"Generic" GH ASSAYS

completely agree and this fine with all products. If testosterone serum is tested and blood work provided even after 1 year after purchase, this is fine. But HGH is a specific product. You may find this hard to believe but there are customers who don`t know that it should be store refrigerated. And they don`t always read instructions. Moreover, HGH is a very specific drug in its action. It does not provide you any noticeable muscle gains, it is not an excellent fat burner, its action is seen in the best way in stack with other drugs and at long cycles, after at least 3 months. So, if some newbie tell us he does not feel HGH, even if he provides a blood work after say 6 month and it is shitty, because it was stored just on a shelf all the time, what shall we do? HGH is a very specific drug. Not many order it. 98% of those who order don`t complain. So, as i said, i think the situation being discussed now is not common.

98% don't complain because they don't perform any testing
You may find this hard to believe but there are customers who don`t know that it should be store refrigerated. And they don`t always read instructions. Moreover, HGH is a very specific drug in its action. It does not provide you any noticeable muscle gains, it is not an excellent fat burner, its action is seen in the best way in stack with other drugs and at long cycles, after at least 3 months. So, if some newbie tell us he does not feel HGH, even if he provides a blood work after say 6 month and it is shitty, because it was stored just on a shelf all the time, what shall we do? HGH is a very specific drug. Not many order it. 98% of those who order don`t complain. So, as i said, i think the situation being discussed now is not common.

I am sure most of the customers know how to store your low-dosed HGH. No one is arguing that HGH can be "felt" as if it is working. Testing must be conducted. Giving people a week to do so is ignorant.
Nice of Frank to show up and face the music, wish TP would come back

Don't get me wrong. I like that he is here but he's giving the same ol bullshit routine. Blame the customers, storage, and transport..blah blah blah
98% don't complain because they don't perform any testing

I've actually never seen positive feedback on pharmatropin on here... Maybe I missed it. The only reports I've seen from those that did do testing were not good. I think as soon as they introduced it there were low IGF numbers coming back that Frank admitted weren't good.
I've actually never seen positive feedback on pharmatropin on here... Maybe I missed it. The only reports I've seen from those that did do testing were not good. I think as soon as they introduced it there were low IGF numbers coming back that Frank admitted weren't good.

It's no where to be found online. I posted 2 serums showing bunk and one showing 19.7(I think), but I haven't seen any other positive tests from this year, igf or gh serum.
Darius posted multiple gh serum tests showing decent results, but they were all from 2014 and 2015. I know people don't like serum gh scores, but they at least show that some/no gh is in the vial.

They tout their 16iu results from Simec, but Simec doesn't know how to test hgh and all of their results were clearly wrong from our testing at PM.
Don't get me wrong. I like that he is here but he's giving the same ol bullshit routine. Blame the customers, storage, and transport..blah blah blah
actually i offered possible solutions and exact way of action. I provided chromo graphs showing results of our HGH. Also I said I am open to offers.
Or couch warriors can only criticize? If someone did at least something, if we had at least 10 hgh, igf, chromo results there would be much more reasons for discussions.
actually i offered possible solutions and exact way of action. I provided chromo graphs showing results of our HGH. Also I said I am open to offers.
Or couch warriors can only criticize? If someone did at least something, if we had at least 10 hgh, igf, chromo results there would be much more reasons for discussions.

That's right, couch warriors want to criticize... Imagine that, guys spend their money on your products that we're seeing may be underdosed and you expected everyone to pat you on the head and say, "hey, at least you tried."

actually i offered possible solutions and exact way of action. I provided chromo graphs showing results of our HGH. Also I said I am open to offers.
Or couch warriors can only criticize? If someone did at least something, if we had at least 10 hgh, igf, chromo results there would be much more reasons for discussions.

I'm not sure but I believe chromo can't show IU in a bottle but only if the hgh is present or not. This mean that a 3IU vial like the one tested by Jim
Would give a positive result even if it's underdosed.

Same as with AAS. Doesn't chromo show only if the active agent is present but not in what quantity?

