"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I think a lot of you guys are asking for or expecting something that's never going to happen. That's near pharma reliability for generics from China, cmon. This is a black market from A to Z.

Guys like TP and PD try their best to source legit gh. Their intentions are good. But as we all know, there is variance from batch to batch. The production is done as cheaply as possible for profit. It's not pharma production level. TP has to test the blacks because he knows this unpredictable variance is real. We all want to know our gh is good, but with generic that certainty is an illusion. From time to time, there will be bad samples for even the best brands/sources. That is the nature of generic gh. Nobody wants to accept it but that's part of the game. You have to trust the source and their production facility and just roll with the ups and downs. I feel that a majority of the time, the gh is decent. That's the best it's going to get fellas. Simple as that.
Bro a slight variance is i think acceptable. For example if the difference is .1 or .2mg ( less than stated dose) i think is acceptable. But anything lesser than that i would think is not so good. But to get vials with almost no Gh is not a good thing and it should be looked into thoroughly. You are right the intentions are the most important thing. I cannot point to sources but i know for a fact that some chinese suppliers do ask manufacturer to give them 4iu vials. As i do not know of anyone selling 4ius so i would assume those are passed on to customer as 10iu vials. This type of thing i think is not acceptable at all. So the intention of the source is very important also.
Bro a slight variance is i think acceptable. For example if the difference is .1 or .2mg ( less than stated dose) i think is acceptable. But anything lesser than that i would think is not so good. But to get vials with almost no Gh is not a good thing and it should be looked at thoroughly. You are right the intentions are the most important thing. I cannot point to sources but i know for a fact that some chinese suppliers do ask manufacturer to give them 4iu vials. As i do not know of anyone selling 4ius so i would assume those are passed on to customer as 10iu vials. This type of thing i think is not acceptable at all. So the intention of the source is very important also.
I agree. But the generic gh coming from even the best producers is not always reliable. That is my point. Every now and then bad results are seen from supposedly good products. It's just part of this market. To expect pharma level quality time after time is probably foolish. What we get with generics is better than nothing (or paying for pharma or using only peptides).

I wish you guys would start marketing your stuff with the actual production facilities rather than some lame name or color caps. There are several large producers at the top. But then again I guess that's too much transparency.

Love to see Karl's tested too... His is produced in Israel.
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Bro a slight variance is i think acceptable. For example if the difference is .1 or .2mg ( less than stated dose) i think is acceptable. But anything lesser than that i would think is not so good. But to get vials with almost no Gh is not a good thing and it should be looked into thoroughly. You are right the intentions are the most important thing. I cannot point to sources but i know for a fact that some chinese suppliers do ask manufacturer to give them 4iu vials. As i do not know of anyone selling 4ius so i would assume those are passed on to customer as 10iu vials. This type of thing i think is not acceptable at all. So the intention of the source is very important also.

To add to this i found something very interesting. When we tested some vials of Humatropes ( these humas were gotten from a non western country) These humas are legit and were gotten straight from pharmacy. We were a bit surprised to note that the purity of the humas never got to 98 percent or more. Infact we tested different vials multiple times during a period of 8-10 months and all the time they came out less than 98 percent. We know the product is legit and its from lilly. So why did this happen? I can think of a few conspiracy theories. These first of all are not made in the country they were sold at. SO most probably they came from US of A. In any case where ever they came from they should be testing at minimum 98 percent to qualify as pharmgrade ( Correct me if Iam wrong). So one theory is that since these were not good enough to be sold in usa as the purity was less than 98 percent so these were passed on to other countries where the requirements are lesser or that small difference in purity does not matter in those countries. So does it mean lilly is playing games? You decide for yourself. Purity on multiple tests came out around 97.5 or a bit higher but never 98 or more.
I agree. But the generic gh coming from even the best producers is not always reliable. That is my point. Every now and then bad results are seen from supposedly good products. It's just part of this market. To expect pharma level quality time after time is probably foolish. What we get with generics is better than nothing (or paying for pharma or using only peptides).

