"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Lets not be over literal here bro lol Im no actually going to guarantee anything, i was speaking hyperbolically. Nonetheless I have 0 reason to believe that it is underdosed based on the sides ive been getting at even 4-5iu doses.
Mands - what did your Pcom test at? I must have missed something here.
The analysis is posted in this thread. Sides mean nothing to me really. IGF-1 scores and actual product testing satisfies me.

What were your IGF-1 scores on 4-5 ius a day of pharmatropin?

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Lets not be over literal here bro lol Im no actually going to guarantee anything, i was speaking hyperbolically. Nonetheless I have 0 reason to believe that it is underdosed based on the sides ive been getting at even 4-5iu doses.
Mands - what did your Pcom test at? I must have missed something here.

It's in the thread so are multiple bad gh serum tests around the board on pharmatropin.

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The analysis is posted in this thread. Sides mean nothing to me really. IGF-1 scores and actual product testing satisfies me.

What were your IGF-1 scores on 4-5 ius a day?

Im with you bro. I have not tested my IGF 1 yet on this as i just started the pharmatropin.
No offense, and appreciate the offer, but a junior member donating product for testing is a waste of everyone's time, money and efforts.
No offense, and appreciate the offer, but a junior member donating product for testing is a waste of everyone's time, money and efforts.
Sorry, that sounded a bit rude. I didn't mean it as rude.
How long have you been on?

9 days now at 4-5 "pcom ius" per day. My wedding ring wont fit over my knuckle anymore after the 5th day. Should i hit a full 10 iu 2.5 hours before bloods to serum test when I do? Want to get your recommendation here.
Yes we have Godtropin in the queue sir.

Sounds good ... for future reference ... my kits are from batch no. 260516 ... In case you gentlemen will do any follow up testing, I'll happily provide a vial .. I should be sitting on this batch/product for months to come.
9 days now at 4-5 "pcom ius" per day. My wedding ring wont fit over my knuckle anymore after the 5th day. Should i hit a full 10 iu 2.5 hours before bloods to serum test when I do? Want to get your recommendation here.
I would wait a couple more weeks and no need to spike your GH before testing. They do that before testing GH serum levels. And serum levels I don't really have faith in.

Just keep up with normal shooting schedule before testing.

PD greytops after 4 weeks. 2weeks at 2iu working up to 3iu for the last 2 weeks. All iu's taken before bed. No AAS except 120mg test cyp weekly for trt.
120mg/week? I think my body was producing that much when i was Low t LOL Get a new Dr bro. 150mg-200mg is where its at.
120mg/week? I think my body was producing that much when i was Low t LOL Get a new Dr bro. 150mg-200mg is where its at.

I feel great at 120 split 2x a week. I have taken more and I don't feel any benefit. I'm even considering going to 100 because I feel like my libido is better at a lower dose. I was on 250 at one point and had horrible acne and it killed my cardio, which sucks because I do a cardio intense sport.
I feel great at 120 split 2x a week. I have taken more and I don't feel any benefit. I'm even considering going to 100 because I feel like my libido is better at a lower dose. I was on 250 at one point and had horrible acne and it killed my cardio, which sucks because I do a cardio intense sport.

What's your blood level at 120/wk?
120mg/week? I think my body was producing that much when i was Low t LOL Get a new Dr bro. 150mg-200mg is where its at.
125 mg per week is the standard starting dose. Statements like yours should be forwarded to private msg, not here.

I would like to see your numbers on pharmacon gh. Although your score my be looked at with some skepticism, since mands has already tested that sources

Good luck
PD greytops after 4 weeks. 2weeks at 2iu working up to 3iu for the last 2 weeks. All iu's taken before bed. No AAS except 120mg test cyp weekly for trt.
This sort of makes me feel warm and fuzzy about the kits I may or may not have sitting in a fridge somewhere or not that came from PD. :)