I'm not so sure about this. Need to check it.
i have not read all the pages , just saw my nick was quoted here.
In response i would first of all ask what Pharmatropin was that, where it was ordered and when. I dare to assume it could be ruined due to bad transport or storage conditions, since i don`t know anything about it. You can say kinda of course, next stupid excuse. It`s your right to think so. We have our HGH reports, reports of fresh HGH, which we know for sure was stored as it should be. I could upload them and try to seem being smart enough to understand them, however the fact is i am pretty stupid to be able to read and understand them. And this is not my job, we have people for this. But ok, maybe someone is able reading it...Here we are:

and same for Ansomone to compare with

All these chemical researches and examinations are as for me damn complicated,this is one of the reasons why we would like them to be carried out by certified labs with verifiable reports.
Speaking about quality testing, I added a new section into our ordering terms. Here is how it currently sounds:


1. Basicstero.info is direct store of Pharmacom Labs, we are Pharmacom Labs. We produce all items available in stock in our store. Therefore, we control the manufacturing process and quality of all products in our range. You get real manufacturers guarantee. Thus, items of questionable quality are a subject for free replacement. Users have right to request replacement of questionable items. If this is the case, an independent qualitative/quantitative examination of an item in question by a third-side lab is required. This is our regular solution procedure for similar cases. As a rule, we use independent GMP-certified accredited Swiss lab Simec AG (www.simec.ch). However, to absolutely exclude any tiniest possibility of our influence on the testing results, a customer is authorized to choose any certified lab on his/her choice. There are 2 compulsory conditions to keep the testing results as trustworthy as possible for both sides:

I. Only untouched/unopened items (vials/ampoules/pills) should be sent for testing. Since after an item is open its contents, purity and composition are no longer under our control we can guarantee the quality of unopened items only.

II. The lab chosen should correspond to all respective testing standards. Each test report should have an individual verifiable number, so that any person could contact the lab, provide report number and make sure that the result was not forged.

If a customer decides to take advantage of this item of the terms, he/she shall inform us about this in advance, provide order Nr., which contained the product in question and photos of it. Basicstero.info is bound by these terms to replace to the customer the item sent for testing independent on whether the final result will be positive or negative. Furthermore, if the lab report shows negative and some considerable deviations are found, Basicstero.info will completely cover all testing expenses and provide to the customer a good bonus for all inconvenience caused. However, if the report shows positive and no significant deviations are found, the customer should cover all testing expenses, but he/she still gets items sent for testing replaced.

Important: Deviations of the dosage within +/- 10% from the value manifested on the label are permissible.

Questions regarding the entire testing procedure, testing expenses, payment details and all other aspects are to be discussed and agreed individually per e-mail.

2. All claims/complains/blood works regarding Pharmatropin (Human Growth Hormone) are considered only within 1 week (7 days) upon order receipt (as per tracking number). Since Pharmatropin requires special storage conditions and should be kept refrigerated to keep its potency for a long time and we cannot check whether these conditions are observed by a customer, we may not and should not be reliable for any inefficiency or bad blood work results caused by improper storage conditions.

For the current case the second point is important. I would ask to repeat the tests and take samples from fresh HGH immediately after delivery directly from us. If required, you can do 2,3,5-10 tests. We are glad to cover any expenses in advance or later de-facto (so that purchaser stays anonymous for us). This would provide a much wider picture.
In any case, now we are backed up, we are bound by terms and conditions to for free replace bad items. But don`t think it will be easy to get a replacement of something, which is allegedly bunk only because you don`t feel it. I receive similar e-mails pretty often, here is the recent example for you:

In reply to our ask to provide a photo of the blood work we received this:

I checked order nr., we shipped 2 HGH kits in May to the USA. And what we see here? Where is date, name of the patient, signature of the doctor, finally why is this report in Italian language and from Italian lab, if all orders you placed were to the USA?
I don`t even say that 2 kits would not be enough for 2 months if taken 10 IU per day. Even with 5 IU not enough.

To sum up the whole story, we are doing our best to meet the wishes of customers. We outlined the best terms ever a real customer could only wish. The overwhelming majority of them is happy with the quality. If not, we are ready to consider each case individually. If customer comes to us with bad HGH result, it does not mean we will ignore him/her. I understand, HGH is very sensitive product. Many things can happen, it can be adversely influenced during delivery, especially on summer. We are always open to any blood work results or tests, we provide store credits to customers if they perform blood works, we are ready to cover chromotography test expenses upon individual agreement even if the test result shows everything is ok with the product. You can choose any lab, we absolutely don`t insist exclusively on Simec. But 2 main and absolutely reasonable compulsory conditions should be still always met. Once it is meet by the customer, we from our side will do everything to keep a customer as happy as possible. With most of our customers these games are not needed, but if some product is in question, we stand behind it.
Thank you for responding but I will have to respectfully disagree with you on pretty much all levels.

