"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I am only ten pages in -- I have a LOT of catching up to do here.

@Dr JIM and @mands thank you for your work here and the very informative thread/content -- it is all greatly appreciated

We don't want you to hand free kit. We want to know why you dealed with his problem that way. You don't get it? We could give a fuck about free kit. Here at meso we don't even accept free stuff except in very few occasion if some wrongdoing has been done.

You know why it looks bad if you leave now? Because it seems like you remember what happened with wunderpus and you know you did something wrong. But you don't have the balls to say: hey guys sorry! I fucked up. What can I do to make it right?

That's how it looks.

Anyway as I said before you are welcome, if you weren't... we wouldnt have 34 pages of almost civil posts. Go see other threads in the underground you will have an idea of what happen when someone is not welcome here ahaha :)

Give it a break, enough already
SIMPLETON Sampei. I mean try focusing on a threads intent for once!
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Yay. My pack (two vials of TheGreytop from different kits) for mands has landed! Probably gets delivered today or tomorrow and sent off for testing this week :)
Being TP means nothing ( Iam just one of the sources trying to get some business) . And every customer counts small or big. Iam sorry if things did not go well for you with me. My apologies. I do have a bit of memory of your transaction but i would not know the full details till i know your email address from where you corresponded with me. So if you can give it to me i can look at it more in detail. But iam sorry if this episode made you leave my services. And here you are being a bit mean. I have always talked in my emails the way i talk here. So please do not tell me that i pretend to show people that my proficiency in english is poorer (than what is indeed) in emails for different reasons.
Being a bit MEAN!? Brother, if you can't handle me just speaking the truth, I don't even know what to say. You have been seemingly pleasant to deal with and very professional thus far regarding this thread and the testing. Sampei asked me what happened, I told him. There is no reason to turn this into something it's not.

It saddens me to believe you would leave this after such little adversity... You are familiar with boards that open communication is not allowed, and members who openly criticize sources (sponsors) are banned. Remember, you were so interested to provide your piece of the puzzle to assist us throughout the process. Now, you bail when I mention you didn't send me the right shit, and had a shitty response to the problem? Come on....

Lastly, I don't want anything free from you. I appreciate the offer, but that's not my style.
Getting a free kit or any type of gear for that matter shouldn't be looked down on if you made a transaction and were not satisfied or the wrong items were sent.

Who's jacked up MESO logic is that? Hell yeah if I order something and things get messed up I'm surely taking what's coming to me free or discounted.

No not junk at all. Just the blacks are a better buy. More iu's for less.


Especially now that there's been external testing performed on them (i.e. not from TP directly or from his main board). It's why I originally got TheGreytop over them - I've seen half a dozen bloods on the greys that have been stellar (GH and IGF-1) but didn't see anything on the Meditrope. Didn't want to take a gamble with saving ~$15 per kit on something with no bloods. Now I'm wishing I had BUT assuming my two vials of the grey test well (which I think they will), it's still not a bad deal for $115/kit. Esp considering Pharmacom sells for $200-250 and was like <4 IU per vial.
Food for thought:

Dr.Jim has been telling us (as far as i can remember ) to be objective and diligent with research on generic gh. Additionally, to hold off and be patient, save your $$ and buy pharma. Why is this? Simple, safety & assurance that you're getting what you pay for. When you pin 1 or 2 ius of pharm gh, you're getting exactly that! On the contrary, worrying about a 10iu vial which doesn't come close to its advertise dose. The stress alone will cause you to lose gains...lol. If you do the math, you'll actually save more $$ going pharma and sleep better at night (no pun intended) vs the inconsistencies in purity or false dosed generics.

I know they're guys here who believe in generics and that's cool. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, Just a realist.

It's funny how @Pharmacom Labs hasn't entered this thread yet. I was the 1st to question their gh and their false claims. Oh well...

Thanks for the testing guys.

I'll put my Pharmacom GH to the test. Ill guarantee it is close to label claims...within 25% i'd say. 5ius a day and im swelling like a puffer fish, every joint is aching and im waking up in the middle of the night with my hands and forearms numb to the elbow. I just Got the stuff from Frank. Its my first week but it feels well dosed to me. Dr Jim PM me and ill get you a bottle to test.
Ill be doing my pharmacom gh serum and IGF bloods 1st week december when i go back in for my quarterly bloods. Check my post out on my last bloods here Ipam + Mod GRF 1-29 boom dose = ~3iu GH dose?
That was just a mini boom dose of ipam + mod with serum GH levels close to 12.5 ng/dl
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@mands is there a way to make a spread sheet with the samples tested and the results, just to refer back to? Maybe make it a stickie for this thread? I would do it for you, so all you had to do is type in your data, but my laptop screen is cracked so bad I can't read the screen.
I'll put my Pharmacom GH to the test. Ill guarantee it is close to label claims...within 25% i'd say. 5ius a day and im swelling like a puffer fish, every joint is aching and im waking up in the middle of the night with my hands and forearms numb to the elbow. I just Got the stuff from Frank. Its my first week but it feels well dosed to me. Dr Jim PM me and ill get you a bottle to test.
Ill be doing my pharmacom gh serum and IGF bloods 1st week december when i go back in for my quarterly bloods. Check my post out on my last bloods here Ipam + Mod GRF 1-29 boom dose = ~3iu GH dose?
That was just a mini boom dose of ipam + mod with serum GH levels close to 12.5 ng/dl
You will guarantee what? I had my pharmacom tested and you see where it came out at. I have tagged @Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper three times about it and not one single reply.

Then you have TP who came over to try and help the situation and you jack asses run him off.

You will not be sending anything to @Dr JIM. If you would send anything it would go to me.

I just need to figure out how you will guarantee it will be close to 10 iu's?