I wish you guys would start marketing your stuff with the actual production facilities rather than some lame name or color caps. There are several large producers at the top. But then again I guess that's too much transparency.

It is not wise to name the factory out in the open. Not only for our selfish reasons but also for the safety of the factory. Look what happened to Gensci. Even the best of factories in China need for the buyer to have an export permit or else they are not allowed to sell to them. Some of these factories are taking huge risks by supplying people who do not have license to export products out of China.
I agree. But the generic gh coming from even the best producers is not always reliable. That is my point. Every now and then bad results are seen from supposedly good products. It's just part of this market. To expect pharma level quality time after time is probably foolish. What we get with generics is better than nothing (or paying for pharma or using only peptides).

I wish you guys would start marketing your stuff with the actual production facilities rather than some lame name or color caps. There are several large producers at the top. But then again I guess that's too much transparency.

Love to see Karl's tested too... His is produced in Israel.
And trust me when i say there are not just a few which make gh in china. There are a few more than we all know. The legit factories we all know but quite a few have come up which are not legit. So it is not likely that all the sources get their supplies from same place.
@rpbb man I don't see TP showing any attitude. No less then Dr Jim way of exposing his ideas or opinions. Should we condone Jim because he is from here and blast TP just because he isn't?

Can we fucking stop all these blabbering and keep the thread on topic? For once! Just once!

Not only you, to all the fucking retards that come and start bashing insulting and being damn rude. This is not the underground when a new source arrive and we all get our cock ready to start raping some asses!

For the first time we are having a real good conversation with one of the biggest source of generic HGH. We are trying to understand what happened to that vial. We are trying to get the assays the manufacturers do on the HGH they sell.

I mean for the first fucking time we are really doing something worth while.

Today I'm really missing the banhammer of someother boards! Because for fuck sake some of you cunt should really shut the fuck up for once.

Thank you!
To add to this i found something very interesting. When we tested some vials of Humatropes ( these humas were gotten from a non western country) These humas are legit and were gotten straight from pharmacy. We were a bit surprised to note that the purity of the humas never got to 98 percent or more. Infact we tested different vials multiple times during a period of 8-10 months and all the time they came out less than 98 percent. We know the product is legit and its from lilly. So why did this happen? I can think of a few conspiracy theories. These first of all are not made in the country they were sold at. SO most probably they came from US of A. In any case where ever they came from they should be testing at minimum 98 percent to qualify as pharmgrade ( Correct me if Iam wrong). So one theory is that since these were not good enough to be sold in usa as the purity was less than 98 percent so these were passed on to other countries where the requirements are lesser or that small difference in purity does not matter in those countries. So does it mean lilly is playing games? You decide for yourself. Purity on multiple tests came out around 97.5 or a bit higher but never 98 or more.

I think this would be some good info to share here

It is possible that the testing is being read wrong or information is being "read into" the wrong test

Testing Purity for API's (active pharmaceutical ingredient) "Raws"
8.8mg per 10mg - 88% purity

Isn't the same as testing a synthetic (rHGH) Somatropin

Mol. Wt: 22.1 (25) kDa
Theoretical pl: 5.27
Purity: >95% by SDS-PAGE and SEC-HPLC analysis

European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) also states:

Related Proteins
Related Substances
Endoxins: <5 EU

I don't understand the testing 100% so "JIM" could elaborate on it more
But I do think there is some confusion with "PURITY" for rHGH

The more info shared the better I say

As long as it's for the members in relation to "Harm Reduction" and not trying to promote a source or tear one down....this thread is looking good so far
@rpbb man I don't see TP showing any attitude. No less then Dr Jim way of exposing his ideas or opinions. Should we condone Jim because he is from here and blast TP just because he isn't?

Can we fucking stop all these blabbering and keep the thread on topic? For once! Just once!