It's not the responsibility for the customer to take time out of his day to run tests to prove you have a legit product. This is your responsibility.

I purchased on your website www.pharm...mstore.org

I can give you my email that I ordered from over PM if you would like that to confirm I indeed ordered your GH.

Thank you for responding but I will have to respectfully disagree with you on pretty much all levels.

It's not the responsibility for the customer to take time out of his day to run tests to prove you have a legit product. This is your responsibility.

I purchased on your website www.pharm...mstore.org

I can give you my email that I ordered from over PM if you would like that to confirm I indeed ordered your GH.


Sounds like you may be eligible for a refund or product substitution @mands. :)
Thank you for responding but I will have to respectfully disagree with you on pretty much all levels.

It's not the responsibility for the customer to take time out of his day to run tests to prove you have a legit product. This is your responsibility.

I purchased on your website www.pharm...mstore.org

I can give you my email that I ordered from over PM if you would like that to confirm I indeed ordered your GH.


So you do know HGH is to be stored at a certain temperature though, right Mands? Lol
With results like these, I'd rather roll my dice on the cheaper options. I have had great results with Pharmacom oils but the gremlin in the vial (which I don't think we have any resolution on) and the lack of any consistent serums or IGF scores, plus the assay from this thread, results in a 0% chance I buy a $2/iu product.
So you do know HGH is to be stored at a certain temperature though, right Mands? Lol
Hahaha Yes I saw that. I guess that manila envelope was a temperature controlled envelope they shipped my gh and dbol. ;)

Hahaha Yes I saw that. I guess that manila envelope was a temperature controlled envelope they shipped my gh and dbol. ;)


I guess they didn't read their own instructions on handling GH. You may find that hard to believe. :D
Thank you for responding but I will have to respectfully disagree with you on pretty much all levels.

It's not the responsibility for the customer to take time out of his day to run tests to prove you have a legit product. This is your responsibility.

I purchased on your website www.pharm...mstore.org

I can give you my email that I ordered from over PM if you would like that to confirm I indeed ordered your GH.

and we do. I don`t hide and never did that HGH we use now is not ours, it is produced by another lab and we order it and prepack. This implies some risk for sure. That is one of the reasons why we are investing huge amount of cash into own producing facility with out specialists under completely our control. But this is not what we discuss now.
The main issue with HGH is its specific and sensitivity to storage conditions. This is a fact! I am not trying to push responsibility to someone or something.I am not telling you, @mands, you gonna get nothing, get rid of me. You are a well known member here, you are on board for a crazy long time, since 2004, which does really impress. If you are not satisfied with the quality of HGH you`ve got, we replace it absolutely independent on where you ordered it, when, etc.You actually needed only to contact me.
I have mentioned it a lot of times, we have an individual approach to customers and decision about each claim/complain is taken individually. Of course known members, repeat customers in our store as well have much higher chances to get everything resolves fast and without any headache. One of the advantages to be a constant customer, kinda credit of trust.
Mands, i would gladly send you our HGH so that you could test it again, or you could order it anonymously and test it, i would still ask to test it as soon as possible upon receipt. Independent on the result i promise to compensate you your expenses already after the purchase, so that you could stay anonymous.
One report does not mean much, but if people would be more active we could have more. And as for me, it is pretty obvious that my intentions are well-wishing if i can say so. We strive to provide as good quality as possible considering all the "underground difficulties". We do what we can for this, we are ready to compensate test costs, blood works, we appeal to customers to perform more blood works to have a wide field for statistically valuable estimation, we replace bad items and really work on an individual basis with customers.
What else we can do? i don`t know.
HGH could have issues for sure. But from each new batch first orders always get athletes from our team, which is 40 persons now. HGH is sold to many people, hundreds of customers, incl. IFBB pros and very known names which I am even not allowed to mention. From all this amount let it be 5,10 or 15 complains or even bad blood work results? Is it a statistically significant amount? Considering the total turnover i would say not so much. Because we had bad batches and we had experience with bunk HGH and some other products.If this is the case, not one, not 5, not 15, much more complains come up and people start attacking and emailing us from in fact all over the world.
So, I don`t really get what exactly we are discussing right now. If a customer has a complain, he only needs to address us. @mands, I heard you, no problem at all, we replace this HGH for you.
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Frank. I think the bigger issue is that you should be testing the product before selling it. You charge 2x as much as most generics so you should be able to test it.
You're better off testing up front than replacing after the fact.
That said, I can donate pharmatropin vials to test if needed.

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