AA testing is being disingenuous at best. And your first post on this thread mentioned "being honest", right.

I agree these tests are no substitute for proper and verified testing in a lab.

“Hmm, would not these results be considered biased by some (and it's not pure coincidence such accusations are always levied by UGL resalers) IF I used GH, been THERE done THAT,”

Missed this argument of yours. Care to elaborate?
You're kidding, right, asking for batch numbers is basic. Let up with the attitude
read my response carefully. I did not mention batch numbers. I wrote about lab essays. And i agree batch numbers can be useful personally but look at the skepticism regarding it here.
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

1) All you have to do it test a few vials from different customers and see tf they come to the same results. I see a lot of skepticism on this board. I feel this board is very anti-generics and some members do not believe in generics at all.

2) If one has made up ones mind that this is the case than arguments are of no use. But if one has an open mind than arguments are useful.

3) They do it to check quality of a batch. Like any manufacturer would do so before they release the product into the market.

4) Is it not better for the end user or the board to do it independently?

5) And no it is no proprietary secret but again I ask if that information is posted would you trust it? I think not

1) The fact "you" means the consumer must perform these "tests" rather than the UGL itself
is the genesis for the well earned "skepticism". The latter would be much more apparent if "source boards" were less inclined to censor contrary commentary elsewhere, IMO.

2) what you call an "open mind" many here refer to as evidence and they are worlds apart

3) fantastic now if "Grey" manufactures would only POST the analytical evidence they are
using to ensure LOT "A" is indeed LOT "A" rather than LOT "B" we might could discuss something much more objective and transparent than an "open mind and or honesty".

4) This is the same old argument
used by UGLs as a scapegoat AND
the proof exists on this thread after only THREE samples were assayed bc someone didn't like what they saw!

"Is it better" .... absolutely NOT, the results of BOTH the UGL and
CONSUMERS should be posting data, as it generates an open and free discussion and THAT helps EVERYONE

So rather than posting THEIR OWN DATA such naysayers make every effort to cast doubt in the minds of consumers by shooting both the message and/or the messenger.

5) would I "trust" the data cited by UGL vendors; to be frank I DONT KNOW bc I've NEVER seen ANY. HoweverI do suspect citing legitimate results would be more apt to enhance an UGLs credibility than NOTHING!
Well @tp2013 we would definetlt love to see the manufacturer lab assay test. Even if they could be biased they are still test and demonstrate that they do test something

Let us decide if they are biased r not. Becaue the whole story of: they are not posted because they are biased... it looks shady, like you have access of no assay because they indeed do not test it.

I'm trying to explain what maybe dr Jim is saying.
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I'll try and be the voice of reason here (I know, weird). TP, lose the attitude, if you want to contribute to this thread, please do it in a respectful manner, and no sarcasm. This isn't PM. If you can't handle that, don't say anything at all. Alpha, while agree with your initial argument, make your point with no racial connotations. This is an extremely important thread to the members here, and I'm really looking forward to the testing results.
I'll try and be the voice of reason here (I know, weird). TP, lose the attitude, if you want to contribute to this thread, please do it in a respectful manner, and no sarcasm. This isn't PM. If you can't handle that, don't say anything at all. Alpha, while agree with your initial argument, make your point with no racial connotations. This is an extremely important thread to the members here, and I'm really looking forward to the testing results.
sorry for being ignorant . May i ask where i have shown attitude? Infact one or two people have been rude to me here and i have chosen to ignore it. So do kindly let me know where my attitude is so that i can self correct myself. Iam here not to fight or show attitude to people. Infact to the contrary on my main board i hardly talk. I just came here to clear somethings. But if i see people think that i show attitude than you are right i should leave the board and stick to my main one.
Well @tp2013 we would definetlt love to see the manufacturer lab assay test. Even if they could be biased they are still test and demonstrate that they do test something

Let us decide if they are biased r not. Becaue the whole story of: they are not posted because they are biased... it looks shady, like you have access of no assay because they indeed do not test it.

I'm trying to explain what maybe dr Jim is saying.
Alright point noted.
I think a lot of you guys are asking for or expecting something that's never going to happen. That's near pharma reliability for generics from China, cmon. This is a black market from A to Z.

Guys like TP and PD try their best to source legit gh. Their intentions are good. But as we all know, there is variance from batch to batch. The production is done as cheaply as possible for profit. It's not pharma production level. TP has to test the blacks because he knows this unpredictable variance is real. We all want to know our gh is good, but with generics, that certainty is an illusion. If you want that, pay for pharma. From time to time, there will be bad samples for even the best generic brands/sources. That is the nature of generic gh. Nobody wants to accept it but that's part of the game. You have to trust the source and the production facility they choose and just roll with the ups and downs. I feel that a majority of the time, the gh is decent. That's the best it's going to get fellas. Simple as that.

I think sources like TP, PD, HK, Karl and pharmacom all have the best of intentions in sourcing legit gh. The hard part is finding out which production facility has the best reliability but none of us get that info from sources because there is no transparency. I wish that would change.

I trust TP (despite being banned at PM for calling out the slanted nature of pro TP moderating there). But I also think Karl's gh is good too. I don't believe a UGL like pharmacom would knowingly source bad gh either. It's probably the same producer as meditrope/blacks. They are trying just like TP is but there is major unreliability at production level. Once you guys accept that, you can stop demonizing the middle men (sources) and point the finger at the unknown producers.
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