Not only you, to all the fucking retards that come and start bashing insulting and being damn rude. This is not the underground when a new source arrive and we all get our cock ready to start raping some asses!

For the first time we are having a real good conversation with one of the biggest source of generic HGH. We are trying to understand what happened to that vial. We are trying to get the assays the manufacturers do on the HGH they sell.

I mean for the first fucking time we are really doing something worth while.

Today I'm really missing the banhammer of someother boards! Because for fuck sake some of you cunt should really shut the fuck up for once.

Thank you!
sampei, I was being very reasonable. and my goal is to get it back on topic, which is what my post said. not very pleased with your response, when all I did was try to get the thread back on track
Whatever man, Let's drop it.
Let's not clog the whole thread as we always do. :)

If I know a thing is that we here at meso can't fucking keep track of what we do for more then 1 page. Then we derail
Like a bunch of kids :)

sampei, I was being very reasonable. and my goal is to get it back on topic, which is what my post said. not very pleased with your response, when all I did was try to get the thread back on track
Alright. Time to contribute to this shit.



Fuck that's awesome

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Thanks hehe. Got a kit with some blood work credit and started at 2 IU ED, been ramping up +1 IU ED each week and this week is 5 IU ED. Trying to get to 10 IU ED and run that for a year. This will last ~5-6 months. I'm thinking of buying 600 IU of the black tops and switching to those around January to see the difference in IGF-1 levels on blacks vs greys. I get my bloods drawn on Saturday to check how much my IGF-1 raised before hopping on. Baseline was like 130-140.
Alright. Time to contribute to this shit.



#Hope it's not bunk!

On another note:

There's too many inconsistencies with the generic gh game. I pretty sure this is the end of line for me in the generic gh arena. Since I have access to pharma, I'll think I'll continue to go down that road. I'd hate to spend "x" amount of money on baking soda, when I could've use it for the real thing.

I personally do not think any of the sources have our best interest in heart. The bottom line here is the almighty dollar. They want their product to be just "good enough" to bring you in vs. giving you what's advertised.

#Hope it's not bunk!

On another note:

There's too many inconsistencies with the generic gh game. I pretty sure this is the end of line for me in the generic gh arena. Since I have access to pharma, I'll think I'll continue to go down that road. I'd hate to spend "x" amount of money on baking soda, when I could've use it for the real thing.

I personally do not think any of the sources have our best interest in heart. The bottom line here is the almighty dollar. They want their product to be just "good enough" to bring you in vs. giving you what's advertised.

I hope you're incorrect, however, I also have the same mindset at this point in time...
I hope you're incorrect, however, I also have the same mindset at this point in time...
Food for thought:

Dr.Jim has been telling us (as far as i can remember ) to be objective and diligent with research on generic gh. Additionally, to hold off and be patient, save your $$ and buy pharma. Why is this? Simple, safety & assurance that you're getting what you pay for. When you pin 1 or 2 ius of pharm gh, you're getting exactly that! On the contrary, worrying about a 10iu vial which doesn't come close to its advertise dose. The stress alone will cause you to lose gains...lol. If you do the math, you'll actually save more $$ going pharma and sleep better at night (no pun intended) vs the inconsistencies in purity or false dosed generics.

I know they're guys here who believe in generics and that's cool. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, Just a realist.

It's funny how @Pharmacom Labs hasn't entered this thread yet. I was the 1st to question their gh and their false claims. Oh well...

Thanks for the testing guys.
I tought Jin were out of the market.

Ansomone if legit is quite good HGH. Or at least that's what I heard.
I tought Jin were out of the market.

Ansomone if legit is quite good HGH. Or at least that's what I heard.

JINTROPIN - China Hospital (authentic not copy)

ANSOMONE - Anke BioTech
HAIZIYUAN- Biohygene
Hygetropin - Russian
JINTROPIN - China Hospital (authentic not copy)

HAIZIYUAN- Biohygene
Hygetropin - Russian

The blue one, right bottom corner are ansomone :)

Do you live in China?