"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Still having trouble grasping 1mg = 3iu. I get it if it's a 9 iu vial but aren't we talking about 10 in vials?
What are you not grasping. If it's a 10 iu vial then it does have 3.33mg in it. It actually has 3.333333333333333333.

Just to clarify, the black tops are sold as 10iu vials but TP's goals is for each vial to contain 5mg(15iu). I believe batch #13 tested at 5.1mg via HPLC, but all that can be verified when he posts the lab scans.
Just to clarify, the black tops are sold as 10iu vials but TP's goals is for each vial to contain 5mg(15iu). I believe batch #13 tested at 5.1mg via HPLC, but all that can be verified when he posts the lab scans.

That's what I was trying to say :)
Just to clarify, the black tops are sold as 10iu vials but TP's goals is for each vial to contain 5mg(15iu). I believe batch #13 tested at 5.1mg via HPLC, but all that can be verified when he posts the lab scans.

God damn. I cannot wait long enough to get more money and buy a bunch of black tops. Christmas bonus and January tax return can't come any faster...
God damn. I cannot wait long enough to get more money and buy a bunch of black tops. Christmas bonus and January tax return can't come any faster...
You and about 3000000 other people. If there was ever a time for a source to send out a bunch of bunk product, now would be the time... Tested well on Meso (of all places).... Watch the sales triple... No one will mass spec/get bloods on these for the next 6 months... Just sayin', now may NOT be the time to rush in.
Hahahahaha. You aren't familiar with me :) For the past ~4 months, I've gotten 2 to 3 blood tests every month.
And you will most likely still be victimized, painted as a "one off" for your likely bad blood results.... I can see the writing on the wall now! "Oh, that Dicky guy is reverse scamming, look at how spectacularly our Black Tops tested on Meso! It cannot be!" Your money, not mine.

And, obviously, I do not HOPE this is the case. I have found TP to be largely reasonable, minus the time he was completely unreasonable to me...
And you will most likely still be victimized, painted as a "one off" for your likely bad blood results.... I can see the writing on the wall now! "Oh, that Dicky guy is reverse scamming, look at how spectacularly our Black Tops tested on Meso! It cannot be!" Your money, not mine.

And, obviously, I do not HOPE this is the case. I have found TP to be largely reasonable, minus the time he was completely unreasonable to me...

I don't foresee TP using his Blacktops being tested at less than 15iu as a selling point. He already has concerns that the testing was off from his own; he also doesn't seem to be someone who would send out a bunch of bunk kits; he's been in the game a while and a run of bunk kits is bad for business. I know the consensus here at Meso is that all sources are out to screw everyone, but I just don't think that is the case for some of them, but maybe I am naive.
Back to test results.. :)
Others have asked for multiple as you can see clearly in the above posts more than one time. So either i make them happy or follow your request.

Oh then by all means, post what YOU believe is required to QUALIFY and/or
QUANTIFY GH from an analytical perspective!

But I am fully aware of how mounds of disorganized "data" can be used as a means of "confusing" readers.

Posting EVERYTHING has become the mantra of some more interested in deception rather than the pursuit of "full disclosure", IME
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Oh then by all means, post what YOU believe is required to QUALIFY and/or
QUANTIFY GH from an analytical perspective!

But I am fully aware of how mounds of disorganized "data" can be used as a means of "confusing" readers.

Posting EVERYTHING has become the mantra of some more interested in deception rather than the pursuit of "full disclosure", IME
There you go. So i was right no matter what i post will be looked at as deception and with disbelief. Have an open mind buddy. NO need to look at things negatively. And till now i have not posted anything. So can you wait please before making judgments before hand. How you know what i will post? Oh wait... clairvoyance? Damn do not tell me you started taking gh too.. LOL
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And, obviously, I do not HOPE this is the case. I have found TP to be largely reasonable, minus the time he was completely unreasonable to me...

Would you mind to elaborate on the being unreasonable?

I'm gonna get bloods on the black too. But will take 3 months from now.
Why do you believe your data is anymore trustworthy than mine. The FACT IS you stand to profit from supportive data while I certainly do NOT.

I've been slammed, dunked, rebounded and criticized every time I've cited GH data on Meso and WHO led such an effort but resalers like yourself.

To that end this is my THIRD and last GH thread.

I promise you this you will be treated much more fairly than I was, by your cohorts!
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And you will most likely still be victimized, painted as a "one off" for your likely bad blood results.... I can see the writing on the wall now! "Oh, that Dicky guy is reverse scamming, look at how spectacularly our Black Tops tested on Meso! It cannot be!" Your money, not mine.

And, obviously, I do not HOPE this is the case. I have found TP to be largely reasonable, minus the time he was completely unreasonable to me...

You and about 3000000 other people. If there was ever a time for a source to send out a bunch of bunk product, now would be the time... Tested well on Meso (of all places).... Watch the sales triple... No one will mass spec/get bloods on these for the next 6 months... Just sayin', now may NOT be the time to rush in.
Sorry to disagree with you. But we will NEVER intentionally do such a thing. Does not make sense to even think of doing such a thing if one wants a long term relationship with ones customers. Prime example is mexi. Look at him at one time he was doing very well but than you see what happened with him . I am sure he did not do it all intentionally but still look at the traffic on his thread now. Says it all. You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Why do you believe your data is anymore trustworthy than mine. The FACT IS you stand to profit from supportive data while I certainly do NOT.

I've been slammed, dunked, rebounded and criticized every time I've cited GH data on Meso and WHO led such an effort but resalers like yourself.

I promise you this you will be treated much more fairly than I was, by your cohorts!

I do not believe that my data is anymore better than yours.. IN fact to the contrary i have come here to learn from your testing. Not to criticize it. I just want to see where the differences lie not to look at your results with negativity. In fact i feel i will learn new things. So please get it out of your mind that i am here to criticize and debunk your data.
Have i criticized your testing till now? My cohorts. Nice term .....I have no cohorts bro. A sources life can be very lonely. And when things go bad for them they are the first ones to be thrown in the gutter by EVERYONE.
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Sorry to disagree with you. But we will NEVER intentionally do such a thing. Does not make sense to even think of doing such a thing if one wants a long term relationship with ones customers. Prime example is mexi. Look at him at one time he was doing very well but than you see what happened with him . I am sure he did not do it all intentionally but still look at the traffic on his thread now. Says it all. You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
I think he was just saying that the opportunity is ripe if one had those intentions. not specifically you considering your long standing reputation thus far. I can't speak for WP but that's how I took it.
I think he was just saying that the opportunity is ripe if one had those intentions. not specifically you considering your long standing reputation thus far. I can't speak for WP but that's how I took it.
Yes, exactly. TP I was solely speaking objectively, without any bias brought on by your years of sales... Solely looking at it from an objective standpoint...

